Dead Enemies, We Have a Face

: ☆Chapter entanglement

Zhengyang Group's project was signed by Ai Xi, and now the person in charge suddenly called to say that there was a flaw in the plan, and they wanted to break the contract. Although the two parties signed a contract, it is only a matter of liquidated damages. Compared with these petty profits, it is obvious that the company's reputation is much more important.

Ai Xi is well aware of how many hidden resources the company will lose if the professional attitude is not rigorous.

"Who is in charge of the market share survey?" the department manager howled, breaking the silence in the office.

Then, Xiao Wang and Li Mu, who were applying nail polish, followed the manager and entered the director's office.

Ai Xi didn't say a word, but it gave people the feeling of being "frozen three feet", which shows that the aura is really magical. Li Mu looked at the thousand-year-old ice in front of him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, but he just put on a formal suit, how could there be the slightest gentle and pleasant shadow last night, Ai Xi must be in the late stage, and there is no help.

Just when Li Mu sighed that women were still gentle, Ai Xi finally spoke up.

"...Talking about data is to prove our professionalism and authority. I said that the data provided in the planning book must be double-checked, even if it is wrong by a decimal point..." The voice was cold and could not be denied.

Once there is a problem with a certain piece of data, the customer is likely to react together and question the professionalism of the entire plan. Although it is easy to change it later, it has already created a negative impression in the customer's mind. Li Mu knows this very well.

Because of a mistake, the company may lose a list of tens of millions. Ai Xi has enough reasons to fire the two people in front of him, but the partner insisted on breaking the contract just because of a small mistake. The attitude is resolute and unreasonable.

As far as Ai Xi knows, Zhengyang Group had negotiated with a number of planning companies before signing the contract. Whether this breach of contract was deliberate by Zhengyang Group remains to be investigated, which may involve vicious competition between industries.

Ai Xi has never been extreme in handling matters. Before the investigation is clear, she will not easily come to a conclusion, "Next time this happens, I won't use it to go to work."

This is already a very magnanimous result, and "Nail Polish Maniac" Xiao Wang repeatedly bowed to admit his mistakes...

Li Mu felt that she was really wronged this time. She was only in charge of the integration of data, at best, she was doing chores. The one who was really in charge of the market share was "Nail Polish Maniac" Xiao Wang.

Moreover, Li Mu has intervened in all aspects of the information, so it seems that no matter what is wrong, she has to carry the blame? This is obviously unscientific.

Although his heart is bitter, Li Mu knows that now is not the time to talk back and refute, and Ai Xi is in a fit of anger. If he once again "shirks the responsibility", it means that there is a problem with his work attitude.

Besides, Ai Xi didn't embarrass her either. She endured it first. After all, it's a big company, and the management still has the ability to see things clearly, right?

However, the department manager is much simpler and more rude than Ai Xi. As soon as he walked out of the director's office, he sternly threw a word at Li Mu, "If this project is yellow, you will pack up for me and leave!"


Even if a bowl of water is not level, how come the dirty water is only poured on yourself? Not long after Li Mu came to the company, he didn't know the relationship between the department manager and "Nail Polish" Xiao Wang. Naturally, this disgusting man with a big belly would not let his lover take the blame. In addition, Li Mu was still on probation, so it would be best to bully newcomers. but.

"Manager, I admit that I was negligent in this matter. When Sister Wang gave me the information, I should have checked it carefully..."

Saying this, Li Mu undoubtedly hit the muzzle of the gun.

When the nail polish maniac heard Li Mu's words, he immediately acted coquettishly at the manager, "Manager~ look at what she said... I've been at the company for so long, when did I make a mistake..."

"What attitude! I think you don't have to go to work tomorrow!"

Li Mu hurriedly took two steps back, and was almost sprayed with spittle by the pig's head.

Director Office.

Ai Xi was about to contact Zhengyang Group for negotiation when the phone rang.

"Xixi, can we have dinner together tonight?"

"I'm so busy right now, I don't have time."

"What about tomorrow? I'll pick you up."

"I won't be free tomorrow..."

"It's been so long, Xixi, I miss you."

After all, Ai Xi has known Gao Wei for two years, which is barely a relationship, but the relationship is already weak, and the two have been living in different places for a long time. , this is really not the way couples get along.

They met on a blind date. It is said that the probability of marriage is very high. Gao Wei took a fancy to Ai Xi at a glance. Everyone loves beautiful ones. Coupled with Ai Xi's mature temperament, it is naturally a popular pursuit of men.

But there are many beautiful women. The reason why Gao Wei is obsessed with Ai Xi is because he thinks that there are few women who are like Ai Xi, suitable for both being a girlfriend and a wife. This is what makes her unique.

Ai Xi's impression of Gao Wei was very simple. She didn't like it or hate it. She finally gave in to Gao Wei's pursuit. The big reason was that because she was old, she should find a home for herself. Tell her that marriage is an inevitable part of life, just like birth, old age, sickness and death.

In this way, they have been dating for more than a year. The first time Ai Xi thought of breaking up with Gao Wei was probably a few months ago. During that call, Gao Wei suddenly mentioned "marriage". Character.

"I'm not ready, sorry."

Ai Xi hesitated, even though she had reached the age to talk about marriage, even though she went on a blind date with the purpose of marriage, she still hesitated. There is no feeling, no passion, she and Gao Wei are not even in love... Although they maintain a relationship with Gao Wei, it seems that there is no essential difference from being single.

Ai Xi is not an unmarried family, she is not against marriage, but has some expectations, because she can't stand living alone, and marriage can just solve this problem. But can you really accept a marriage without any emotional foundation? She had never dreamed of a wedding with Gao Wei, not even once.

A marriage without feeling is destined to be lonely. Ai Xi should be glad that she figured this out before marriage.

He and Gao Wei began to quarrel frequently, also from a few months ago, because of work, because of separation, because of marriage, all kinds of contradictions made the relationship between the two deteriorate sharply.

After quarreling again and again, Ai Xi began to propose to break up. She felt arrogant and arrogant, what qualifications does a man who is dispensable have to give pointers on her life?

She began to resent Gao Wei. At first, she only resisted physical contact. Now, listening to his voice will feel uncomfortable.

"Why don't you give me a chance? You said that you are not ready to get married, I will not force you, you are not willing to give up your job for me, and I also understand that you do not want to leave City A, then I will come over now, why are you unwilling? Will you meet me?"

"Gao Wei, we're not suitable, let's break up." Ai Xi knew very well that she couldn't marry this man, so there was no need to continue.

"Did you find someone else..."


Gao Wei was about to go crazy, but Ai Xi was still in a hurry, "Then why are you in a hurry to break up? I can't think of any other reason... What dissatisfaction do you have with me to say... Xixi, I really I love you so much..."

"Not suitable is the reason, and there is no result if you struggle. Gao Wei, you are very good, and you will find what suits you."

"Since we're breaking up, why don't we meet?"

This is a protracted battle. There will be new situations when we meet. Ai Xi doesn't want to be disconnected. She is very confident in her ability to express herself.

"What about work? Something went wrong with the Zhengyang Group project. I think I can solve it for you."

Gao Wei is an executive of Zhengyang. When Ai Xi signed the contract, she suspected that Gao Wei had sold her favor, but now it seems that it is.

"Gao Wei, don't you think it's naive to do this?"

"It's okay to be naive, just let me see you, Xixi, you don't want your company to lose a big deal for personal reasons, right?"

The author has something to say: I beg for flowers every day, and I despise myself╭(╯^╰)╮

From today onwards, I will be a high-cold author fungus╭(╯^╰)╮

It's unfortunate that you will never see me acting stupid again╭(╯^╰)╮

There is not much progress in this chapter, I will rush to the next chapter~ The cannon fodder male ticket must be the catalyst~~

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