Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 291 : It's Been Almost Two Years since We Broke up

It wasn't long before my ribs soup was ready. I had to drink it while it was hot. After I packed the soup, I drove Hu Zi's car to lin ya's house. Hu Zi also asked me to bring his greetings along.

Thinking that she would be able to see Ding Ge soon, she felt a little happy!

Looking at the scenery along the way, I felt much better. Spring was coming soon, and the whole world began to warm up.

After the lantern festival, there were fewer people in Pucheng, and many people began to work for a year. In order to live for their family, day after day, year after year, they worked hard, shed blood and sweat, but still had to clench their teeth!

Everything was back to normal!

I came to lin ya's house and knocked on the door, but after a while, no one knocked on the door. I was wondering if Ding Ge was not resting at home? I called Ding Ge and answered, "Where are you, Ding Ge? Not at the girl's house?"

"No, I'm outside." Ding Ge replied.

"Why don't you rest at home and go outside?" I asked worriedly.

"The girl went to work. I was the only one who stayed at home. It was so boring. I went out for a walk."

"Where are you? I made you pork chop soup. You should come back and drink it while it's hot."

"I've been at home all morning. Come and see me. I'm in this small park in the north."

"All right then."

Hanging up the phone, I started to look for Ding Ge in the park. Not long after, I saw her.

She was still wearing my broken coat, so she probably couldn't put on her own. She was sitting on a bench, alone. When I saw her back, I recognized her. She had her hair down and some of her hair was gently blowing in the wind behind her head.

"Why did you run out on your own?" I walked over to Ding Ge and sat down beside her.

Her thin body looked even thinner under my clothes, and she really wanted to fatten her up.

"Lin Ya didn't take me to the photo shop. He left me at home alone. I was suffocating!" Ding Ge complained to me.

"In your current state, of course you need to rest more."

"You guys talk so well that you can stay at home day after day. Try it." Ding Ge refused.

I smiled. Actually, Ding Ge was right. It would be better if there was someone to accompany me. It would be boring if there was no one to accompany me. It seems that in the future, not only do I have to take care of her in life, I have to talk to her more.

I opened the lunch box and said to dinger, "All right, let's drink the pork chop soup."

I handed the spoon to Ding Ge, but Ding Ge couldn't hold the lunch box with his other hand. I had to help her hold it. Ding Ge was a little uncomfortable, but she had no choice but to drink it spoonful by spoonful.

"Did you do it?" Ding Ge asked.

"Well, how does it taste?"

"Not bad." Ding Ge said with a chuckle.

I also smiled and said, "Then drink quickly."

Just like that, I held up the lunch box and Ding Ge drank slowly. Occasionally, pedestrians would pass by and look at me curiously.

It wasn't long before Ding Ge finished.

"We're done. Let's go back." I said to Ding Ge.

"Where are you going?" Ding Ge looked at me nervously.

"Go back to the girl's house."

"I don't want to. How long have I been out?"

"But I have to go back to the restaurant later. How can you sit here alone?" I'm still worried about Ding Ge.

"I'm not a kid. How did I sit here before you came? You should walk. You should be busy. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I really don't want to stay at home." Ding Ge pouted.

"Then I'll accompany you."

"No!" Ding Ge couldn't help but smile and say, "I'm so stressed by you."

"What's the pressure?"

"Ah, I'm about to break down. Can you and the girl not be so aggressive? I just broke a bone."

"Of course I know you have a fracture!"

"Forget it," Ding Ge stood up unhappily and said, "I'll go back."

Ding Ge stood up and walked quickly.

Even if you're hurt, your temper will go up. Forget it. You're not as knowledgeable as the injured.

When I saw that I had angered dinger, I quickly stood up and walked beside her, smiling and saying, "I was wrong. I was wrong. Well, I'll ask for leave today and talk to you. That'll do."

Ding Ge, however, did not appreciate it. He glared at me and said, "Are you at ease when weasel pays new year's greetings to chicken?"

When I heard this, I could only smile bitterly and say, "After all, you were injured because you saved me. Even if you make me work like a cow and a horse, I have to go up the mountain and down the fire."

"All right, I volunteered! None of you need to make it up to me."

Ding Ge walked on.

I sighed helplessly. For the sake of Ding Ge's injury, I let her go. At this moment, I accidentally saw that Ding Ge's shoelaces were untied. I said quickly, "Wait a minute!"

"What's the matter now?" Dinger gave me a blank look and asked.

"Your shoelaces are undone."

Then I squatted down in front of Ding Ge, because Ding Ge could only move one arm now, so she couldn't tie her shoelaces with one hand. I'm afraid she didn't tie her shoelaces properly before and now she opened them.

"No, I'll do it myself." Ding Ge said shyly again.

But I didn't pay any attention to her. I just helped her tie her shoelaces. What's the matter? Soon, I helped ding ge tie her shoelaces. When I got up, ding ge pouted and looked at it with evasive eyes. Her cheeks were pink.

My heart throbbed and I said to Ding Ge gently, "Let me go with you."

Ding Ge was silent and didn't say anything, so I took it for granted.

The two of them strolled leisurely, shoulder to shoulder.

Pucheng is still the fast-moving Pucheng, the street is still the busy street, the sky is light blue and the clouds are not too beautiful. Under the acceleration of life, I really like to walk aimlessly.

Living in the city, we will always live in a variety of purposes, we have been extinguished by these purposes of passion and dreams, and never stop to find the pace of freedom from the past.

We are always forced to move forward!

So I think that's why many people like to travel. Take some time to travel and relax.

I thought that it was almost spring now, and it would be nice to take a trip when the weather was better.

I remember the last time I went on a trip alone on may 1st. I can't go out on may 1st this year. It's just a pain in the ass. I can go when the traffic isn't that big.

However, thinking about may day last year, I suddenly felt a little scared.

It suddenly occurred to me that it would be may day in a few months, and may day this year, Ding Ge and I would have broken up for two years.

Two years!

I shuddered and my heart began to thump. I didn't realize that it was almost two years since I broke up with Ding Ge.

I suddenly felt an unspeakable pain in my heart.

After two years, the relationship between Ding Ge and I finally became a state of disconnection. We couldn't let go of each other, but we never really got back together in a day. So, it can be said that Ding Ge's youth was delayed by me for two years, wasted for two years!

When you are 18 years old, you may not think that two years is anything, but two years later, you are only 20 years old. And for those of us who have reached the end of three years, two years is a really scary number.

I was really scared from the bottom of my heart!

So, thinking of this, I gritted my teeth. I must end my fake relationship with Guzheng before may 1 this year!

Just as I was daydreaming, Ding Ge asked me, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, I think it's almost spring. I'll invite you and the girl to travel then."

"Travel?" Ding Ge looked at me doubtfully and asked, "How did you remember to invite us on a trip?"

"The world is so big, don't you want to see it?" I made a joke and then said, "Didn't you say you were bored? When it gets warm, I'll take you out for a walk."

"I'd better take a rest if I'm like this."

Ding Ge suddenly became a little depressed. She lowered her head slightly and said, "Let's go back."

I didn't want to see Ding Ge unhappy and asked, "Don't you want to go back? I can really play with you all day, if you want."

"The medicine is still at home. I haven't taken it yet." Ding Ge curled her lips and added, "Besides, I can't really let you stay with me all day. You can just go back later. I can just go home and watch tv."

I sighed, but I could only go back to lin ya's house with Ding Ge. I poured a glass of water for ding ge and brought her medicine.

Seeing that all of Ding Ge's movements could only be done with one hand, I deeply felt that it was inconvenient for her to live. If possible, I would really like to move to Lin Ya's house to take care of Ding Ge.

I asked Ding Ge again, "What do you want to eat this afternoon? Let me bring it to you."

"No, it's too much trouble for you. I'll just have Lin Ya bring it back when she gets back. Why did you go there again?"

I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say.

After a while, I finally left lin ya's house.

Before I left, I bit my lips and finally couldn't help but look at Ding Ge. I asked again, "Ding Ge, what were you thinking when you saved me?"

Ding Ge was silent for a moment when she heard my question, and I looked into her eyes and really wanted to see through her heart.

"It happened so fast, how could I have time to think so much!" After a while, dinger smiled at me and said, "Besides, this feat of mine may really be a life for a broken bone. Whatever it thinks, it's worth it."

I smiled bitterly. What would I do if something happened to Ding Ge?

For me, it can be said that Ding Ge really didn't want to die. He used his body to help me withstand a heavy blow. What else do I think? I can only be this destined woman in my life!

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