Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1006- Fishing village, small fish, stars

Chapter 1006 – Fishing village, small fish, stars.

“You have to go!” Xia Dongqing asked subconsciously.

“I’m going to the fishing village!” Alien said.

“There is no fishing village there,”

“Impossible, my coordinates can’t be wrong, the fishing village is where I landed!” the alien said stubbornly.

“I can tell you, it’s far from the beach. Or, let’s drive you there!” Xia Dongqing said.

“You’re really used to being a good person!” Zhao Li murmured.

“I can, I have coordinates positioning!”

“Then you can’t just leave. It’s winter and it’s very cold outside.” Xia Dongqing looked at him and said, “You need a pair of warm shoes and clothes!”

“You are sending warmth!”

Official Zhao couldn’t help it again.

Xia Dongqing cast a white look at Zhao Li: “People are aliens. What should we do if they come to the earth and get frozen? We must not let the aliens think that we earthlings are bullying people!”

The official Zhao curled his lips and said nothing.

Xia Dongqing went to find his heel jacket.

Su Jing sat aside thinking about this alien. This guy must have seen him somewhere, but he is an alien, so far away from the earth. Although he also said that he had been to the earth before, it should not be that. Have seen myself! So, it is probably outside the earth.

After a while, Xia Dongqing had already dressed the aliens neatly, although Zhao Li said that he was sending warmth, but he still got up.

After all, this is an alien.

Still very curious.

“Aren’t you going?”

Xia Dongqing asked when Su Jing and Mu Ran didn’t come up when they got into the car with the aliens.

Su Jing shook his head: “This car can’t sit in, we just wait for you over there!”

After speaking, Su Jing teleported and disappeared while he waited for Mu Ran.

“Is it teleportable? Very strong ability!” said the alien.


Other people look at me, I look at you, speechless for a while.

I forgot about teleporting. I knew what car I was driving!

Beach, beach!

It was the same place last night, and the pit where the alien landed was still there, and it seemed that no one else had discovered it.

It is estimated that few people know about the aliens landing!

At least the SWAT team didn’t call, maybe they didn’t find it, right?

Su Jing and Mu Ran stayed for a while and walked on the beach.

It didn’t take long to see Zhao Li’s car approaching.(Read more @

When everyone got out of the car, the alien looked around looking for the fishing village.

However, although this place is relatively remote and quiet, there is no fishing village nearby. There are resorts, but it is far away from here, and it is obviously not a place for aliens.

“See? There is no fishing village here!” Wang Xiaoya said towards the aliens.

The alien stopped and turned to look at them, and suddenly bowed.

“Oh, what are you doing?”

“This should be the etiquette for you to express gratitude? You are kind to me, thank you!”

“You don’t need to be so polite, let’s shake hands, say thank you, and that’s it!” Xia Dongqing explained to him.

“Thank you!” The alien was kind. “Actually, I also have a name on earth, my name is…star!”

“Are you from the stars?” Wang Xiaoya answered.

Xing said: “I don’t know why the fishing village is not here, but I believe my coordinates are not wrong, I want to look around!”

“Do you need us to accompany you?”

“No, I can do it myself!”

Xing finished saying thank you again, then turned around and looked around.

“Do you remember this person from the stars wrong?” Wang Xiaoya said.

“Who knows?”

“What shall we do, don’t we just wait here, right?”

“Wait and see, this is an alien. Who knows what his purpose is for him to find a fishing village on the earth? Let’s be considered to protect the peace of the earth?”

Xia Dongqing started talking with Zhao Li.

After about an hour or so, Xing came back again.

Looks desperate.

“It’s not the same, it’s different from what I know!” Xing said.

“Of course it’s different!” Su Jing, who hadn’t spoken much, said.

When he opened his mouth, Xing directly raised his head and asked.

“You know why?”

“Your coordinates are correct! The small fishing village you are looking for is indeed here…” Su Jingdao.

“Then why is the fishing village gone, and here is also different?” Xing asked.

The conversation between the two made others thoughtful and gradually understood.

The place is right, it’s different.


That must be the wrong time!

Everyone on this earth knows it, but… the alien doesn’t know about it.

“Do you know the time?” Wang Xiaoya asked.

“Time? It was mentioned in the book you showed me, but I don’t quite understand.” Xingdao.

“This is a watch, which is used by humans to calculate the passage of time. This is one second, one minute has sixty seconds, sixty minutes is one hour, a day is twenty-four hours, and a year has three hundred and sixty-five days. The passage of time cannot be stopped by humans or gods. Time and location are like two lines. You only have a location now, so you can’t find the fishing village you are looking for!” Zhao Li explained.

“What should I do, Xiaoyu is waiting for me!”

“Xiaoyu? It should be a person, right? She must have ceased to exist a long time ago!” Zhao Li said.

“No, it doesn’t exist anymore?”


“Dead? I know what death is.” Xing’s expression changed into a trance, as if he was reminiscing.

In a trance, he seemed to see the surrounding scenery change, from the new to the small fishing village he was familiar with, and he seemed to see small fish.

The little fish is sick.

Sansao said that Xiaoyu would die.

Xiaoyu wanted to see the stars, so he and Xiaoyu went to Bianhai and cuddled together.

“Sansao said, you will die!”

“Why don’t you come back to my hometown with me, no one will die there, no one will suddenly disappear and become dirt.”

“I, I met the gods, when I was very young. Once, the gods came to our fishing village and he showed me the fragments of the stars. It was really beautiful. Later, he told me , When I grow up, someone will come to me from the sky and bring me a star! A star belongs to me. Later, after I saw you, I was thinking, is it him? He will bring it Am I a star?”

“But I don’t have stars.”

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