Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 280 : Hospitalized

It's broken!

Hearing this, my heart sank to the bottom of the sea. A suffocating fear surrounded me.

I had a bone fracture once. When I was in junior high school, one of my legs was broken. To this day, I can still remember the pain of the tear.

It's so damn painful.

So I can feel Ding Ge's pain right now. Decades of old doctors, it's impossible to see wrong. Lin Ya also took a picture, and we can see where the fracture was.

There was another wave of intense anger in my heart. How I wished that ding ge had only suffered a minor injury, not a bone, but his mother had still hurt a bone.

That guy's hands are bloody!

At this moment, I really want to hit people and swear.

But I could only clench my teeth until they hurt!

Ding Ge sat in the chair, and lin ya held Ding Ge's hand, her eyes aching.

The doctor said he had to get a cast, but there was no other way. Hu Zi went out to pay the bill and brought the plaster first.

Dinger's arm had to be exposed, so she had to roll up her sleeves.

But it was winter, and the clothes were close to her. There were two layers of clothes on Ding Ge's arm. But when lin ya gently tried to roll up her sleeves, Ding Ge could not bear it at all. Her face turned pale from the pain.

My lips were all curling up, and I wanted to comfort Ding Ge for a few words, but now it's useless to comfort him. It hurts so much.

"No, take off this sweater first." Ding Ge said softly.


Lin Ya and Guzheng worked hard together to take off the fleece. Ding Ge had only one warm underwear left, and she had been shivering because of the cold.

But the warm clothes were not too loose, and Lin Ya and Guzheng had no choice. At this time, Lin Ya said, "Forget it. Take off your sleeves."

Ding ge nodded, as if there was only one way.

There were scissors on the doctor's table. Lin Ya brought them over. Guzheng held Ding Ge's hand and Lin Ya began to cut dinger's sleeve.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that the three of them were like good sisters. Lin Ya and Guzheng had no conflict at all. This scene was quite beautiful.

Of course, this is just a special case.

After removing the sleeves, the two men carefully removed the sleeves, so Ding Ge's right hand was exposed to the air.

And when we saw the part where Ding Ge's fracture was, it was even harder to calm down. There was an obvious red swelling and it looked terrible.

I couldn't bear to look straight at him, and my heart was filled with intense sadness.

It was still winter, and although it was not as cold as the last few days, the air was still chilly. Lin Ya quickly put on Ding Ge's coat, but now she could only wear an arm.

Even so, Ding Ge was still trembling with cold.

The doctor removed the plaster and began to apply it to Ding Ge. The plaster naturally touched the bone fracture. When the plaster was applied, Ding Ge gritted her teeth and buried her face in Lin Ya's arms. I saw her other hand holding Lin Ya tightly.

The doctor was very skillful. After putting on the plaster, the doctor went out to get the plaster.

Dinger, on the other hand, looked up after a while. She looked much haggard and her hair was in a mess. Lin Ya cut her hair and Ding Ge leaned against Lin Ya.

Lin Ya put his arm around Ding Ge and said, "Ding Ge, you've suffered."

Lin Ya's words made me feel worse. If it wasn't for me, how could Ding Ge have suffered?

I stood there. At this moment, I really wanted to bring warmth to Ding Ge. I really wanted to hold Ding Ge's hand and accompany her.

At this moment, Lin Ya said, "If I had known that I wouldn't have taken off my fleece just now, I would have cut off my sleeves."

"My clothes are so expensive, you know. I can't cut them."

A smile finally appeared on Ding Ge's face.

The smile was so rare that everyone couldn't help but smile.

Lin Ya said, "Clothes or arms are important."

"Those clothes are really expensive, okay? I'm not kidding you." However, when he saw that we couldn't help laughing, Ding Ge said helplessly, "Stop laughing."

At this moment, the atmosphere was somewhat unspeakably warm.

It's not easy for us to stay together. It's really not easy.

Of course, it would have been better if Ding Ge hadn't been injured.

After a while, the doctor also came over with the cast. When I saw the cast, my heart thumped and Ding Ge's face showed fear.

"Come on, one of you will hold her hand first." The doctor ordered.

I hurriedly walked over, but without thinking, Lin Ya and Guzheng, who were about to drag the dinger, withdrew their hands. Ding Ge's face seemed to flicker, but it was soon replaced by fear.

She continued to snuggle up to Lin Ya, and I held Ding Ge's hand.

When I held ding ge's hand, I didn't expect that I could still hold her hand at this moment.

I had a dreamy feeling in my trance!

Ding Ge did not resist. She held my hand tightly. I could feel her strength. Holding her hand, I could feel the fear in her heart. So I held Ding Ge back with a little force, hoping to give her some strength.

Our hands, tightly clasped together!

Feeling the warmth of Ding Ge's hand, my heart was filled with emotion again.

Ding Ge finally had a few tears in his eyes. She really couldn't stand the pain, but she didn't shout. She suppressed her pain the whole time and only groaned when people couldn't stand it.

When I saw her tears, I felt a burning sensation of iron on my skin!

I don't understand why god made ding ge suffer so much. Why the hell should he come at me? What are you capable of bullying a girl?

After putting on the cast, he put a band around Ding Ge's neck to support his arm.

So now Ding Ge's arm was completely immobile, unable to bend or stretch.

As the saying goes, a hundred days of physical injury means that Ding Ge's arm will be like this for a few months, and the doctor also said that a few months may not be able to heal, completely recovered, I'm afraid it will take a year or two to recover.

Then the doctor prescribed the medicine and said that he would be in the hospital for observation for a day, and that he would need to be given fluids later to reduce the swelling, so we brought dinger into the ward.

After a lot of tossing and turning, Ding Ge looked so weak that she didn't even have the strength to speak. She sat on the bed, her arms propped up in front of her body in pain. There were three beds in this ward, and the other two were empty.

Lin Ya covered dinger with the quilt and then said, "That won't do. You still have to put on your coat, or it will be cold."

However, the cast arm could not fit Ding Ge's clothes at all.

I looked at my clothes and thought they were about the same size, so I said to Ding Ge, "Wear mine. Mine should fit."

Dinger looked at me and asked, "What about you?"

"It's okay. You can hold on to the next steel pipe for me. I'll lend you a piece of clothing. What's wrong?" I said bitterly.

As I spoke, I took off my clothes and handed them over.

Ding Ge was not able to move, so Lin Ya had to pick up the clothes.

Lin Ya didn't look at me on purpose. Obviously, she didn't intend to make up with me. The reason why we could stay in the same room at this time was because of Ding Ge.

Although Lin Ya had spoken to me before, it was only temporary.

As a result, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Lin ya tried to put my clothes on for Ding Ge, but the cuffs were still a little hard to wear, so I said, "Then cut off the little bit of the cuff."

"Okay," Lin Ya looked at my clothes and said, "I'll get the nurse a pair of scissors."

As Lin Ya walked out of the room, she quickly came over with a pair of scissors and cut my clothes rudely. I didn't feel sorry for my clothes, but I felt that Lin Ya's cutting my clothes could still tell how angry she was with me.

Fortunately, the clothes were finally on.

Ding Ge also breathed a sigh of relief.

"All right, it's getting late. You can all go back. I'll just stay with Ding Ge." At this moment, Lin Ya said to us.

"I'll keep it."

I really don't want to leave. I just want to stay by Ding Ge's side.

Hu Zi said, "I'll stay too."

Even Guzheng said, "I'll stay."

Ding Ge smiled faintly and said, "What are you doing? I just broke a bone. Just stay and take care of me. You guys should go. It's getting late. Be careful on the road."

I have a lot to say to Ding Ge, but I can't say it.

"It's okay. Stay."

"No, what's the matter with staying all the time? One patient and four carers. I'm still laughing." Lin Ya added, "Ding Ge, there's nothing else. Don't worry."

Hu Zi sighed and said, "Girl, let me be here, or I won't be able to get over it. Even without me, dinger wouldn't..."

However, Ding Ge interrupted Hu Zi and said, "If you say that again, I'll let you out now."

"Then I can keep it without saying anything." Hu Zi smiled.

Ding Ge sighed helplessly and said nothing.

I was silent, but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay as determined as anyone.

At this moment, Ding Ge said to me, "Xing Yun Guzheng, you two go back."

I looked at Ding Ge, but Ding Ge also looked at me. I could see her eyes. She and Guzheng were not very close, so it was impossible for Guzheng to stay, so she wanted me to send Guzheng back.

I looked at Guzheng again. Indeed, it was too late to let Guzheng go home alone. It might be difficult to get a taxi around here. I have to send Guzheng back even if she leaves.

I finally sighed and left the ward with Guzheng without saying anything.

However, all my attention was still in the ward, so I thought I should send Guzheng away first, send Guzheng away, and then come back to see dinger.

I must watch over her tonight!

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