"Quickly contact the artillerymen guarding the passage and ask them if the ship of the Straw Hats has passed!"

"Yes! Pick up the artillery, here is the Drake flagship, did the ship of the Straw Hats pass? What the! The

signal soldier turned his head and said, "Major Drake, the artillery said that no ship passed through the sea gate!"

"How is it possible! Where the hell did the pirates run!

Major Drake looked at the sky and said, "Can they really not fly!" "

Inside the commander's office, Jonathan received a call from Major Drake!

"It's okay, hard work, you guys come back first! Let's talk about the follow-up battle plan!

Jonathan put down the phone worm and smiled confidently!

"They will definitely not run out, as long as those things are still in this fortress!"

Jonathan nodded the map in front of him and said, "The Straw Hats should be in this area now, but it's better to wait for you to come out by yourself!" "

And at this moment, the identity of the locked up Contriano has been determined, and he is the real special prosecutor of the Ministry, Shapat!

This buddy arrived in the morning and stayed in prison until the evening before being released!

As soon as he came out, this guy was ready to give Jonathan a hand, find the captain of the Stambare, and let him take the remaining soldiers who can still fight, and go together to capture Luffy and them!

G8 branch abandoned dock!

Everyone gathered in the Merry for a meeting!

Usopp looked at Nami and said, "What's next?" Nami!

Solon yawned and said, "It's not too late to change your mind, you can still escape through the sea gate!"

Usopp nodded and said, "Yes, the navy here is really difficult to deal with!"

Qioba also nodded and said, "That's right, they are really scary!"

Bai Yu hugged his arm and said, "Compared to the navy, I think Nami who lost gold is more terrible!"

Usopp spread out his hands and said, "Gold is very important, but life is more important!"

"Luffy, what do you think!"

Choiba turned to look at Luffy!

Luffy lay on the table and said weakly, "I want gold!" But I'm hungry! Yamaji I want to eat!

Sanji stood up with a cigarette in his mouth and said, "Then I'll make a meal!"

Nami, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Do you really want to give up the gold and run away?"

Everyone nodded in unison!

The Nine Lamas took down the sealing scroll that Bai Yu was carrying and took out two golden tridents from it!

"Speaking of which, this is what that guy from Anilu used to poke Bai Yu and Luffy, and it was picked up by me and Shouhe, it should be worth a lot of money!"


Bai Yu turned his head and said, "When did you stuff it in?"

Usopp pointed to the golden trident on the table and said, "Hey, Nami, you see we have gold, you can leave!" "


Nami shook her head and said, "Although these two tridents are golden, are they not much better than those?" But I plan to divide this gold, so much gold everyone has a lot of money! As

soon as Nami's words fell, everyone became excited!

Only Bai Yu looked at Nami and shook her head in shock!

"For the sake of that gold, Nami, you can actually do this!"

In order to fool everyone, Nami can be said to have laid down her blood!

Usopp exclaimed in surprise, "Do you mean tie!"

"Of course!"

"I've waited a long time to finally buy a bronze statue!"

"Can I buy books too! A book that records cutting-edge medical techniques! I want to learn medical skills that I don't know!

"New saucepans and frying pans, cutlery and large rat traps..."

This time everyone agreed!

"First of all, I want to divide eighty percent into private money!"

"Hey, wait a minute!"

"Just kidding!"

"Of course! How could we let you blatantly swallow so much money for private housing!

Nami looked at everyone and said, "Although it is my private money, it is actually saved to repair the ship!" It's time for a major overhaul of the Melly! After

listening to Nami's words, everyone nodded!


Along the way, the Meili is full of memories and accompanies everyone through many storms!

Sirobu Village, Sea Restaurant, Coco Yasi Village, Rogue Town, Upside Down Hill....

Bai Yu touched the hull of the Meili, he knew that Meili's ship spirit had always accompanied everyone, but now it was very weak and could not appear!

On the empty island, it was it it who tried its best to repair its own hull!

Its keel, the cracks are getting bigger and bigger!

However, there is still a glimmer of hope in Bai Yu's heart, that is, the Meili is still saved!

"Although it has been working hard, it is now dilapidated and it is time for a major overhaul!"

"That's right!"

Usopp nodded and said expectantly: "Bai Yu said, the ship spirit of the Meili did not appear because the injury was too serious, and this time it should be possible to appear again after a good repair!"

Luffy raised his hands and said, "I agree!"

Nami nodded and said, "Because I don't know how much it will cost, I won't divide it evenly for the time being after the treasure is returned!"

"The meal is ready, let's eat!"

Yamaji brought the food to the table and said, "It's best to give it to a regular ship repair yard and repair it for a professional maintenance worker!"


Solon nodded and said, "The repair of Usopp's seams should also come to an end!"

Usopp ate his food and said, "I'm a sniper!" It would be nice to be able to repair it, which of you looks like you can fix it!

"Well, is there anyone who can repair ships better than Usopp?"

In Joba's eyes, Usopp is super powerful!

"Well, his words are okay!"

Bai Yu shrugged and said, "Although he is not a serious ship repairer, the Meili has survived until now thanks to Usopp!"

"Okay, I decided! Find a ship mechanic to be our partner!

Luffy stood up and said, "We're still a long way off!" This is indispensable, Meili is our home, our partner, and our lifeblood! Let's go find a ship repairer who can protect the ship!

Luffy said and sat down again to take a sip of coffee!

"Luffy is rarely so serious!"

"Of course, after all, I'm the captain! Hahaha, by the way, we also have a musician!

Bai Yu looked at Luffy and smiled, this guy has slowly grown up!

Nami patted the table and said, "The atmosphere is very good, but don't forget, you have to get the gold back first!"

"That's what I said!"

"It must be in the vault!"

"But where is the vault!"

"It should be here!"

Robin pointed to the map of the fortress and said, "If you want to hide treasures in this fortress, you can only use this extremely difficult vault to enter!"

"Miss Robin!"

Sanji raised his hand to agree with Robin!

Nami also nodded and said, "That's right! That place is indeed most likely!

"I don't know if the gold is there!"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "But there should be a group of navies waiting for us there!"

"Anyway, let's go check it out first! After all, it is most likely there!

"But shall we just go like this?" The Merry will be discovered!

At this time, Luffy put down the coffee cup and filled it again and said deeply: "There is a way to hide wood in the forest, and the hidden ship is hidden in the pile of ships!" "

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