Day entertainment musician

Chapter 314: Full of Potential

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Japanese Entertainment Musicians Search Novels (" in Baidu!"Go forward with your head up, don't let the tears fall. I think of spring days, a lonely night..."

If you are immersive and hear this gentle and deep singing, it is difficult to associate it with the popular, fierce and violent stage style, even if they sing lyric songs, they are explosive and full of power. Amazing. .

But it is a pity that the owner of this song is the Eagle Mountain and the sea, who seemed crazy and extreme in the performances in the past.

A lead singer accustomed to heavy music suddenly transforms into light music, the contrast and impact brought by it is definitely not low.

For Eagle Mountain and Hai, this is also very strange.

If it weren't for this earthquake, I might have to wait until the age when the child was born after marriage, but because of this earthquake, the time to create this style of music was greatly advanced.

This is a coincidence and an opportunity.

An opportunity to expand the popularity and popular opinion of the people: It may be unpopular to say it, but no one can deny this rational to extremely objective fact.

Due to the impact of the earthquake and the fact that the band's affairs have not been too much since the resurrection, Lin Jiashu still has ample time to supervise and record.

At this time, Lin Jiashu was standing in front of the mixing console and patiently listening to the lyrics and melody sung by Yingshan and Hai in the room.

Before the actual recording starts, a rough model must be recorded. Before that, the template of the instrument and vocals is recorded. Now it is in the process of sub-track recording.

The vocals are separated from the musical instruments, and after they are recorded separately, they are combined by post-processing noise to form the finished product. This is the whole process of recording "Go Forward with Head Up".

This disaster relief song can be said to be the simplest of the songs created by the band.

In terms of lyrics and music, the melody fluctuates little, most of them are stable in one area, and the lyrics are simple and catchy. In terms of arrangement, the piano is arranged by Lin Jiashu, as for the other drums and string instruments, they are too simple. Everything is developing around the three elements of "simplification", "purity" and "emotion-based".

The earphones heard the singing of Eagle Mountain and the sea, as well as the regular beat of the metronome. Lin Jiashu was checking the notes in the playlist while playing the beat in his hand, and was supervising the recording at this time.

In the field of music, Lin Jiashu is not only a drummer and pianist, but also an excellent producer.

Therefore, in the process of supervising the production of this piece, Lin Jiashu's strictness of the check and sensitivity to the melody are very in place.


Lin Jiashu's stopping sound came from the earphones, even if he sang the chorus, Yingshan and Hai who were on his head, he had to stop the cappella forcibly, and raised his head to look at the boss outside.

Singing was stopped midway through, this kind of experience is very much for myself today, and it can even be said that I am used to it.

Facing strict Lin Jiashu, he was quite impatient, and he had no choice but to accept it humbly.

"The part of the chorus has not been precisely controlled for the rhythm." With a cigarette between his fingers, Lin Jiashu didn't care about the cigarette that had burned half and the ashes had not been shaken for a long time, putting more thoughts on the present Among the music: “Sometimes, it’s okay to slow down the rhythm appropriately.”

Compared with when he was young, Lin Jiashu had a better temper when he was producing the recording.You know, Toshi, who was born with a good voice, was under the strict requirements of perfectionist Lin Jiashu. He recorded a song for a whole year, and finally his self-confidence was hit.Love to read

"Yes, I got it."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I took a sip of drinking water. After replenishing the water, Yingshan and Hai quickly began to work on recording.

Recording can't be completed in one or two hours. Everyone knows that, so even if it takes a whole day of work, no one is the first to suggest a break. They are recording without exception.

Such work is very boring,

The current routine of life has returned to a few months ago, recording until wee in the morning and eating overnight, after the summary meeting, sleeping until noon, and then devoting to the recording...

This is repeated until the recording is complete.

For the recording, Lin Jiashu, the producer, does not have time every day.Therefore, in addition to his work as the main producer, Yingshan and Hai also naturally took over part of the task of supervising, recording and managing the overall situation.

Compared with the album recording that took several months, the time required for this outrageously simple single is naturally greatly reduced.

After seven days of recording, all processes have been completed.

The work of mixing and mastering was produced by Takayama and Umi with the assistance of Koji Kanno. These are also part of the work that the producer needs to do.

Mixing various audio tracks together and fine-tuning them, and then editing them on the tape, this series of work is extremely complicated, and it takes a lot of energy to complete it, and it is these tasks that are enough It took me three days to take up half of the entire recording.

After finishing these necessary tasks,

"Very good. Did you do it yourself?"

After listening to the audio played on the tape, Lin Jiashu's first reaction was to ask.

"Yes, besides me, there is also Kanno who helped a lot."

While acknowledging, Eagle Mountain and Hai also pushed out the lead guitar of the team, which is considered to have lived up to his hard work behind him.

Nodding, Lin Jiashu said with a very obvious appreciation tone: "Good job, kazu. It seems that you have the potential to be a producer."

With appreciation in his eyes, Lin Jiashu really regarded Yingshan and Hai as juniors who could be entrusted to him this time.

The three skills of songwriting, singing, and production are all proficient. With such a comprehensive ability, I have to look forward to his future.

"Not at all, I just did a little bit of effort."

Facing the compliments of the predecessors, I was proud of myself, but Eagle Mountain and Hai showed humility: "Without everyone's participation, I would not be able to do so many things by myself."

Without commenting on Yingshan and Hai’s humility, Lin Jiashu immediately thought of something, and quickly said: “Yes. The PV from now on, let’s record it and post it on the YouTube website. Nowadays streaming media is also a can’t be ignored... I’ll be on the camera at some time to help you promote it."

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