Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 32 Three Choices

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Uncle Matt, you must have worked too much lately and you have been under too much pressure." Thassarian teased as he chopped the wood, "Master Visley is obviously normal."

Matt, who was sitting on the stake next to him, had a bitter face. It would be fine if that were the case. However, apart from seeing a doctor who said he was dizzy recently, he hasn't had any heavy work at all, and he sleeps very much every day. adequate.

As a doctor, he knew very well that there was absolutely no problem with his body, and coupled with the mysterious plague that appeared in Lordaeron in recent days, Matt still couldn't let go of this heart.

If he was alone in the camp, it would be fine if something went wrong, but his daughter Sally was also with him, she was so young, if something happened to him, he could not forgive himself, and he would have no face to see his wife.

So Matt had no choice but to find this recruit who had only come to the station for a short time and had no headache or trance symptoms.

Matt has a pious belief and can be sheltered by the Holy Light, but his spell-casting skills are really superficial, but he can't compare to ordinary priests. It's enough for auxiliary treatment, but when it comes to fighting, he knows how many pounds he has. , If even the other members of the First Legion were to fall, he would have no effect at all.

"I may be a little nervous, but... please believe me, this camp is really wrong compared to before." Matt didn't know how to convince Sassarian.

Sassarian saw Matt’s expression, stopped the work of chopping wood, chopped the axe on the stake, clapped his hands, walked to Matt and sat down, took out two cigars from his pocket, and handed them to Matt one. root.

"Come on? This is my instructor sent me before I leave the training camp, there are only two left."

"Thank you..." Matt took the cigar and held it in his mouth, and Sassarian took out a match to light it for the two.

"Your daughter, is that little girl who runs around the camp every day?" Sassarian spit out a smoke ring.

"Yes, her name is Sally. After her mother passed away, she was my only love." Matt's hand holding the cigar trembled.

The recruit patted Matt on the back and comforted, "Uncle Matt, I still think you are too nervous. The people here are all experienced veterans. Even if we encounter orcs, we can deal with them well. ."

Matt shook his head, the ashes of the cigar fell on his robe, "I am not worried about the orcs...Do you know the recent plague in Lordaeron?"

"I've heard of it, but didn't it mean that the heroic prince has taken someone to deal with it? There have been many paladins in Andorhal recently. They are there, don't be afraid."

Matt didn't speak any more this time, he just stared at the ground blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Thassarian was not very comfortable either. He sighed and stood up, "Uncle Matt, I am a soldier, and obeying orders is my number one priority."

After speaking, Sassarian walked toward the camp, but he stopped a few steps before he stopped again, tilting his head slightly.

"But protecting the people of Lordaeron is also our mission."


In the evening, the privy knights set up a temporary camp. They are now on the border between Tirisfal and Severde. In order to get to Andorhal as soon as possible, Alsace chose to take a small road, so he could only go in the forest. Camp.

Arthas was sitting by the campfire, holding a branch and stirring the wood.Jaina was sitting beside him, holding a book on how to deal with necromantic magic.

"The original necromantic spell was discovered during a confrontation with the devil. The discoverer was...Merry Winterwind, a legendary wizard from the time of Thoradin?"

"Alsace, look here. The description in the book is similar to the plague we have encountered this time-demons contaminate food and water by spreading magical diseases, and even spread directly through human contact.

And if the infected humans cannot be treated in time, their bodies will stand up again after death and have a strong desire to attack the living...

Those demons who use this shameful evil magic are called Nathrezim, or Dreadlord, and they are terrifying existences from the twisting void.In addition to their evil magic, they seem to have a peculiar racial talent

It can hypnotize and confuse weak or weak opponents, or directly destroy other people's souls and encroach on their bodies."

Jaina read the text carefully, she felt that it was coincidentally similar to what happened in Lordaeron, "Is the black hand behind the plague a demon? And because he invaded other people's bodies and hid between us , So we can't find him?"

"Great guess, maybe this is the fact." Arthas didn't expect Jaina to infer Mal'Ganis' identity based on some information.

Jaina, who was praised, was not at all happy. "If this is the case, our investigation will be greatly hindered... It is okay for him to choose an ordinary resident, but what if he is a nobleman or an officer?" www.51wenm.com

Judging by Nathrezim's cunning, his choice will definitely make it difficult for Arthas and Jaina to catch him.

Regarding the specific whereabouts of Mal'Ganis, Alsace is also not clear. Under his arrangement and control, this undead plague has been very different from the original history. He has long lost the advantage of the unknown prophet.

But fortunately, the big net opened by the Privy Council in Lordaeron is shrinking a little bit. The cursed sects and followers and spies have been quickly cleared. As long as Stratholme and Andorhal are not infiltrated by the plague, the entire Wilder There will be no big danger in the region.

As for the royal capital of Lordaeron, the devil must not dare to hide there. There are not only the royal archmage but also their mage tower in the royal city.

The "true horizon" that an archmage unfolded in advance in his mage tower is very likely to expose the dreadlord's disguise, and a cautious dreadlord will never take this risk.

Not to mention that the church pastor sent by Alsace was looking for any suspicious signs in the city. Mal'Ganis stayed in any major city under Lordaeron to find his own way.

When a kingdom starts to guard in advance, even Nathrezim, who is good at hiding and disguising, can't be uncovered. Once he reveals his position, he will be caught by the guards and wizards in the city. Dunks.

Therefore, Arthas was very sure that the dreadlord must be hiding in which town or military camp now, and according to the intelligence of the privy organ, he had narrowed the scope to the southern part of Andorhal.

"Farek, what strongholds does the garrison of the First Army have in the south of Andorhal?"

Arthas felt that the dreadlord would certainly not run too far, because his goal was himself.

"Your Majesty, there are many small outposts, but there are only three large strongholds. They are the southwest camp under the charge of Lieutenant Colonel Josta, the southeast camp under the charge of Colonel Brando, and the southernmost Colonel Wesley. Camp."

Ignoring the two strange surnames, Alsace then asked, "Has anything happened there recently?"

Farreck shook his head, "No, your highness, at least in the last cycle of feedback, everything is normal in these three places."

"Everything is normal?" Alsaceton felt a little difficult. These are the camps closest to Andorhal. Will Mal'Ganis really go to other places by seeking distance?

At this moment, a privy knight who was resting on the side suddenly spoke, "His Royal Highness, I really want to say something weird. During my shift last week, I heard a friend from the church talk about it."

"You said."

"It is said that the Holy Light Church in Andorhal received feedback about some strange disease. It seems that the doctors at Colonel Wesley's camp first discovered it. Their chaplain checked the food and water sources and found no problems. The final characterization was unknown. Report the illness to the church for record."

Alsace thought a little, and continued to ask, "Do you know the specific symptoms of this disease?"

The Privy Knight tried to remember what his friend said, "If I remember correctly, it should have been a headache and a trance."

"Headache, trance? It's too common... but from a magical point of view, it sounds like it was affected by some kind of psychic spell." Jaina analyzed.

Alsace frowned. "It's true that even a common cold has such a manifestation. This alone can't explain anything."

"But this is the only clue we have. Are you going to check it out, Arthas?"

Jaina looked at the prince, waiting for him to make a decision.Arthas pressed his right hand against his chin, weighing the possible gains and losses with a solemn expression.

"Is Wesley's southern camp very close to Steinblad?" Arthas pondered for a moment and asked Farek.

"Yes, Your Highness, if you ride a horse, you can get there in just over two hours. The Griffin is faster and only takes about thirty minutes."

The town that his teacher Uther led the troops to support was Steinbrad, a town on the road between West Weld and Alterac Mountains.

"Jaina, help me send a magic letter to my teacher telling him that we may need support. Tomorrow we will set off to explore the southern camp. If there is no problem, we will gather troops there and wait for reinforcements."

Mal'Ganis already knew that Kel'Thuzad had been killed by Arthas, and knew that the prince would soon come to track his whereabouts.

No matter where he is now, he must be fully prepared. The worst possibility is that he has taken a large number of civilians or confuses a group of troops. That is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket by relying on more than a dozen people here in Alsace.

Compared to Kel'Thuzad, Mal'Ganis would have more means, and Arthas would not confront him unpreparedly, as that would only make more people sacrifice.

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