Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 332 Really Threat

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The hustle blue wolf is swinging around, and Avil is not particularly unexpected. "You seem to know what people, the prince of humanity, I have never seen you so strange ..."

When I said half, Avil stopped his mouth, re-placed the eyes on Larac, "Sorry, I still talk about Lelar - he has already committed the wrong mistake, but these things I It is also responsible. "

After sacrifice in the Satri War, Avil was successfully returned to the wilderness because of his devout belief and kind heart, and he traveled in the dreamy of the emerald dream.

Have a few more time, his consciousness is very vague, not everyone can adapt to the state of death, but Avil is a more fortunate class. His soul can still return to the jade dream, but also stay in Ai Zeloth.

Despite this, under the shelter of the jade dream, Aville also spent a long time, only waking up from the blurred state, but in the blurred dream, he seems to feel that he went to another country, where it seems It is the home of all natural sons, but finally because of his obsesse, he seems to return to Azeroth.

Aville again has a self-conscious Avier with some reason, with the current body, a blue pure giant wolf, although he is still in the state of spirit, but Azeroth special makes him affected reality.

Later, he learned that after he was dead, his friend Larah and his lover Besha have created a handleman with powerful power. Unfortunately, Larah was also fallen because of the power of strength. It has become unscrupulous.

After the wolf was sealed in the San Du Rio and Seinelus, Aville had been guarding next to the holy tree. He was originally thinking that he would guard his friend until forever, but I didn't expect it. The moon gods have once again connected dreams and reality, let the wherewolves escape from their sleep.

Only with Avil's own strength, you want to stop the entire wolves, some idiots have a dream, but he has tried to re-let the wherewolf return to peace in peace.

The villain caused by the moon gods made him temporarily left the dream, just saw Laracard defeated the Hand of Alsace.

He is only sighing in the power of Alsace, and it is worried that this powerful mortal will abuse the power of the sickle and become the second Lelar, but now, Avil feels that he seems to have worked more.

However, the necessary vigilance can not be put down, Avil is ready to follow the side of Alsace this time, see what he wants to use the wilderness of Godlin.

Alsacera stayed from the Shenggui chain of Larah, got him from the ground, "What else, I will say it again, there is no suppression of Larah, these arewolves are right away from control. "

The prince has been noticed that Vilind's face color of the handheld sickle is a bit hard. At this time, the weird month has disappeared, the moon returns to the normal state, but the asthorn around those who are more heavy.

Lost the leadership of the head, these wolf not only did not shrink, but instead made the wild souls in their body.

With the number of wolf people, Vilindr is not compressed, otherwise the face of the female priest will not be so ugly, and Alsace takes this after this, immediately communicates with Milhaus.

"Take us away here, hurry."

After saying, Alsace said in Avil, "You should find us, there is a sickle, the distance between the space is basically not existed for the soul of the natural."

"Yes, then let us talk again, these arers are indeed a harm that can't be ignored." Avil nodded, and the body was placed as a stream of light in the breeze and disappeared in the night sky.

The positioning rune in the waist of the Alsace is also lit at this time. He quickly went to Wilinde's side, asked, "Still sticking?"

"Maybe it's okay." The female priest has a little hard, "but it is best to hurry, these arers ... are more violent than those calls."

The difficult tone explains the serious situation. After all, these arers are picking out, those who are as dumbficking like a small dairy, can't be seen by the head.

"Oh, my prince is in the temple, what happened, the space there suddenly was broken, thank you, thank you, I can finalize you!"

Just one-on-law communication, Milhaus said a lot of bunch, Alsace also didn't listen to all, directly, "transfer magic, try as fast as possible!"

"Good Hall, obey the His Royal Highness, swear to the surname of the mana storm, transfer magic -"

Milhaus's voice has long been a big, and Alsace immediately asked, "How long will it take? What happened ?!"

"It's now!"

The pygmy Master listened to some "mad" voice just left, Alsace only felt that the space in front of him was drawn into a noodles, all everything was quickly retreat, the surrounding things were instantly extended, and immediately recovered .

When the field of view recovered again, he has returned to the camp of the pine forest in the forest.

Throwing half-dead Larah on the ground, Alsace turned his head and looked at the other people. "Fortunately, there is no short-arms legs, it seems that Milhaus's magic is still a reliable."

"Hey, hey, Wang Ziqiao, you can't make it white, my magic is not a spectacle!" Milhaus was not happy, in the original place.

Alsace put a hand, "I got it, you didn't always pass it to the dark voids last time? If you don't have other magers on duty, you don't know which corner of the universe now. Float! "

"Hey." Milhaus is a sprint.

"When you are idle, let's talk about your magic, now we have to support Gilnis." Alsace threw Larah to the ground, said to Milhaus, "Let this guy Take away, take a high risk level prisoner. "

"High dangerous ?!" Milhaus's eyes were riding, wrapped around Larac several laps, and did not find where Larah has a high hazardous level, but since Alsace said high The dangerous level is detained, that is high-risk, anyway, the supervision of the pivotal organ is still very empty.

After Milhaus leaving the probes of Larac and several pivotal organs, Wilin depends can't hold the moon gods, this handlers fall down.

The female priest is a soft, and the Turan Ni eye is hard to help her, and Wilinde slowly said, "said the spirit link ... disconnected, those snorkers, to start riding."

Liam and Rona's god suddenly tense, if all the wolf is poured toward Gilnis, the city wall can't stop these in the eaves and mountains like a flat field!

This is just like the Alsace, Larac is just the prelude to the disaster of the waswolf, in fact, the wild creatures that sleep in the dream, countless wild creatures, and the terrible curse they carry.

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