Zhang Long saw that the stone gate was not opened. I thought there was something wrong with Shimen.

Finally, relying on Ou Huang's physique, I found the switch, but I didn't expect it to malfunction. Zhang Long was also a little frustrated at this time.

He got up from the ground and was about to walk. Was there any other mechanism? At this time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the sound of the mechanical rotation just opened was not the two huge stone doors in the middle.

Instead, on the side of the wall next to the stone gate, there was a small door about one person high.

This discovery still makes Zhang Long feel very happy. Sure enough, it is another village. But he felt that for so long, no one should have walked through this secret passage, and he didn't know how the air quality was inside. So he also put the lamp in his hand towards the small door.

If the air quality inside is not good, the lights should go out.

If that's the case, Zhang Long will wait a bit before entering.

But he put the lamp behind the wicket. But I found that the flame on the lamp was shaking gently. At the same time there is no sign of going out. This shows that the place that can be reached through this secret door is a relatively empty place.

The ventilation conditions are also relatively good.

Because of the airflow passing through, the light of that lamp will keep beating.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Long picked up the lamp from the ground and carefully entered the secret door. There were two huge stone gates in front of them, but a secret door was opened on the stone wall next to them.

This also made Zhang Long more vigilant in his heart.

Usually this kind of place, generally speaking, there will be organs. If you are not careful, you will die.

So this way.

Zhang Long walked very slowly, and he also carefully discerned the difference between the road and the wall. I'm afraid that the organ will be touched.

At the same time, he also held the thigh bone extracted from the skeleton, and lightly tapped the road and walls in front of him from time to time.

Generally speaking, the traps on the ground are mainly divided into the following situations. One is to dig a deep pit to make a flap, as long as you step on it, you will fall into the trap below.

For a trap like this, as long as you tap the pavement lightly with your thighbone and hear a hollow sound under the pavement, you can basically confirm it.

The other is the trigger type. When you step on it, the trigger is triggered, and bows and arrows or other weapons will be released from somewhere else to attack the person standing at the trigger.

The latter is relatively difficult to detect and more difficult to prevent.

These are things that must not be careless. If the organ is touched, it will kill people.

So Zhang Long was so careful, he moved forward almost step by step.

However, after walking through the narrow passage, still no mechanism was triggered.

Behind the passage is a stone room with a small space.

This is different from what Zhang Long expected before.

There is a vent in a corner above the room in the stone chamber. Don't know where to go. The wind that made the lights in Zhang Long's hands keep beating came from there.

There is a box in the room.

There is a lock on it.

After Zhang Long walked over, he gently poked the thigh bone in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the box collapsed all of a sudden.

It turned out to be too long.

The wood has long since decayed.

Zhang Long used his thigh bones to pick and choose among the wreckage of the box. Didn't find anything useful either.

I don't know if it's the clothes or books inside, all in all, with the passage of time, all of them have decayed and can't see their original appearance.

These are not the point, the point is that there is a mural-like thing on the wall, but it is disrupted.

This fresco consists of 64 fragments of equal size. There is an extra groove next to it that allows all the debris to move.

This is a very simple jigsaw puzzle, just a little more complicated.

Zhang Long first tested it with his thigh bone, but no mechanism appeared.

Then started playing this jigsaw puzzle.

It took a little effort, but it took a little more time.

With the passage of time, Zhang Long also put together the last piece of the puzzle, and the entire complete figure was presented.

This is an image of a mighty Serpent God.

After Zhang Long finished all the pictures, a few seconds later, he heard a clicking sound from somewhere.

Then there was a gurgling sound on the other wall, followed by a dark grid.

After Zhang Long walked over, he pulled the hidden compartment out.

A handle was exposed inside. It seems that if you grab the handle and turn it in one direction, you can activate a certain mechanism.

"It can't be the mechanism that opens the door. These people really know how to play, making it so complicated."

After Zhang Long complained, he stretched his hand towards the handle.

At this moment, he also suddenly jumped up from the shadow part behind the handle and charged towards Zhang Long like lightning.

Zhang Long was startled, and hit him violently with the thigh bone in his hand.

That thing was hit by Zhang Long in the air with his thigh bone, but it opened its mouth wide and spewed out a stench of poisonous mist.

The thing was hit by Zhang Long and fell to the ground, and then Zhang Long unceremoniously hit the thigh bone with his hand several times. He even broke the thigh bone into two sections due to excessive force.

At this time, he also saw clearly, that is a small snake with a triangular head and colorful body.

But this is different from the huge python that was killed before.

Boa constrictors basically rely on their size to entangle people and then strangle them, and this colorful little snake looks very poisonous at first glance.

If Zhang Long wanted to be bitten by this snake, he would be dead.

The triangular head, the yellow eyes, and the colorful body are all extremely poisonous.

Make sure to kill that little snake again.

Only then did Zhang Long go back to that dark grid.

When he was about to reach for the handle to turn it, he suddenly felt the light dimmed.

He looked suspiciously at the lamp he put aside.

The fire did not diminish.

Although the lamp oil in the light show has been reduced a lot, there is still more than half of it, but slowly the light is getting darker and darker until it enters the darkness.

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