Days Of Getting Rich In Another World Chapter 44

Several people came in not long after, led by Ye Mun, she still looked as cold as ice and frost, Zhao Xu wanted to get up to say hello to everyone. Christopher waved at him.

"Don't be too polite, Lord Baron, please sit where you are."

The other party's words were polite, but Zhao Xu understood that he was actually being treated as a Suspects, can't talk nonsense, and have no choice but to sit back in place at the moment.

It didn't take long for someone to give Ye Jun, Christopher and the others moved chairs, and a few people sat opposite Zhao Xu, completely in the interrogation posture. Some worry, the identity of the other party has also been exposed? It would be more troublesome if that was the case.

At this time, I only listened to Christopher opened the mouth and said: "Master Baron, why did we come to you this time, they must have told you?"

"Say someone accused me of colluding with heretics."

"That's right, you must know what the crime is. Now I hope you can answer your questions. If you refuse to cooperate or lie, things will be very unfavorable to you. ."

"I understand, but I have to clarify that I am wronged."

"We will judge whether you are wronged or not, you just need to be honest." Ye Xun suddenly opened the mouth and said, her tone was cold and tough, unquestionable.

"Then can I first ask what is the basis for your accusation of heresy?"

Christopher glanced at Ye Xun after hearing that, and only said after seeing the other party's nodded agreement. : "Actually, we received news before that there is a slime lair in the eastern suburbs, but when we got there today we found nothing."

"That's it? What does that have to do with me? Maybe you guys The information we obtained was originally inaccurate."

"No, we did find traces of slime activities at the scene, and it was obvious that they noticed something and left in a hurry."

"Can't you just say it has something to do with me? Do you have any evidence?"

"No, but we got a tip that someone accused you of having a close relationship with monsters in the Black Forest, so we have The reason is to suspect that you have leaked the information."

"Who accused me? You find someone, and we can face it face to face."

"The other party is anonymous, even our I don't know who it is."

"It's ridiculous, if you want human evidence but no evidence, if you want physical evidence but no physical evidence, why do you accuse me? According to this, you can even avoid the trial, Just say that I did it, and the settlement will be settled on the spot, anyway, you have no intention of reasoning."

"Enough!" At this time, I only heard Ye Xun's drink, and this was a sudden, other people present. All surprised.

"Our church also follows the rules. It is precisely because the evidence is insufficient, so we just bring you here to investigate. If there is real evidence, who will waste time with you here!? We will not wrong anyone A good person will never let a bad person go, just cooperate obediently."

Zhao Xu heard that frowned, he knew that Ye Xun was vicious and merciless and could do anything, so he immediately had to say: " Okay, then how do you want me to cooperate? You can't force me to admit it if you don't have anything, right?"

Ye Yen said: "The newspaper said that you often run to the suburbs by yourself recently, just to meet. Monsters."

"No, I'm just hunting, isn't that okay?"

"Hunting? Not even a follower?"

" Can't you? I think with attendants crowding round is too restrictive."

"Who can prove it?"

"You all said I was hunting alone, who can prove it? Can't wild beast? By the way, you said I'm going to meet monsters, can anyone prove it?"


"That's not the end? Everyone has no evidence, You can say whatever you want."

"Then why did you suddenly prepare a large amount of supplies at the end of last year?" asked another member of the Light Corps at this time.

Zhao Xu was shocked when he heard this. The other party seemed to be prepared to mention this, but on the surface he still seemed very calm.

"Materials? What materials?"

"We have verified a large amount of clothing and food, so please don't deny it."

" Oh, you said this, it is true, can't I give it to someone?"

"Who gave it to?"

"Is this related to accusing me of colluding with monsters? "

"Of course, if you don't know who to give it to, we have reason to suspect that you gave it to a monster."

"Joke, why do monsters want these things? Back In one step, why would they believe that I am a human?"

"Only you can understand the details here. In short, if you don't explain who you gave the things to, we have reason to doubt them. You."

"Well, if I do good, can I give it to the poor?"

"Where are the poor?"

"Through the local refugees. "

"Where are they now?"

"How do I know? They all said they passed through here."

"In other words, it cannot be verified. ?"

"Then do you say that I gave it to the monster with proof?"

The members of the Illuminati looked at each other in blank dismay, indeed the whole case is in trouble now, Although there are doubts about Zhao Xu, there is no real evidence. However, the news reports are conclusive, and many of the recent actions of the Guangming regiment have indeed been unsuccessful. These things have to make them suspect that they have a traitor.

"Should I use punishment?" At this time, a member of the Light Corps whispered, Zhao Xu also heard it at the time, and immediately frowned, he knew that the Light Corps had the right to use punishment for heresy suspects, and in fact they had one. The systematic torture, it is said that the tortured people have to be skinned even if they don't die, which is also a feature of medieval society.

"No, he is a lord after all, with different identities. If there is an emergency, things will be difficult to clean up. Besides, there is not enough evidence now, so we can't be beaten." Contrary to Zhao Xu's expectations, this proposal was rejected. Ye Mun directly rejected it. It seems that although this guy is vicious and merciless, he is not blindly arrogant.

However, the interrogation has reached a deadlock. Zhao Xu will definitely not explain it himself, and the Guangming Group and the others can't produce enough evidence. They have to use all kinds of words to coerce and induce, But Zhao Xu didn't admit it when he killed him. Gradually night fell. Christopher was getting old and couldn't support his energy. He started to yawn. "I think the interrogation will be here first, everyone will go to dinner."

These words hit everyone's heart, so everyone left one after another, leaving Zhao Xu alone in the room. His current identity is still the same. He was a suspect, so he couldn't leave, and Zhao Xu was hungry after tossing for a long time, but he didn't see anyone delivering food for a long time. He knew that most of the people in the light regiment did this on purpose, and they couldn't torture you or starve you. ? Otherwise, his life as a suspect would have been too good. Zhao Xu had to walk back and forth in the house at that time, but the more he walked, the more hungry he became, and there was no bed in the house, so he had to sit back in his chair and think about the whole thing, who was the accuser? Own.

Zhao Xu was thinking about it. As soon as the door opened, a leaf mushroom came in, with a bowl in his hand and a piece of bread on it.

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