Dcmcu: Kaiju System

Chapter 24 - 24 Highway robbery

POV Peter Parker (spider-man)

"man do I love weekends," I say enjoy the Sunday evening on top of a building overlooking central park with a hotdog with the works and a coke cola.' as I'm enjoying my lunch I'm suddenly my spider-sense goes off and I duck behind the ledge then an explosion goes off but it sounds more like a thunderstorm just appeared in the middle of the city. looking around for the source of the explosion didn't take long from the smoke coming to a few blocks away "All alright spider-man time to get to work" with a jump and a *thwip* I was off, as I swung though I noticed something all the lights and cars on the street were off 'was it some kind of E.M.P that went off?' arriving at my destination it looked like any other build beside the people coming out of the remains of the front of the building electro, shocker, captain cold, captain boomerang, and the rhino who was holding up and dragging some crates.

Shocker: "next time we get a suggestion for a 'combo' move we practice first I almost lost a hand because of that stunt," he said looking around. but I can't deny the results no cops or alarms.

captain cold: "but too much noise let's get a move on don't want any capes sho-

"and what do we have here a gathering of some of my favorite criminals with some help from out of town" I said jumping down in between them and webbing rhino in the eyes making him drop the equipment captain cold aim up at me but found his cold gun kicked out of hands from a fount flip next I jumped up and webbing captain boomerang with his boomerang in hand and his face then knocked him down with a kick to his face as I fell. then my spider-sense went off and dodge to the side just in time for shockers blast to miss and hit boomerang sending him flying back into the building.

shocker: "oh no" with him wide open I go for a haymaker only for my punch to stop mid-swing then I'm suddenly flung back into the wall of the building with a *slam* knocking the air out of me I look for the source of what just happened only to find the smirking face of electro eye glowing with energy.

Captain boomerang: "you couldn't have done that sooner?" he said with annoyance in his tone as he came out prepared to fight only to find me stuck to the wall.

electro: "hey I got him didn't I and I'm new to using my powers like this takes a lot of concentration," he said keeping his gaze on me

with rhino finally getting the webbing out of his eyes he looked like was about to charge me but was stopped by a boomerang

captain boomerang: "no time for that mate we gotta scram before the power comes back on" and more capes start showing up" then with a flick of his first a boomerang was stuck in the wall only to then release a purple gas that I soon found my self breathing in " nighty night spider" my vision became blurry and then darkness.

POV max

5 minutes earlier

I was sitting on my couch petting a sleeping Artenyx as I watched tv only for the power to go out then turn back on again thanks to the backup generators in the building.

"what the hell was that tron?" my question was met with a pop-up

[mission first strike]

•help spider-man catch the robbers

"what no reward"

["you need a reward to help a fellow hero and friend"]

when you put it like that you make it sound like I'm a greedy jerk"

"ok whatever were is this robbery," I say putting Artenyx on the couch careful not to wake her and take myself to the balcony where my question was answered as smoke rose from into the sky and not just the smoke but looking around the city that never sleeps was almost quiet with all traffic stopped in its tracks. 'must have been some kind if E.M.P from the explosion' I jump off the balcony equipping my [nightfury armor] and gear and equip my [night fury] transformation to sprout the wings and tail then I take off. a couple of minutes later I arrive on the robbery or what's left of it as the only one their was a knocked out spider-man one landed near him I understood why.

[item: knockout gas boomerang]

-release sleeping gas shortly after impact or timer

"Great let's get going spider don't want Jona Jamason to have more excuses to attack you," I say picking up the unconscious hero and the boomerang and just in time too. as the power comes back on so does this places security system but by that time I was in the air finding a rooftop to land on.

10 minutes later

spider-man: huh my head what happened?

"looks like whoever robed that build kicked your buŧŧ spider" peter looks up at me grogaly turning his head.

spider-man: "nightfury you... what happened where did they go" he says jumping up out of his stooper

"that would be my question to you after the E.M.P explosion I arrived only to find you unconscious next to the build"

Maria hill: my name is Maria hill agent of S.H.E.I.L.D you both are under arrest come please come quietly.


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