
The fireworks rose, bloomed, and went out.

In a few seconds, the fireworks that shone brightly in the human world completely dissipated in this world.

This is the life of fireworks!

Bang bang!

The beauty of the moment seemed to capture the light of heaven and earth, and then the next second, it was death.

Most of us may not be as dazzling as fireworks, but a brief flash in the pan can bring some comfort.

Looking at the beautiful fireworks, I couldn't help but think a lot.

What if my life was like fireworks?

Would I like this life?

All the way up to the sky, any obstacle was as insignificant as an ant, no one could stop my sharp edge, I was like an unsheathed sword, straight into the sky!

In the sky, a fire that no one can match, that fire, is the peak of my life, no one can ignore it, it is like the sun in the night, let everyone look up.

Then life quickly withered, died, fell from the sky, disappeared into the world, without a trace, as if he had never been to this world, as if he had never existed.

But the light of that moment could stay in people's hearts for a long time.

Is there a regret in such a life?

It is undeniable that there will be many people who desperately want to be like fireworks, blooming in a moment of incomparably brilliant light, even if they pay the price in their eyes, or even die for it, but they do not regret it, they only for that moment, that moment, is the mark that they left in the world.

That light, that flame, is like our real name, profit, money, power... It has an irresistible temptation, many people like moths rushed over!

Of course, most of the time, we are like countless ordinary people watching fireworks.

However, this is not what I want.

The fire in my heart is not the fire in the eyes of the masses. It is the fire in my heart. Only I can see the fire, and no one else can see it.

I looked at the fireworks and was lost in thought when Guzheng pulled my arm.

She said something to me, but I didn't hear it clearly, so I moved closer to Guzheng. Guzheng said loudly in my ear, "What are you thinking?"

"What are you thinking?" I shouted back to Guzheng.

"Forget it." Guzheng shook his head and continued, "We'll talk later."

Indeed, the cannon was too loud, so we didn't continue to talk, but continued to watch the fireworks.

At this moment, the number of people watching the fireworks was still increasing. There were a few friends gathered to discuss with each other, a family together, a couple leaning close together, a child shouting excitedly, and someone took out their cell phone to record this moment.

At such a joyous moment, those warm images also made me feel a lot. If there was a camera in my phone, I might have taken a picture of this moment, but I wouldn't have placed the fireworks in the middle. They were just decorations. What I saw was this group of ordinary but moving people.

I can't help but wonder, will Ding Ge and lin ya come to see the fireworks?

I remember that I didn't come out to see the fireworks last year at yuanxiao. Lin Ya and Ding Ge went out to see the fireworks that day, and Ding Ge and I were still separated. Lin Ya bought me a bag of glutinous rice balls. That would be my lantern festival alone.

But the crowd was so dark that it was hard to find anyone.

Besides, even if Ding Ge and Lin Ya came out, they might not come to this square to see the fireworks.

I admit, I miss them a little.

I really don't know when I'll be able to see them. I don't even know when I'll be able to be like ding Green.

I mean the past.

At this moment, the round of fireworks was over, and Guzheng took advantage of this gap and asked me, "What were you thinking just now?"


"Tell me." Guzheng begged me coquettishly.

I smiled, but there was nothing to say, so I said to Guzheng, "Okay, but if I tell you what I was thinking, you have to tell me what you were thinking, what's on your mind? Okay?"


"Actually, it's nothing." I took a breath and looked at the sky where the fireworks were shining. It was already dark, and I couldn't even tell where they were. After all, it was in the air. "I think a lot of people want to be like fireworks. They can stand on the top one day and be worshipped, but I don't want to be like that."

"Why?" Guzheng asked.

"Everyone wants something different." I replied, "That's not what I want."

"Then what do you want? What kind of person do you want to be?" Guzheng continued to ask.

I followed Guzheng's words and thought, what do I want? What kind of person do I want to be?

"What I want," I thought about it and smiled bitterly.

"What are you laughing at?"

I sighed sadly and said, "What I want is a simple life. I told you before. In the bigger sense, it could be a pure land. But I suddenly felt that the seemingly simple life sometimes required a higher price, and it might require the light of fireworks to get it. Just like the fairytale you think, it can only be achieved in utopia."

Guzheng nodded, her eyes shining with memories. Maybe she remembered a conversation we had.

I looked at the world through the crowd and continued, "What kind of person do I want to be? It definitely won't be someone like this. I'd rather be a spectator."

I looked at the sky again, pointed at the bright moon and said, "Do you see the moon?"

Guzheng followed me to the bright moon, and I continued, "How many people can look at the stars next to them at this time?"

Guzheng looked at me with a faint light in his eyes.

I wish I were a star, not a moon. Perhaps my light is not brighter than the moon, but the moon's light is very diffuse, it shines on everyone, and I don't have such a lofty ideal, I just want to shine all my light in a small area is enough, although the light is limited, but will only focus on that area. I don't shine for other places, I just shine for this place."

Guzheng looked at me. I smiled at her and asked, "Well, it's your turn to tell me. What are you worrying about today?"

But just as Guzheng spoke, a new round of fireworks bloomed again. I had to signal Guzheng to talk later.

I turned my head to look at Guzheng, who was actually more beautiful than the fireworks, but the light on her gradually faded after she met me.

I sighed softly and felt that I had neglected her again. While watching the fireworks with her, I had been thinking about Ding Ge and Lin Ya. Originally, I brought Guzheng out to relax with her, but until now, Guzheng never smiled.

I felt a little useless, so I wanted to make it up to Guzheng.

At this time, I did not look at the fireworks, but looked at Guzheng. Guzheng also noticed my eyes, looked at me in confusion, and then loudly said to me, "Look at the fireworks."

"Guzheng, I want you to laugh."

Guzheng looked at me with a' you're confused' expression and asked, "What? What do you mean?"

"I want you to laugh!" I shouted at Guzheng.

"Why?" Guzheng's frown deepened.

"I told you to come out and see the fireworks to relax with you, but you haven't smiled for so long. I feel like I've failed."

"No, I'm actually in a much better mood now." Guzheng shouted again, "It's tiring to talk like this. Let's talk after the fireworks."

"No, I want you to laugh now."

Guzheng's expression was a little conflicted. She tried to make a smile at me. I waved at her and said, "No, no, I want you to smile from the bottom of your heart."

Guzheng's face showed an expression of' aren't you making things difficult for me'.

"Do you think this will work?" I looked at Guzheng, looked into her eyes, and said to her, "You are more beautiful than fireworks!"

Although the salute was very loud, my voice was also very loud, so I thought Guzheng could definitely hear it.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Guzheng's face showed a trace of shyness, and then couldn't help but show a beautiful smile.

She didn't seem to have expected me to say such a thing all of a sudden.

I smiled too. My wish was fulfilled and Guzheng finally smiled.

Guzheng laughed for a long time, and we just looked at each other and laughed.

And I suddenly realized that when I faced Guzheng, I didn't feel the pressure I felt when I faced her. I felt much more relaxed than before.

At this time, a new round of fireworks was set off again.

I quickly added, "Okay, let's talk about you now."

The shyness on Guzheng's face had not completely subsided, but it could be seen that after such a smile, Guzheng's state was obviously different, and his mood was obviously much better. She complained, "You should have guessed it even if I didn't say it. It's not my father or mother."

I nodded. I did have a guess, but Guzheng never talked to me. I asked her, "Your parents want you to be engaged to me, don't they?"

Guzheng nodded.

I sighed. No wonder Guzheng was in a bad mood. Her parents must have put too much pressure on her. I thought my parents would be more anxious than Guzheng's parents when they were older. Who would have thought that Guzheng was under more pressure than me now?

But this marriage cannot be arranged!

After the engagement, I'm afraid I'm going to Guzheng's father's company next, so things are going in an irreversible direction!

While I was thinking about how to deal with it, Guzheng suddenly said to me, "Are you willing to get engaged to me?"

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