Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 220 The Meeting between Lin Ya And Guzheng

Although the other party deliberately changed her voice, it was obvious that she was a girl, and from the touch of her hand covering my eyes, I could feel that her fingers were slender, mostly a girl.

To be able to play this kind of game, it must be familiar, and most of them are very familiar. Of all the girls I knew, lin ya was the first to do such a boring thing.

So like Holmes, I gave the answer in just a few seconds.


"That's a good guess?"

Lin Ya let go of my eyes. I turned around. It was Lin Ya.

However, at this moment, facing Lin Ya, I was not happy, I was even a little scared, the whole person became a little nervous.

Lin Ya didn't seem to notice my abnormality. He smiled and said to me, "Why did you look up at the sky at 45 degrees just now? Why didn't you cry?"

I didn't say anything.

Lin ya, on the other hand, continued excitedly, "How could I run into you shopping? It's so rare!"

"What are you doing here?"

At this time, I really don't want to talk to Lin Ya more. I wish she could leave quickly so that she and Guzheng wouldn't meet. I'm afraid. I don't want them to see each other, especially not!

If possible, I really hope to keep some things from you forever.

Let's not keep it a secret forever. It's good to keep it a secret until the truth comes out.

But this is a bit of a fantasy!

"I'm looking for a shop. What am I doing here? I haven't found the right one all day." Lin ya looked at me, her eyes still surprised that I was here.

Lin Ya told me yesterday that she was going to start her trip to the photo shop these days. When it came to not procrastinating, she must be very busy and tired today!

I almost told Lin Ya about how I was worried about picking a store with Hu Zi, but I didn't want to talk much. I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Lin ya didn't seem to want to leave either. She frowned and looked at me doubtfully and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong?"

"That's not right!"

"No." I looked elsewhere guiltily.

At this time, the streets were still busy, with endless crowds and cars coming and going. With so many people, I don't know how Lin Ya saw me. Why didn't I find her earlier?

If I had known that I had just entered the store, I might have escaped this disaster.

It was a blessing, not a curse. It was a curse that could not be avoided. Perhaps it was due to the old saying that what should come would always come.

"By the way, have you considered what I told you yesterday?"

Lin Ya's words made me feel depressed again. I didn't know how to answer them. I lowered my head slightly and didn't know how to face her.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Ya obviously noticed my abnormality, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Her eyelashes fluttered and she looked at the bag in my hand. Then she looked at me with a smile and asked, "You bought so many things?"

She looked up at me again and asked, "Are these all for you?"

Of course not.

I smiled stiffly.

However, before I could answer, Guzheng suddenly appeared at the door of the shoe store and shouted at me, "Xing Yun, do you think I look pretty in these shoes?"

When I heard Guzheng's words, I shivered as if I had been struck by lightning.

This moment has finally arrived!

I wouldn't be foolish enough to think that Guzheng didn't see Lin Ya, and I wouldn't be foolish enough to think that Lin Ya couldn't hear Guzheng's voice.

Everything seemed to be starting to get more subtle.

Lin Ya's gaze swept over my shoulder and looked back. A few seconds later, she looked into my eyes again. There was confusion, surprise, disbelief, and disbelief in her eyes...

My lips trembled a few times in the cold. It was so cold. It felt as if the cold lips were not warm, and my adam's apple was frozen stiff, making me a little speechless.

Everything seemed to be starting to slow down, the pace of pedestrians was so slow, the speed of cars was so slow, the speed of air was so slow, everything in the world was gradually static, as if everything was starting to become irrelevant.

Such an indifferent and emotionless sky seems to bring us to an apocalyptic world.

Behind me, Guzheng's footsteps came, gradually becoming clear, and then she walked to my side, the two of them standing side by side.

Guzheng looked at Lin Ya with a polite smile.

Lin ya looked at Guzheng, smiling but not smiling, her eyes shining brightly.

In the stagnant air, I felt my thoughts stop.

This scene seemed familiar, but it was so different.

None of the three of them spoke, and the atmosphere was inexplicably filled with a strong sense of gunpowder. Although Lin Ya and Guzheng did not even have a provocative look in their eyes, I really felt a sense of tension.

The palms were starting to sweat.

"Lin Ya, I heard you were traveling. When did you come back?" Guzheng spoke first.

"I've been back for two days." Lin Ya replied faintly.

"Oh, yourself?" Guzheng chatted politely with Lin Ya, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, just right, not strong but not weak.


Lin Ya was still exceptionally calm, as steady as a rock, as if nothing could do to her.

"We've just had dinner. Come shopping when you're free." Guzheng chuckled, looked at me and asked, "Xing Yun, how are my shoes? Does it look good?"

While Guzheng was saying this, her hand grabbed my arm. That intimate gesture made me instinctively resist, but my body was a little stiff and I didn't know how to react, so I just let Guzheng hold me numbly.

Guzheng was obviously doing this to show Lin Ya our relationship, to announce it to him, without any words, an action was obvious.

I lowered my head slightly to look at the shoes on Guzheng's feet, but I didn't have the heart to see if she looked good in them. Although my eyes were looking at Guzheng's shoes, it was only on my retina, not in my memory.

I didn't dare to look at lin ya, but I could feel Lin Ya's gaze. I could feel her staring at me all the time. It made me feel especially uncomfortable. I felt a burning pain all over my body.

"Nice." I said it with a straight face.

"Okay, I'll go buy it."

Then Guzheng let go of me, smiled at Lin Ya and returned to the store.

On the side of the road, Lin Ya and I were the only two people left.

From time to time, people walked past us, but no one cared about us as strangers. I felt my vision was a little hazy. This colorful city became countless ribbons in the flow of people and cars, as if someone had painted a layer of sadness on it.

I looked at Lin Ya, and Lin Ya looked at me, or at me. She just stared at me without moving. There was not much emotion on her face.

But I felt as if I had seen a huge storm, blocking the sky from the sun, rolling in my heart!

Lin Ya looked at me without saying a word. I didn't even see her blink. She just stared at me.

At this moment, my heart felt as if it had been burned by the true flame of samadhi. Although Lin Ya did not say a word, this silent condemnation made me feel much worse than beating me and scolding me. Even I felt that I had committed a terrible crime.

Until Guzheng stood in front of me again, Lin Ya remained silent.

Her state made me feel scared from the bottom of my heart. I knew that, without saying anything else, Lin Ya already knew my relationship with Guzheng very well.

Seeing her like this, I want to see Lin Ya's anger even more. Her hysteria, her anger, I never thought that she would stare at me so directly, that sharp eyes like swords, killing invisible people!

I just feel like my heart is about to explode.

"Yes, let's go, Xing Yun."

Guzheng came up to me, took my arm again, and leaned closer to me. I lowered my head guiltily, not daring to say goodbye to lin ya.

"Let's go, Lin Ya." Guzheng greeted Lin Ya again.

Gu zhen took me by the arm. I twisted my body with her and took two mechanical steps forward.

"Xing Yun."

Suddenly, Lin Ya's calm voice came from behind.

It was as if I had received some kind of unstoppable force. I stopped and turned my head. At the same time, the emotions in my heart were surging.

Lin ya looked at me and said only three words, "Follow me!"

There was an irrefutable force in her tone!

After listening to her, I subconsciously wanted to go with lin ya.

However, just as I leaned forward, a force pulled me back.

It was Guzheng!

Guzheng held my arm, and I could feel her strength. She seemed to be trying her best to keep me here for the rest of her life. It seemed that for her, this time was of great significance.

"Xing Yun." Guzheng's tone was somewhat indescribably distressing. She looked at me, her eyes glistening. She seemed to have thousands of words to say to me, but she did not utter another word. She just looked at me with open eyes. The expectation in her eyes was unbearable.

But today, I have to go with lin ya.

I have promised Guzheng, and I will keep that promise.

But now, things between me and Lin Ya must be dealt with. I don't know what I'm going to face, and I don't know what the result is, but I have to face it after all.

"You can go back first. Wait for my call." I looked at Guzheng and said guiltily.

Guzheng never said another word. She just stood there in a daze, allowing the cold wind to blow her hair into a mess, leaving me to stuff the bag into her hands.

I touched Guzheng's hand. Her hand was cold and stiff. I could feel the intense humiliation in her heart.

She seemed to be using her silence to provoke me, make me feel guilty, and make me change my mind. I promised to make it up to her, I promised to try my best to be a good friend, but I don't know if it was another betrayal.

I walked towards lin ya.

I didn't even look back, I thought, in Guzheng's eyes, my back must be particularly cold and heartless.

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