Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1012- Hui Mei and Hui Xiang

Chapter 1012 – Hui Mei and Hui Xiang

Huimei looked at Su Jing suspiciously, not so trusting.

Their brothers and sisters have been tracking Jack for a long time, they only tracked his approximate range of activities, but they couldn’t find his hiding place.

He is very cunning!

“How did you know Jack’s whereabouts? We have been tracking him for a long time!” Hui Mei asked Su Jing. “Or, are you going to follow the vine? If you want to let Rona go and find Jack’s position, I advise you not to think too much, Rona will not be so careless, no matter what tracker you put on her, she Will find it!”

“Tracker? No need for that!” Su Jing smiled. “I already know where they are hiding, and I can go anytime I want! As for how I know… it’s actually very simple.”

“Your name is Huimei, you have a younger sister named Huixiang, and your brother named Tanding.”

“These materials are available in the Fumo family!” Hui Mei said.


Su Jing suddenly said a name.

Huimei was stunned for a moment, and instantly came to Su Jing’s face. “How do you know this name, have you met her?”

Su Jing smiled but looked at Huimei without saying a word.

Huimei was stunned for a moment, and took a deep breath: “So, what do you want to prove?”

“I just want to tell you, I want to know something, or tell a secret, it’s easy.” Su Jing said lightly: “I can tell you the location of Jack, and even tell you where Isa is, but why? ”

“I understand!”

Huimei looked at Su Jing and said, “Do you want benefits, don’t you? Okay, you say, what do you want!”

“Not ready yet!”


“Are you kidding me?” Emi couldn’t help but anger.

Su Jing smiled and shrugged: “I really didn’t think about what you have that I can look at, and I don’t know how fancy you are with these two news. Forget it, you’d better go back first, etc. I want to think about it and let you know!”

“Do you know the consequences of doing this? Jack’s power develops very quickly. If Jack is not eliminated as soon as possible, innocent people will be turned into vampires!”

“You don’t need to worry about this, although this is not exactly my territory, but if they convert another vampire, then I lose!” Su Jing said calmly.

This calm tone makes people unconsciously convinced.(Read more @

Huimei looked at Su Jing, but after a long while she threw out a business card.

“This is my phone number, please feel free to contact me as soon as you think about it!”


With the sound of closing the door, Huimei has already left.

Su Jing smiled and took out the phone to notify Xiao Qian and Magic Ji to come over.

Although Su Jing didn’t mind playing the cat and mouse game and didn’t need to eliminate Jack so quickly, he did not intend to let Jack continue to develop his influence! In the future, Xiaoqian and Fantasy Ji will talk about things, pick up guests, Rona and the location of their lair, and so on, so that the two of them will be responsible for not letting vampires continue to develop!

The two demons are more than enough to deal with this low-level vampire.

Leaving aside Su Jing’s arrangements for the time being, and after Hui Mei left the hotel and went back, she found Tan Ding and talked about what happened to Hui Xiangjang.

“You said that the person named Su Jing knew that Lorna was a vampire and released her, and has mysterious powers? And he also knows the whereabouts of Jack and even Isha?”

When Huimei finished speaking, her sister Huixiang couldn’t help but shouted excitedly.

“You don’t have to repeat it again?” Huimei said.


Huimei and Huixiang looked at Tantin. Tantin seemed to be in a trance before hearing the voice: “I seemed to have seen Isha before. I thought it was my hallucination, but…Isha is clearly dead, could it? Is she really alive?”

“Brother, it’s not the time to discuss these. Su Jing is definitely not easy!” Huimei said, “He boasted that he would never allow Jack to transform vampires, and he didn’t know what kind of weird conditions to put forward. Now let’s what to do?”

“One more person will have more power to deal with vampires. From your point of view, this person is obviously sure to deal with vampires, and even sure to deal with Jack. As for the conditions, it’s okay to agree to it if it’s reasonable, but it does not matter. We can’t count on him all, let’s do what we should do, and we don’t need to disrupt the plan because of him!” Tantin thought for a while and said.

“it is good!”

“By the way, we have a business tomorrow.” Huixiang reminded.

“I see, rest early in the evening!” Tantin said.

Late at night.

Huimei and Huixiang slept in the same room, but Huixiang couldn’t sleep when she lay down, and curiously pulled her to ask about Su Jing.

“Sister, who do you think this Su Jing is? Listening to what you said, he seems to be handsome? And he has super powers?”

“I’m not sure if it is a superpower, but he can make the door open and close by himself just by waving his hand. Also, judging from his knowledge of Jack and Isha, I suspect that he may still have mind-reading skills!” Huimei recalled. Said. “How long have we just been here? What’s more, even if we are abroad, we are not well-known vampires, at least not well-known in the Anti-Demon League, right? They have dealt with vampires, I believe many people have heard of it. And Jack, Jack It hasn’t been long since he came here. So it’s impossible for him to get such detailed news so quickly!”

“In other words, does he really have superpowers?”

“I’m really curious!” Hui Xiang said with a sigh.

“You will see him!” Hui Mei said!

Night, just passed quietly like this!

The sun is shining and it looks like another good weather.

The three brothers and sisters finished their meal and were ready to go out to work.

Fu Mo!

After all, they are all chasing vampires, and there is no other source of income. Fu Mo is the most direct and most suitable! When the three of them were preparing to defuse the demons, Su Jing just woke up. After washing and dressing, Su Jing handed the car to Xiaoqian and Huanji, and asked them to retreat the room by the way, but he disappeared in a teleportation. !

next moment.

Su Jing went directly to the coffee shop’s lounge.

Then he took out his mobile phone and started playing online.

To be precise, it is searching the country and looking for a suitable place to release the little hell!

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