"Then I can't think about it."

Li Yi tried to move his body as much as possible in an effective space.

Often traveling long distances or fighting with those monsters, it was tiring, but he recovered quickly.

Now suddenly let him do nothing, just rest like this, but he is exhausted all day long.

Li Yi couldn't help but sigh, he might just be a toiler.

When I stopped, I felt sick all over.

"Li Yi, can you stop exercising in this dark place, and you are not afraid of stepping on people."

"Could it be that your eyes are out of breath, I am such a big living person here, you don't know how to move to the side?"

Seeing Li Yi's righteous appearance, Wang Shengli was too lazy to pay attention to him.

I feel that Li Yi has a sick mind, and it is rare to be so leisurely, so what is there to exercise? It is correct to take a good rest.

Looking at the two bickering, Zhang Long and Ouyang Tai smiled and continued to study the route forward after going out.

Now they don't have to worry about going out, the wild boar herd is still there.

With the fish head detector, they have a lot of peace of mind.

After so many days of delay, they discussed how they could use the fastest speed to reach the location marked by Zhang Xiaotong.

In fact, when they first knew that Zhang Xiaotong and the others were going to the crater, they were still very surprised.

In their view, where to go is to find death.

But when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they changed their minds now.

There is no final secret here, so the search must continue.

The three of them studied for two days before deciding on three routes with a slightly lower risk factor.

These three routes can also be regarded as one of the routes that can reach the top of the mountain as soon as possible.

After determining the route, Ouyang Tai prepared as much as possible the solutions to the monsters he might encounter.

In fact, they are not sure whether they will encounter those monsters, it is better to prepare more.

Looking at what Ouyang Tai had prepared, the well-burning carbon and the dark ashes on the bottom of the pot were all kinds of strange things.

In other words, they must have sneered at these things before, but after the two experiences, they already believed it.

A few people put away the things, Zhang Long stood up and prepared to move his muscles and bones, and the fish head bit his trouser legs and pulled out.

Zhang Long knew that something must have happened, otherwise the fish head would not be like this.

He followed the fish head obediently, and slowly reached the entrance of the cave.

It stands to reason that you can hear the calls of those wild boars here, and it is indeed quiet today.

Thinking of that possibility, Zhang Long's steps lightened a little.

He patted Yutou's head and squatted quietly at the entrance of the cave. No wild boar appeared all morning.

Although he was happy, Zhang Long was still a little worried.

Slowly crawling out of the hole, Zhang Long used the surrounding branches and weeds to make a simple camouflage for himself.

He crawled back and forth on the ground, slowly squatting forward.

After making a circle around the range of about 100 meters, it was confirmed that the wild boars had left.

"Finally gone." Zhang Long couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

He quickly went back happily and told the news to a few people.

As soon as they heard the wild boars leave, several people hurriedly packed their things and were ready to go.

First, it was because they had been holding back in the cave for too long, and now they can let out the wind.

In addition, they are afraid that the wild boar herd will suddenly come back, and they have to take advantage of this time to leave quickly.

They suddenly came out of the dark hole, and their eyes stinged a little at first, but they were all right soon.

When their eyes got used to it, they headed for the crater according to the route they had planned before.

A few people along the way had no intention of resting except for stopping to correct some routes.

In fact, they have had enough rest these days, and can't wait to set off.

Even Wang Shengli didn't say a word of tiredness on the way, but said a word to stop and rest, which was a bit surprising to a few people.

The sky gradually darkened, and the speed of several people was also a lot slower.

"Stop and rest for the night."

Although they are still full of energy, but they are going forward with torches at night, and it is easy to provoke some beasts, so it is better to be careful.

In the evening, a few people gathered together and chatted about something.

They just crossed the mountainside, and they felt more and more hot.

Continue to go up, I don't know what will happen.

I don't know if it was because of the temperature, they rarely encountered any animals along the way.

It stands to reason that the current temperature is suitable for many warm-blooded animals, but it just doesn't appear.

But this also saves them a lot of trouble, and can better preserve their stamina.

A few people determined the route for tomorrow, leaving Zhang Long to watch the night, and the others went to sleep.

Zhang Long looked at the stars outside the tent and couldn't help showing a smile.

After staying in the foggy forest for so long, all eyes are dazed, and it is rare to see the moon so clearly.

"Go to sleep now."

Hearing the movement behind him, Zhang Long turned his head and glanced at Liu Yi who was yawning, patted his shoulder and turned into the tent.

The next morning, a few people hurriedly ate a little something and left in a hurry.

As they continued to advance, Zhang Long was also a little flustered,

She blocked the sun with her hands and squinted at the crater shaded by the trees ahead.

Strange to say, there are so many trees around the crater here.

"Keep walking." Patting the spider web on his body, several people moved on.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing in the woods, the breeze is blowing through the leaves, and the sound of clattering makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"The air is so good." Li Yi couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling a lot of freshness in his lungs.

As the altitude continues to rise, the surrounding air is getting better and better.

As they progressed, the environment here shattered their perception of the crater.

In their impression, the surrounding area of ​​the crater should be full of ash, all kinds of ores that have been frozen and condensed.

Or some corpse of an animal wrapped in ash or something.

It should smoke and warn the world all the time that it is a dangerous existence.

But looking at this crater, did they even suspect that the place they came from was a volcano?

As they advanced, they could no longer look at the crater.

Several people stood in place panting, resting silently to recover their strength. They originally planned to arrive at the crater today.

Suddenly Zhang Long pointed to the smoky forest below and asked, "You said that the smoke in the foggy forest is caused by this volcano?"

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