Dead Apple

5 4: Box full of apples



"You're shaking." Chloe said, she sat down beside her bed to check if she has a fever or something. "I'll get you a hot coffee, then tell me what happened, 'kay?"

"N-no coffee." Alice managed to say.

"Hot choco then."

She was alone for a while, trying to calm herself Alice focused on her breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. She could have faint or lost her mind if Eros did not found her, yet she feels ashamed that of all people he was the one who has found her-- screaming and shaking, even his uniform is crumpled because of her, and she thinks that one of the buttons have loosened. She shook her head at the memory and waited for Chloe to come back.

As soon as the cheerleader came, she gave the hot chocolate to Alice.

"Tell me what happened?"

Alice ran her finger at the mouth of the cup, the warmth tingling her skin and the smell calming down her nerves. She tried to recall what happened before waking up at the woods.

"I was..." She started. "I was about to go at the library...then two boys approached,when I refused to go with them they forced me and the next thing I knew I just woke up in the woods with a blanket all over me. Then... Then..." Tears started rolling down her cheeks again.

"It's okay now. Shhh. You're fine now." Her friend soothed her. "Tomorrow we will tell Mr Falon about what happened, for now, drink that chocolate then take a shower."

That night, they slept with the lights on. Alice muffled her cries by digging her face at the pillow but her shaking never stopped. The cheerleader watched her all through the night, playing a low music to help her calm down. Then, when they told Mr Falon about what happened the next morning, both are very shocked to find that the two boys were sent at the hospital the same night. Face beaten up and shoulders dislocated, Mr Fallon told them that those two are found half-dead at the back of the dormitory.

"Well, that's their karma and they deserve it." Chloe winked at her. "If scaring you is their way of prank, beating them is Karma's way of prank."

"Who could have done that?" She asked.

The cheerleader shrugged. "It does not matter who beat them to death."

"Alice! Chloe!" Someone called from behind.

"Here comes the prince charming."

Phillip sprints toward them, resting his arms on Alice shoulders. He is wearing is basketball jersey with a ball on the other hand, and his fanclub following from behind.

"How's your first day?" He asked, while they walk at the hallway. "What's that?" He asked again when he noticed the commotion outside their room.

The three of them tried to make their way at the pool of students. Pushing them sideways and forcing their selves in.

Alice stopped at her tracks.

Eros is standing in front of a pretty girl. His hand clutching the girl's neck, her face a shade of purple and red blotched are starting to form on the cheeks. No one dared to stop him for they know too well that meddling with Eros Ziegler's business is digging a grave of their own.

"Listen, Isabella." He spat. "Do that again then I'm gonna squish your wind pipe and break your neck in the process."

Isabella nodded her head weakly, then Eros loosened his grip.

"A-are you threathening me?!" The grip tightened.

"No. I am not fond of threats, consider it a warning." He stated coldly. "Or a promise."

Alice watched as Eros let the girl go and left her coughing, then he stopped when he saw her. His eyes darkening as his eyes travelled from her face down to her shouder where Phillip's arm is resting. Out of instinct, she removed Phillip's arm then Eros left with a smirk on his face.

The students scattered again. Helping Isabella, the queen bee, on her feet and making their way down to their respective rooms-- as if nothing happened.

"I...need to pee." Alice announced, running towards her savior's direction.

She called after him before he could even ascend the stairs. She stopped, panting, while the guy turned on his heel to face the owner of the voice.

"What?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Ahm." She bit her lower lip and noticed that he stiffened. "I just want to thank you about last night."

There was a moment of silence after she talked, lifting up her gaze she found Eros staring at her. Face void of emotion, but the coldness of his eyes says otherwise. He leaned closer at her and she was frozen still from where she stood. His breath, he can almost smell it. It smells of mint and vanilla that it made her heart flutter.

He clicked his tounge. "I do not take words as a thank you." His hands travelled around her neck, and for once, she thought he is going to strangle her too. "It's a debt and you have to pay for it."

"W-what do you want?"

"Eat with me." He whispered, his breath fanning her face. "I'll wait for you at the canteen."

Alice was left dumbfounded, her face flushed and breathing ragged as she processed his words at her. It has been two minutes since he left and she has not move her feet eversince, then her hand travelled on her neck, where the tingling sensation was, and found her lost necklace to where it should have been.

He returned my necklace. She thought.

The day went on smoothly, when their morning class ended she received a text from the registrar telling her about the package that came. Chloe accompanied her to see the package and to harass her about the details of how Eros has asked her to eat with him-- or rather has ordered.

Signing her name at the log book, the registrar gave her a box, the same size as the two shoe boxes when combined, it was a little bit heavy when she carried it down to the canteen.

"Is it from your dad?"

"I don't think so. I texted him about the package and he does not know anything about it."

"I'll go buy us a lunch." Chloe smiled beside her. "You can go find Eros and chat with him for a while."

She scanned the canteen, and Eros is sitting four tables away from her with the two other guys' she saw him with on their first encounter. She hesitated, but when he lifted his gaze and met her eyes she just felt her limbs moving, closing the distance between them.

"The princess is here." Don grinned at her, taking the box. "Woah! This is heavy! Are you hiding a disemboweled body inside?"

Don has this tan complexion and wild grin on his face. His broad shoulder and muscular body is evident on his tight uniform. He could pass as an athlete, based on his figure, but one would think that him being on the field will only send his opposing team at the hospital.

She squirmed at her. "I don't think so."

"I'm Don, by the way. Nice to meet you, Alice."

"My name is Rain. Nice to meet the girl who charmed the beast." The skinny guy beside Don introduced. His figure a total opposite of the muscular guy and Alice could not help but think that Rain has this weak demeanor, however, his eyes is too hard that contradicts his weak body.

"Nice to meet you too." She smiled at them, Eros only regarded her with a cold look and never did once removed his stare.

Chloe came afterwards with two set of lunch on her tray. Introducing herself at them, she secretly pinched Alice at her arm. They talked about the incoming competition and clubs, except for Eros who is too busy listening at Alice's angelic voice.

Remembering the box resting at the table, Alice reached for it to check what's inside. The registrar told her that his father sent it, but his father denied sending her a package. She leaned closer at the box when the scent reached her nostril, it smells fruity sweet.

"Do you really need to smell that?" Eros mumbled across her.

"The scent is strong." She snorted, then Rain did lean closer to smell the box too.

"It' sweet. Candies?" He asked, and she just shrugged her shoulder. The box is too heavy for candies, unless someone wants her to die of diabetes.

So to confirm her suspicion she removed the tape and slowly unfolded the lid. Her hands froze midway. Inside the box are dozens of red apples, the scent getting stronger and filling the air around them.

"I did not know you love apples, Alice." She heard someone saying, but her mind is too focused on the black paper above the apples.

Forcing a smile on her face she takes the paper and push forward the box at them.

"You can have the apples. I hate it." She snapped while unfolding the black paper.

The same handwriting was there with a long message.


Let's start the game, shall we?

Find me and you will see.

The shadow you deemed to hate,

For you came and it was too late.

First clue:

I am watching you right now with a bloody grin on my face.

Can you see me?


An apple a day keeps the doctors away. Remember to eat one everyday.

Her eyes scanned the area, darting from faces to faces, locking eyes with those smiling at her. Too many tables, too many students, too many grins plastered on their faces. She looked at the table behind her where the cheerleading squad are laughing with the basketball team. Then her eyes darted beside them where normal students are eating their lunch with a smile on their faces.

Her head is spinning like a merry go round.

Then she faced Eros, lips pursed and jaw clenched, whose staring at her intently.

"I think I'm going to faint." Was the last thing she said before everything around her went black.


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