Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1022- Servant of God

Chapter 1022 – Servant of God!

“Me, what am I going to do?” Yin Suya asked in a daze.

Su Jing shook his head speechlessly: “Go take a bath, and then come and serve me!”


Yin Suya replied and got up and went to the bathroom. After walking for two steps, she realized that she wanted to stop subconsciously, but after thinking about her current identity, she finally went on to the bathroom.

Moreover, she also needs to calm down, she suddenly felt that many things started to develop in directions beyond her control.

Water God?

Chinese God?

Yin Suya felt that her three views were about to collapse.

As an atheist, a psychiatrist, if you don’t tell her this, she will definitely think that the other person may be suffering from a mental illness, but now…she is experiencing this herself, but she can’t help but believe it!

“Nan Xiuli, what the hell is going on!”

He Bo angrily bowed to the little fat man next to him and said, “Why do I feel that my supernatural power is gone.”

“Master He, this may be… something happened when I came over. I, I don’t know. However, don’t you have the coordinates? We can go to the coordinates first and find out!” Nan Xiuli Said hurriedly.

He is an inferior god, an attendant of the water god He Bo.

Because he had been to the human world before, he was assigned to accompany He Bo.

But he didn’t expect such an accident to happen!

He Bo nodded his head and prepared to find the coordinates, only to realize that…when he fell down, he didn’t wear anything, so naturally he couldn’t have coordinates.

“Coordinates, missing?”

“Then, what about something like that, something that can awaken a servant of God?”

“Also, it’s gone…”

He Bo’s face was blue, Nan Xiuli looked helpless.

“Wait, what are you wearing? Isn’t this the clothes for me?”

“Ah, sorry Master He, I’ll take it off for you right away!” Nan Xiuli hurriedly responded, and then… took off his suit and shirt.


An aunt happened to pass by, and when she saw the two of them undressing in the public, she could not help cursing contemptuously.

“You, I’m…” He Bo was furious, but no one dared to say that before. He just stepped forward to let the other party know his identity, knowing how big a mistake she had done, but was caught by Nan next to him. Xiuli hurriedly stopped.

Obviously, Nan Xiuli has a certain understanding of the human world.(Read more @

“I really don’t understand who the rules belong to. Why do you want to become an emperor but come to the world to find three sacred stones? Why do you put the sacred stones in the human world!” He Bo said uncomfortably, and he felt comfortable after changing his clothes. less.

“It doesn’t matter, Master He, I buried a lot of gold here when I came last time. We can find it first, and then take it down in secret, and then look for the sacred stone!” Nan Xiuli said.

He Bo nodded.

Nan Xiuli leads the way!

The loss of divine power was a bit unexpected, but He Bo didn’t care too much. He was just very atmospheric. The guy in the atmosphere just said he was a very weak god! His only idea now is to find the god stone and become a king as soon as possible, or…recover his god power, let that despicable mortal know that he is the water god, the next king of the water kingdom, the next emperor of the gods, He Bo!

“You plan to use this thing to serve me?”

At Yin Suya’s house, Su Jing looked up at the instant noodles Yin Suya brought up and asked.

Yin Suya said awkwardly: “I, I can’t cook!”

“Call a takeaway!”

He is not Xia Dongqing, but he has no habit of treating instant noodles as delicious!


Yin Suya picked up the phone aggrieved and called the takeaway, while Su Jing got up and looked around.

The space of the house is very large, but there are also a lot of miscellaneous things. It feels full. Originally, Su Jing still cleaned up in the guest room to live, but looking at the posture, even if there is a guest room, I am afraid that it will take a while to clean up to be the director, so Su Jing Go directly to Yin Suya’s room.

“This is my room, what are you doing?”

Yin Suya hurriedly blocked the question.

Su Jing waved away Yin Suya and walked in.

The room is fairly clean and the atmosphere is full of life.

“That’s it, I live in this room!” Su Jing said.

Yin Suya hurriedly asked, “What about me?”

“Of course you slept with me!” Su Jing looked at Yin Suya of course. “You won’t forget our terms?”

“I ask you to do what you do!”

“Named a special assistant, in fact…you are my servant!”


Yin Suya hurriedly said, “Why should I serve you as a servant? What benefits can… be there?”

“The servant of God will naturally not do it in vain. If I am satisfied with you, it will naturally benefit you!”

“What’s the advantage?”

“You can take whatever I give you. The servant doesn’t have the right to ask for things from the master. Okay, let’s see the room clean up before the time is too early!” Su Jing patted Yin Suya on the shoulder and smiled. The room came out.

While Yin Suya cleaned up the room, Su Jing once again sensed the location of the spiritual pressure!

Then, a flash, disappeared!

next moment.

He appeared on the top roof of an apartment building.

By the swimming pool, a few bodyguards in black clothes and sunglasses formed a circle. Several staff members seemed to be setting up the environment. On a chair not far away, there was a woman with a cold temperament in red, and an assistant next to him was helping. She puts on makeup.


This made Su Jing a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the owner of this Reiatsu was still a female celebrity, and that both her figure and appearance were very beautiful, and her iceberg-like temperament was also very attractive.

I don’t know, is she a god?


Su Jing thought for a while, and suddenly shouted in that direction.


This shout instantly attracted everyone’s attention, and immediately after that, Su Jing pointed at the woman obviously, and then beckoned.

This move made everyone on their side dumbfounded.

“He, who is he to let Miss Huiluo go over? He, he is too arrogant, although he is very handsome!” The female assistant couldn’t help saying, but she saw Huiluo coldly. To herself, she was so scared that she hurriedly bowed her head to apologize.

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