"What I'm trying to say is, Uta She, probably wants to change the world!"

Gordon sighed and said: "As the understanding of the real world deepens, Uta, who originally just wanted to pass on the singing, was unknowingly regarded as a savior by more and more fans!"

"She told me before that the era of sea pirates is an endless war and bloodshed, and she wants to change all this as everyone's hope!" She has the ability to create a new era! Although I had discouraged her, I knew she still didn't give up! She has been exercising her ability to sing fruits!

"Does she want to!"

"That's right!"

Gordon nodded and said, "Since you are her friend and know Shanks very well, you should know Uta's abilities!"

"Of course I know!"

Bai Yu sighed!

Those who will hear Uta's singing, pull into Uta's virtual world, just like Infinite Moon Reading!

Uta wants to create a happy world where everyone can live happily together!

And this is the new era plan of Uta !

Gordon looked at Bai Yu and said, "Can you stop Uta, if she doesn't change her mind, one day, she will break into trouble!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Bai Yu turned to look at Gordon and said, "Uta will handle it, you just need to prepare to go to the world with Uta to give concerts in the future and witness her becoming the world's number one singer!"

"Can it really be done?"

Gordon excitedly grabbed Bai Yu's hand!

"Leave it to me!"

Bai Yu patted Gordon's hand and said, "It's really hard for you to take care of Uta all these years!"

"It's not hard, it's great, it's great!"

Gordon wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes!

After so many years, Uta is not only his own student in Gordon's eyes, but more like his own daughter!

The morning sun shone through the window on Uta's bed, and Uta opened his eyes to see a white feather sitting at the table, writing something!

In the corner of the bed, the nine lamas huddled together and slept!

"Early, White Feather!"

Uta jumped out of bed and stretched out to say hello to Bai Yu!

"Early, Uta!"

Bai Yu raised his head and said, "The water for washing has been prepared for you, and the breakfast is bread and milk, Mr. Gordon has brought it!" "


Uta rubbed his face and turned to wash!

"Naw, Bai Yu, what are you writing about?"

Uta brushed his teeth and leaned over to see what Bai Yu was writing!

Bai Yu stretched out his finger and poked Uta's forehead and smiled: "First go to wash and eat, and then I will show you, this is for you!"

"God is mysterious! When I'm done eating, be sure to see what you wrote!

Uta pouted and turned to continue washing!

After a while, Uta finished washing, took bread and milk to Bai Yu, and then stuffed the bread into his mouth in one bite, picked up the milk tons and drank it, and then stretched out his hand to Bai Yu!

"I really can't help you!"

Bai Yu covered his forehead and smiled helplessly, and handed over the book he wrote!

"What is it? Red manifesto?

Uta raised his head to look at Bai Yu and asked puzzled, "What is this?"

"This is the key to changing the world!"

Bai Yu looked at Uta and said, "It is the most powerful weapon to end the era of sea thieves!" With it, the world will be a better place!


Uta opened it in surprise and prepared to look, but the next moment, he stopped, and after a moment of silence, he raised his head and looked at Bai Yu and said, "Bai Yu, you, you all know?" "


Bai Yu looked at Uta and nodded, "I know it all!" Last night, the video phone worm in your pocket fell to the ground and I accidentally touched the switch!

Bai Yu hugged Uta and said, "After so many years, you must be very lonely and lonely!" Still resenting that Shanks guy, indeed the truth is too heavy for you, but it's not your fault!

"How, how is it not my fault! Blame me for becoming like that! Uta

hugged the white feather tightly, tears welling up in her eyes!

"You were still young, you were controlled by that guy, it would be like that, it's not you who is wrong!"

Uta was held by Bai Yu in his arms and cried bitterly, venting his pain!

Listening to Uta's cry, Bai Yu gently patted Uta's back and said, "Okay, it's all over!" I heard Gordon say that you want to use the ability of the Song Fruit to change the world! It's a solution, but it's a bit self-deceiving!

"How can you fool yourself?"

Uta raised his head and looked at Bai Yu with blurry eyes: "There, I will let everyone not have any more troubles and continue to be happy and happy!"

"The world does need to change, the era of sea pirates needs to end, but you don't need to do that, I know you want to change all this with the fruits of song and life!" But there is a better way to achieve all this without you having to pay with your life! "

When the red flag is planted all over the world, then your fans will be absolutely happy!" Everyone will be free, that would be a world without pirates, without slaves!

Uta wiped his tears and looked at Bai Yu and said, "Is what you said true?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Of course it's true, you take a closer look at the contents inside!" Uta

opened the book that had not yet dissipated the smell of ink, and carefully flipped through the pages one by one!

"Bai Yu, will these come true?"

Looking at Uta's yearning eyes, Bai Yu nodded and said, "It will be achieved, it will be achieved, and now there are many people who are working hard to change this world!"

Uta took Bai Yu's hand and said, "Who are they?" I want to join them too! Change the world together!

"They are the revolutionary army!"

Bai Yu looked at Uta and said, "Those people are doing their best to change this world, they are acting, and that day will not be too far away!" "

Revolutionary army? But Bai Yu, aren't you a navy? By the way, you were still a pirate before!

Uta looked at Bai Yu curiously!

After venting his emotions, Uta is back to being the girl who loves to sing!

"Ah, this one!"

Bai Yu touched his head and said, "Actually, I am a pirate, a navy, and a revolutionary army!" "

Meow, obviously I came for vacation, how to engage in multi-hatred, or the kind of crossover!"

"Uta, although ninety percent of pirates are vicious, there are still some pirates like Luffy us, not only will they not do evil things, but they will even help those who are in danger!"

Bai Yu looked at Uta and said, "It's not so much a pirate as a group of adventurers, and everyone on the ship got on board for their dreams!"

"Since the top war, Luffy has set a two-year cultivation time, and I decided to cultivate here in the navy first, while capturing those vicious pirates!"

"The reason why I floated on the sea before was to capture a powerful pirate!"

"As for my revolutionary army status!"

Bai Yu sighed and said, "It's a secret, I can't say it, but I can only tell you that I am this!" Bai

Yu stretched out three fingers and shook in front of Uta!

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