Dead Apple

16 Once upon a time

Once Upon a Time




Words spread like a plague in Ravenlan, coming from a single person then passed through a friend then heard by others, until everyone knew about the engagement between Eros Ziegler \u0026 Alicaena Ludenburg. Though supports and praises came from most of the students, there is still a few who is jealous and against the said union. One of them is Isabella, Ravenlan's Queen Bee, she has been there with Eros since they were young, always following him around and making small talks whenever she got the opportunity. All those years, she has been stalking him and claiming that Eros' soon wife-to-be is her. No! She cannot accept it! After all the effort she did just to get the attention of her first love, Isabella will never accept the new girl as his fiancé. Not in her entire life!

"Mom!" She hissed through the phone. "Why was I not informed that Eros is engaged?!"

"Call down, Bella."

"You want me to calm down?! He is engaged with someone else and it was announced on his party! Is that why you decided to have an excursion in Korea the same day as his birthday?!"

She kicked her high heels and plopped down on her bed. After being the last person to hear the news she stormed out of the classroom, fuming mad.

"I know you like him that is why I did not tell you."

"You know I can't accept this, mom!" Isabella yelled at the other line. "Never!" Then the line went dead.

She is the only perfect girl for Eros. Even if he is cold and rude towards her, she can't help but admire the person and threaten the girls who tried to get close with him. She got everything she wanted and Eros Ziegler is the only one missing.

Looking at the mirror across her bed, Isabella can see the evil glint in her eyes. She smirked at the sight as a plan formed on her head.

"Alice... There is no happy ending for you."


Alice felt shivers run down her spine while sipping the watermelon shake their swimming captain just brought for them. She felt like someone just cursed her but shook the ridiculous idea as soon as Ariel called her to drag her down of her own trance.

Her members are sitting at the edge of the pool. Beside her is Sebastian, a brown-haired playboy type of kind who sticks his self to every cute and beautiful girl he came across with, Alice is one of them as he openly announced. On her left side sat Anastasia, whose glasses kept on sliding down her straight nose, then there's Jetsam, the handsome hunk.

"Alright, the swimming competition will be five days from now so the practice will be intense." Ariel announced. "This year Sebastian, Alice, and Anastasia will be competing. Jetsam and I will be the substitutes in case something happen."

"The training is always fun, the academy gives us a three-day holiday practice. All expenses paid." He wriggled his brows.

"Tomorrow is the start of our holiday practice." Smiled the captain. "We booked a reservation at a beach resort where we will be having our training so I want you to pack your things now because we leave tonight!"

The pool area was filled with shouts and cheers as they clanked their watermelon shake with each other. Who wouldn't be happy if you are exempted at your classes for three days only to have fun at a beach resort? Of course, everyone is too excited that they started leaving the gymnasium building to get ready.

Alice came back at her room to put her clothes inside a small pink luggage, too overwhelm to notice her roommate entering. Sweat is dripping down Chloe's forehead. The non-stop practice exhaust her that she just wanted to sleep for 24 hours. Her body met the soft bed face first then she asked her friend in a muffled tone.

"Where are you going?"

Alice turned sideways. "How long have you been there?"

"Just now." Chloe answered, her eyes heavy from tiredness. "You are too happy to notice my presence."

"That's because the swimming club is having a three-day holiday practice."

"What...?!" The blonde cheerleader who's ready to sleep widened her eyes in utter surprise, forgetting the exhausting cheerleading routine. "That is so unfair! How come that your club get to have a permission for a holiday practice!?"

"Ariel is a wise captain." Picking up the long floral dress she put it inside the luggage together with a denim short and spaghetti strap shirt. "We will leave tonight and I hope you don't miss me." She grinned.

"I am not going to miss you...!" Chloe pouted, "In fact, I am jealous. I want a vacation too!"

"Would you mind changing clubs then?"

"That's the problem." Someone knocked at the door and Alice immediately opened it to reveal a red headed girl, Ariel. "Goodbye, Alice. Have fun while I am miserable here. Alone and tortured from practice."

She chuckled at her. "Don't worry, I'll buy you some souvenirs. Take care while I'm gone, okay. Bye, Chloe."

A white van waited outside the academy. Ariel sits at the front with the Ravenlan's driver, her duffle bag placed beside her feet. At the middle, Alice just pushed away Sebastian who kept on clinging beside her, she glared at him while pulling Anastasia to fill the empty seat.

"Take the seat at the back." She sneered. "I'm sure Jetsam is dying with your company."

"I'm happy on my own." Jetsam said, earning a satisfied smirk from the playboy swimmer.

"Anastasia, sit at the back." Sebastian ordered, "Handsome will entertain you there."

He raised both of his hands when Alice glared at him. Laughing out loud, the team captain scolded them saying that they need to settle out so the van can leave as soon as possible. Sebastian has no choice but to take the back seat with Jetsam.

The vehicle sped of the dark high-way while the club members decided to sleep. The drive will take up to five hours before they can arrive at the beach resort, it would be midnight when they get there so a sleep is beneficial for all of them.

Alice rested her head at Anastasia's shoulder. Her eyes slowly closing as the shadowed trees from the window blurred before her, then she drifted.

"Are you really leaving?" First asked, his eyebrows creasing at the thought. "You know you can stay here as long as you want."

The white-haired girl tilted her head, a small smirk planted on her red lips and a evil glint is visible on her innocent child-like eyes.

"Yes, Big brother." She answered, "I am leaving for good."

"Seven will be upset when he finds you gone."

She regarded her with a look then her gaze diverted at fourth who is silently listening at their conversation.

"I want a new life." She honestly announced. "A change is a good start."

First sadly shook his head. "If that's what you want we won't hinder you. Remember that we will always be here if you need help, Snow."

"Thank you." She jumped from her seat, the leather boots making a soft thud at the wooden floor.

She bid her goodbye at them with a few farewell messages before taking her luggage outside. Third helped her put her things at the car trunk then gave her a small smile.

He sighed. "Once upon a time, Snow left the seven handsome guys."

Alice was awaken by a screeching sound of tires and shouts around her. The van made a sharp turn and before she can even analyze what's happening a bright light at the front temporarily blinded them. There is another screeching then her head hit the side window, knocking her unconcious.


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