Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 42 The Difference between Brothers

After that, Old Gao and Hu Zi came to a brand new car, the white Fawkes, looked pretty good, high-end and classy, Hu Zi unlocked the door, and Old Gao and I sat in.

The car was exceptionally clean, making people feel comfortable and comfortable from the bottom of their hearts. I felt the softness of the seat and couldn't help but show an expression of enjoyment on my face.

Hu Zi started the car on fire and slowly drove into the driveway. Hu Zi asked, "How do you feel?"

Old Gao sat in the passenger seat, adjusted his seat slightly back and smiled, "Cool! When did you buy it?"

"I just brought it up two days ago. It's still no match for your car." Hu Zi smiled.

"How did Xiao Wei persuade you?" I asked curiously.

"She said everything so badly. I don't agree. Is there any other way?" Hu Zi complained to us.

"Haha, you listen to your daughter-in-law like that before you get married. Do you still have a place at home after you get married?" Old Gao said mockingly.

Hu Zi raised his eyebrows and retorted, "I think you were also killed by wang mengmeng."

"Different, different." Old Gao waved his hand, but his expression became guilty.

"Come on, I have a box of cigarettes here. Have the guts to smoke one." Hu Zi took out a box of cigarettes and handed it to Old Gao.

Old Gao was so scared that he dodged aside and laughed, "No, no." Then he found himself a step down and said, "It's not written on it. Smoking is harmful to your health!"

"Why didn't you see it before?" I put a knife in the back.

Old Gao was ashamed and said, "I'm blind!"

"So, Wang Mengmeng is your eye drops." I smiled.

"What's wrong with your metaphor?" Old Gao thought for a moment, then turned to me and said, "Wang Mengmeng is the light in my life, illuminating my way forward!"

I waved at Old Gao, covered my mouth and said, "You made me puke! I feel sick when you say something nice."

"Damn it!" Old Gao smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want you to do this."

"Hey, Old Gao." Hu Zi said again, "Seriously, I thought you were going to ask for a marriage after all this fighting today."

Old Gao smiled and said, "Haha, I dare not propose!"

"Maybe Wang Mengmeng agreed. I think she's touched today." Hu Zi said.

Old Gao smiled and shook his head, then changed the subject and asked, "Hu Zi, how much is this car?"

"In total, it came down to more than 130,000 yuan. It was just a down payment of 50,000 yuan. The rest of the three years will be paid off and the monthly loan will be more than 2,000 yuan." Hu Zi said.

"That's fine. Over two thousand. There's no pressure at all for you and Xiao Wei." Old Gao said.

"How can there be no pressure! Nothing will happen in the future. The key is these months!" Hu Zi shook his head and said in distress, "The date has been set. It's national day. It's july now. Do you think there's no pressure?"


Old Gao and I were shocked and asked, "When did it happen?"

"It's just been decided. I haven't seen you yet. I was just about to tell you when I saw you this time." Hu Zi's mouth curved in a happy arc.

"It's so fast. You two are getting married in two or three months." I couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, you two have been talking for almost four or five years." Old Gao asked.

"That's right. In a blink of an eye, four or five years have passed." Old Gao sighed.

Four or five years, I didn't expect such a long time to pass without any trace.

Lying in Hu Zi's new car, I was also happy for Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei, who were lovers, and they got married. This happy ending is what everyone yearns for.

After all these years of hard work, the two of them had finally come to fruition!

However, Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei were about to get married, and Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng were also in love. I was the only one left among the three brothers. I sat behind and smiled bitterly. My heart was a little sad. I really couldn't compare with the two of them!

These two buddies, I have a partner, I'm alone, I have a car, and only I don't have a car.

Now that I think about it, I suddenly realize that the two of them have gotten away from me so far?

I think if Ding Ge and I were still together, we would have talked for about four years. However, as time passed by in a hurry, I just walked around the castle of happiness and was chased out.

If it hadn't been for that accident...

Unfortunately, there will never be ifs, just like time will never go back.

In his wild imagination, the car drove into the hospital. Fortunately, Old Gao wasn't seriously injured, but half of his face was really terrible. He put seven or eight band-aids on his face, put some gauze on his arm, and then took some medicine. We left the hospital.

Back at the hotel, the girls were having a lively chat, and the three of us quickly sat down.

The first was to celebrate Wang Mengmeng's birthday. Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate. Then, Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei's wedding was officially announced. Everyone raised their glasses to congratulate them. Everyone's faces lit up with smiles. This is the so-called "Good things come in pairs."

Watching the two brothers and beautiful women accompany them, I sincerely wish them well.

Guzheng asked Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, when are you two going to do it? Huh?"

Old Gao giggled, but Wang Mengmeng said with a smile, "You'd better worry about yourself."

Wang Mengmeng gave me a look, but I could only pretend not to see it. Wang Mengmeng didn't know about my relationship with Guzheng. In fact, the two of us were very innocent, and now our relationship is just an ordinary friend.

Everyone was very happy. Lin Ya also said to Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei, "Xiao Wei Hu Zi, you must look for me when you take wedding photos. Our studio will definitely take the perfect wedding photos for you."

I couldn't help but say something to Lin Ya, "You're such a good employee. You can't forget to attract clients and friends everywhere."

"You don't want to waste your money." Lin Ya, however, was not afraid of the shadows and said frankly, "Anyway, their wedding photos must be taken. When they come to my place, I guarantee that they will be cheaper than taking photos in other places. Am I lin ya the one who cheated on her friends?"

"That's hard to say." I curled my lips and smiled.

"Go to hell."

Lin Ya and I sat next to each other, and he gave me a nasty kick.


Whether it hurts or not, I'll scream first.

A table of people, everyone laughed and joked, the atmosphere was very strong, with the happiness and joy of the brothers, I also briefly forgot my own troubles, into such an open heart.

Then, after a full meal, everyone cut up the cake and divided it up. Although the cake looked like it had been smashed, it still tasted delicious.

Today was Wang Mengmeng's birthday, except for the small incident of the car accident, the good thing was that the rest was happy.

In the middle of the meal, I went to the bathroom.

When she came out to wash her hands, Wang Mengmeng also came out of the ladies' room. However, she wiped her eyes with her hand, as if she was wiping away tears. When she saw me, the fear in her eyes flashed and she smiled at me.

I saw that her eyes were slightly red, obviously from crying in the bathroom.

I couldn't help but wonder, even if Old Gao's behavior today made Wang Mengmeng especially moved, it was impossible to cry now. Just now, he was quite happy at the dinner table. What else could be sad?

There was only a large mirror in front of the hotel's bathroom, with two faucets in front of it. Wang Mengmeng walked in front of the tap near the ladies' room and washed his hands.

I asked doubtfully, "Are you okay?"

Actually, I didn't know much about Wang Mengmeng since I met her. The first impression seemed to be of a very pure girl, quiet and quiet, but from the anger that made Old Gao quit smoking, it could be seen that Wang Mengmeng was also a hot-tempered girl.

I thought she didn't like Old Gao very much, and I even guessed that she was with Old Gao because of Old Gao's second-generation rich background. However, from the tears she shed today after being touched by Old Gao, she really liked Old Gao.

Now I feel more at ease.

Wang Mengmeng smiled and shook his head at me, "It's okay."

Then Wang Mengmeng washed his hands and turned around to leave. I looked at her back, and I had an indescribable feeling that Wang Mengmeng seemed to be hiding a trace of sadness today.

I followed wang mengmeng to the private room and chatted with her as we walked, "Old Gao is a straightforward person. Once you recognize someone, you will treat them well. It's the same for brothers, and it's the same for you. He was a man who didn't know how to express his emotions, although he usually looked careless and heartless. Even if he's hurt, he'll only swallow himself. We've known each other for so many years. He rarely complains to us. There are some things that even our brothers who have known each other for so many years don't know."

Old Gao is indeed such a person with countless shortcomings, but there is also one biggest point. As long as he treats you as a friend, he will treat you sincerely.

Wang Mengmeng's eyes sparkled and I didn't know what else to think. I continued, "I've never seen him so interested in a woman. He must have fallen in love with you. So, I don't want to see him get hurt. I can see that you really like Old Gao, and I really hope that you two will be fine."

"Thank you." Wang Mengmeng replied politely.

"That's right." I scratched my head and said, "If you have something on your mind, you should tell Old Gao. Sometimes he's a little rough and not that sensitive. Sometimes when you're sad, he might not notice it."

Wang mengmeng paused, looked at me, and then nodded gently.

After the excitement, it was time to leave. A group of people walked out of the hotel and began to go home.

Hu Zi and Li Xiaowei, Old Gao and Wang Mengmeng, these two pairs don't have to worry about. Lin Ya, Guzheng, Liu, Jiang, and I were left alone.

At this moment, Guzheng said to me, "Xing Yun, can I give you a ride?"

At the same time, Lin Ya walked up to me, almost speaking at the same time as Guzheng, and said to me, "Let's go Xing Yun, I'll give you a lift."

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