Days after Breaking up with My Ex

Chapter 77 Old Meng Left

"I have no face to see you." Old Gao smiled and said, "Let's go."

"Damn!" I cursed, stood up, walked to the window and asked, "What did you mean last night? Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Old Gao replied with great clarity and certainty.

"Why? Why are you quitting? Are you playing?" I'm a little angry because I think Old Gao has grown up and knows what mistakes to make and what not to make. Shouldn't he do such a silly thing?

"Hey, don't ask Xing Yun." Old Gao seems to have something to say, even I can't say it?

"What's wrong with you? I can't even say it?" With such a deep relationship between us, what can he say to me that he can't?

"Hey, don't ask. I'll tell you later. Your salary will be on your card in a few days." Old Gao said, "I'm driving right now. Let's not talk about it. I'm hanging up."

Old Gao hung up on me.

Driving is just an excuse.

What does this guy not know? So mysterious?

Old Gao has never hidden anything from me. This is the first time!

Old meng woke up as well, blinking his eyes in bed, looking very upset. He looked at me and asked, "What did Xiaogao say?"

"It seems certain. Most likely the pond is dry." I sighed.

Then I asked old meng, "Uncle meng, what are you going to do? What are you still doing in the pond?"

Old meng took a cigarette and shook his head. Maybe he was smoking a little too hard. He coughed a few times and I couldn't help but say, "Uncle meng, don't smoke too much."

Old meng smoked too much!

Old meng coughed a few more times before saying, "I can't quit. I've been smoking for half my life. Now I feel so stuffy in the morning that I don't cough a few times."

I looked at old meng, who had a bad complexion. It turned out to be an old problem, but I guess it was also a problem caused by smoking. He took a few breaths and said, "I quit. I really quit this time! Actually, I didn't want to do it for a long time. I've been working with you guys for a while because I think you two are good people, respect me, and respect me, old meng. If anyone else were to throw a face at me, I would have left. Xing Yun, um, Xiaogao, you two are good kids, honest."

After spending so much time with old meng, he was considered to be half my master. Thinking that I was going to be separated from old meng, he was a little reluctant and asked, "Then where are you going?"

"I've saved some money over the years. I..." Old meng took out a cigarette and put it directly on the butt of the cigarette he had finished smoking. He took a puff and said, "It's been so many years. I want to see her again and take a look at her."

Old meng's eyes were deep, and his thin body looked especially withered.

In the smoke, a bright light flashed in old meng's eyes.

Naturally, I know who old meng is talking about. After all these years, old meng has never forgotten about her, probably for the rest of his life!

Old meng smiled faintly and said to himself, "Just look at her. Then go home and make a small pond for yourself, raise some fish and do a small business, just enough to spend, not so big. I'm not going to do anything other than that."

I sighed, thinking about the past few months in the pond, I didn't expect to be separated so soon. For a moment, I felt a little sad.

"By the way, let you know something." Then old meng said to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The man who drugged the pond," Old Gao said after taking two more puffs, "It's Tian."

"Tian?" My pupils suddenly shrank and my heart was filled with shock!

How is that possible? How could Tian have drugged such a good child?

The news was so shocking that I didn't even believe it. Tian didn't come to the pond as long as we did, but he was also a member of our pond, so he couldn't have no feelings!

Drugged? Can he do this?

Old meng said slowly, "Actually, I can't believe it either. But I always felt that the person who drugged us knew our pond very well. Tian was a match. And even though I didn't see Tian clearly that day, I looked a little like him. So I asked him about it later, and I knew about Xiaogao's conflict with his family. I don't think the medicine of the little world came from his intention, but from Xiaogao's parents' attention!"


I couldn't stop shivering again. The news just now had made it hard for me to accept. I couldn't believe the news even more!

Old Gao's parents asked Tian to drug the pond?

How sad would Old Gao be if he knew?

But after what old meng said, I seemed to be able to make sense. Old gao's parents didn't support Old Gao to contract the pond, and then they had a big fight over Wang Mengmeng, so they wanted to make the pond suffer a terrible defeat, so that Old Gao would admit defeat and go home.

So they asked the obedient Tian to put medicine in the pond.

Although I don't want to believe it, the more I think about it, the more I think Old gao's parents can do it.

"Tian is a very obedient child, so when his aunt and uncle asked him to drug him, he didn't dare to stop, although he might think it was wrong to do so." Old meng sighed.

"Did he admit it himself?" I asked again.

Old meng nodded and said, "Yes, he admitted it. He was still too honest, and before I could ask, he confessed and almost cried. In fact, he didn't finish the medicine on purpose that day. In the end, he was kind-hearted and couldn't be cruel. If it were someone else, perhaps all the fish in the pond would be dead."

Hearing what old meng said, I didn't blame xiao tian in my heart. After all, he did it at Old gao's parents's command.

However, I was particularly disgusted by Old gao's parents's behavior.

No matter what, Old Gao was their son. How could they use such a dirty trick?

What would Old Gao think if Old Gao knew they were doing this? How uncomfortable would Old Gao be? How did his own parents treat him?

Alas, I suddenly felt indescribably tired.

If this is also a parent's love for their child, it's okay if you really don't want it!

However, I suddenly thought of another possibility!

Did Old Gao know about this?

Why did he sell the pond? Was it also related to his parents? Did his parents threaten Old Gao to sell the pond again?

I believe that Old gao's parents can do anything else because of the pool. Did they really threaten Old Gao to sell the pond?

I asked old meng, "Does Old Gao know about this?"

Old meng shook his head and said, "I told you about this. But I don't know if Xiaogao can guess."

So, we still don't know if Old Gao knows about this.

But I have to figure this out!

A few days later, old meng's luggage was packed and Old Gao and I drove Old Gao to the station.

The old meng family was in the south, thousands of kilometers away from Pucheng. Although there was a convenient means of transportation such as airplane and high-speed rail now, I think that this farewell would probably be forever!

It was fate to meet each other once. Thinking back on old meng's dark face and the story he told me, I couldn't help but sigh. Fate is uncertain. I don't know what will happen to old meng when he sees a widow. I wonder how his small fish business will be in the future. I wonder what his life will be like from now on.

And at this moment, it seems that I can only say one sentence: bon voyage!

Old Gao and I got back in the car. Old Gao started the car and drove slowly along the road. I adjusted the seat and half lay on it. "Can you talk now?" Why did you quit?"

Old Gao smiled guiltily and said, "Don't pressure me, okay? Driving, no pressure."

"Then you park on the side of the road." I gave him a quick idea and said in a deep voice.

"Now that old meng is gone, the pond must be dry. I just want to know why." I continued, "I thought it was true what you told me before, what water park, what farm hotel? Aren't you going to fight your parents to the end? Aren't you going to fight for Wang Mengmeng? Isn't that important anymore?"

Old Gao just smiled and didn't answer me.

I frowned and asked, "Did your parents force it?"

Old Gao shook his head.

I looked at Old Gao's face and wanted to see something from his expression. I wanted to ask him if he knew that his parents had asked Tian to put medicine in the pond. But let's not think about it. If we don't know, then we don't know. We should just treat this as a secret and bury it in the ground forever.

At this moment, Old Gao said, "I was going to ask you if you still want to do it in the pond. You can do it if you want to. But old meng isn't at the pond, and neither am I. I'm sure you won't stay any longer, so I didn't ask you."

"Who did you sell the pond to?" I asked casually.

"Ji Ze."

Old Gao replied.


I was startled, goosebumps all over me, arms propping up the seat and looking up at Old Gao in horror.

Although it was just a simple name, I could smell a hint of conspiracy.

After all, Ji Ze once used a despicable trick to drive me out of the studio. Now, if he had forcibly taken over the pond and let Old Gao sell it to him, that would have made sense!

Old Gao looked at me doubtfully and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You can't sell it!" I straightened up and became extremely agitated. "You can't sell it to anyone!"

For some reason, I don't think Ji Ze had any good intentions in buying the pond.

"No," Old Gao parked the car on the side of the road and looked at me in confusion. He smiled and said, "What's going on?"

"What's your situation?" I rebuked Old Gao.

"No, why do I listen to you like I have a problem with ji ze?" Old Gao asked.

Let's not talk about old things, but today, this matter must be said clearly!

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