Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1026- Hui Luo who succumbed

Chapter 1026 – Hui Luo who succumbed!

Hui Luo stopped suddenly.

Su Jing smiled and said, “That’s right, everything is difficult at the beginning, you have already passed the hardest beginning, and you will be in vain if you give up in the middle. Now you have to bear the humiliation. Anyway, you also found a helper, and waited for the helper to arrive. You can double the amount of humiliation you can get back!”

“What is your purpose!”

Although reluctant, Hui Luo did not get up.

“The purpose? It’s very simple, to destroy you so-called gods, and to destroy your God Realm! In short, I like this country.” I walked to the sofa and sat down and said casually with his legs folded.

Hui Luo’s eyes widened. “Are you crazy? I admit that you are not weak, but you want to defeat our God Realm by yourself? You are wishful thinking!”

Su Jing chuckled and said, “In fact, many things are like this. Some people may not believe it when they say it. It’s not helpful to say more, just look at the result!”

“You are really crazy!”

Su Jing smiled non-committal, picked up the wine on the table and poured a glass of it on his own.

Hui Luo now wished to kill him directly, but she had to endure it.

“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet? My name is Su Jing, you better remember this name!” Su Jing said.

Hui Luo gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t worry, I will definitely not play!”

“I just heard you say that something was lost. This thing… is important to He Bo?” Su Jing suddenly played it, right.

Hui Luo was taken aback for a moment and said: “What are you saying, I don’t understand!”

Su Jing laughed and said: “What’s the point of lying to me? I don’t care about the thing itself. I can just kill He Bo? What’s more, I don’t mind He Bo regaining his divine power. Otherwise, why do you think I’m doing it? I saw him and didn’t kill him! On the contrary, you can tell me what’s going on, maybe I can help you find something? Take a step back, even if you can’t find it, there is no loss. Moreover, when He Bo finds what you want What do you do when it’s time?”

“You can’t take things out!”

“When the time comes, how do you explain to He Bo?”

Hui Luo changed color slightly and became a little flustered. It was obvious that she was very concerned about this, and… there shouldn’t be a solution yet.

Su Jing gave her a solution at this time.

“You can tell him that I took things away!” Su Jing said.

In an instant, Hui Luo really moved.

Su Jing’s strength and methods are very suitable for the back of the pot. It’s just… Will he take the blame? What’s the purpose of why he backs the pot.

“What is your purpose?”

Hui Luo had asked this more than once, and Su Jing had also said it, but… Hui Luo still didn’t know what Su Jing’s purpose was.

Said to destroy the God Realm and destroy them?

He could do it directly, his current River God, and even Fei Lian alone were not his opponents. But he didn’t do it, as if he was just humiliating himself on purpose? He even asked himself to find a helper, and he took the initiative to ask for help, which made Hui Luo even more confused.

Even if he thinks he is powerful, he doesn’t care!

But he doesn’t need to do this!

“Accept, or not?”(Read more @

Su Jing got up and came to Hui Luo’s face and asked. Hui Luo looked up at Su Jing and seemed to be thinking about it.

The god stone is lost!

If He Bo wants to restore his divine power and become a king, he must obtain the divine stone, so this is unavoidable.

“Are you really willing to bear it?”

“of course!”

“Then, I accept your proposal.”

“That’s right!”

Su Jing smiled and stretched out his hand and gently touched her head. This behavior was very natural, and it was natural that Hui Luo didn’t react at that moment.

She is a goddess.

The true goddess, no one has ever dared to touch his head like this!

When Hui Luo reacted, he saw Su Jing and said, “Okay, I’m leaving now. I will contact you when I have time, and then tell me what I lost, so that I don’t have time to wear it!”


Su Jing disappeared all of a sudden.

Hui Luo was stunned for a moment. This way, even she couldn’t do it.

“Oh, by the way, keep this posture for ten minutes, and you will get up again after ten minutes. This is my request of you and the reward for helping you back the pot!”

Su Jing suddenly came back and said something.

Then it disappeared again!

Keep it for ten minutes?

Although Su Jing is not here, continuing to maintain this posture is more humiliating than Su Jing being here, which means that he has begun to listen to him…Hui Luo wants to get up, but is worried about deliberate fraud, so Hui Luo didn’t get up immediately.

Time passed by.

Ten minutes passed.

Hui Luo stood up slowly and found that Su Jing hadn’t appeared, so she snorted depressed.

If I knew this, I might as well get up!

Seeing Hui Luo rubbing his knees, the atmosphere turned and left.

Only then did Su Jing really leave.

That’s right, he just entered the death mode just now, and didn’t leave!

Yin Suya’s house.

Yin Suya waited in the room, and her mood improved inexplicably.


Yin Suya was taken aback when Su Jing appeared.

“Let’s see for yourself!”

Su Jing handed the phone to Yin Suya. Could it be that he really did it? Yin Suya opened the album, not a photo, but a video!

The background in the video seems to be at home?

Then, the goddess of the nation really came to bow down, and Su Jing’s questioning voice was also heard in the video, and Hui Luo also replied that it was indeed voluntary!

This made Yin Suya really surprised.

If this video goes out, I am afraid it will cause an uproar, right?

“how did you do that?”

“Anyway, I didn’t use any special abilities to control her or force her. Seeing you, I’ve finished the bath? Okay, I’ll take a bath first.” After Su Jing finished speaking, he turned and went out to take a bath.

Not long after, Yin Suya lay down when she came back from the shower.

The corner of Su Jing’s mouth raised slightly, and he turned off the light and lay down.

Before long, the voice rang!

There was no word for a night, and when he woke up the next morning, Su Jing found that Yin Suya beside him was not there. When she got up and came out, she happened to see Yin Suya in sportswear coming back from outside.

“You woke up, I bought breakfast!” Yin Suya said.

Su Jing smiled, and said jokingly: “I only look like a servant now.”

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