Chapter 1032

Fei Lian glanced at Hui Luo somewhat unexpectedly. He, Hui Luo, and He Bo had grown up together and had known each other for a long time. He knew Hui Luo’s character too well, and that was definitely a subconscious move just now.

And being able to make such excitement means that Hui Luo is afraid of him!

This is like a child’s subconscious behavior when seeing the parents converge, and the student sitting upright when seeing the teacher!

The corners of Fei Lian’s mouth raised slightly, looking at Hui Luo with a smile.

Her reaction is inconsistent with what she said to herself before!

Hui Luo obviously noticed Fei Lian’s expression, gave him a fierce look, and then a little embarrassed whether he should sit down or continue to stand. She didn’t expect to have such a reaction.

Fortunately, Su Jing spoke at this time.

“He is the helper you are looking for, the god of the kingdom of heaven?”

“Fengshen, my name is Fei Lian!” Fei Lian took the initiative to speak.

Su Jing smiled and walked to the side of Hui Luo and sat down, which made Hui Luo even more embarrassed. Either he was standing, but standing like this would lose his identity. Either sit, but can only sit next to Su Jing, which is even more embarrassing. After hesitating for a moment, Hui Luo simply sat on the coffee table!

Saw her actions.

Feilian and Su Jing both laughed.

“The Fengshen of the Kingdom of Heaven, it’s normal to like to fly, but remember that you will be idle in the future, otherwise it will not be a matter of falling!” Su Jing said.


Fei Lian was taken aback for a moment, and stood up abruptly and said, “It’s you!”

The sudden excitement of Fei Lian made Hui Luo a little stunned. It sounds like what happened to the two of them before?

“What happened to you?” Hui Luo asked.

Fei Lian didn’t say a word.

Su Jing smiled and said: “This guy was flying in the sky when I came by plane, and then he showed my heart to my assistant and kicked me down. It was just an eye-catcher, and it seemed that he was not injured! ”

Fei Lian was indeed not injured, but he was ashamed!

Anyone who is screaming, being interrupted while pretending to be forced, or even slapped in the face, will feel ashamed.

Fei Lian is no exception.

What’s more, although he was not injured, he was very embarrassed. He fell directly from the sky and fell to the ground, which was called a humiliated face. Fortunately there is no one nearby, or else I have to explain! Fei Lian was actually a little curious at the time. He didn’t see anyone at all, and he didn’t know if someone attacked him or something happened. In addition, Fei Lian’s personality became more active, so it didn’t take long for him to forget this. Thing! but! But, but, he never thought it turned out to be Su Jing!

No wonder, it’s no wonder that even Hui Luo is not his opponent, no wonder Hui Luo has been reminding himself after he came over!

“Hui Luo told me that you are very strong!”

Fei Lian suddenly spoke, Hui Luo turned his head slightly, as if embarrassed, Su Jing waited for him to continue speaking without comment. Fei Lian suddenly chuckled. “I also know that you are strong, but because of this, I really want to fight you. After all, you made me very embarrassed last time!”

“Hui Luo said, you are willing to take the blame!”

“I don’t know what you want to do, to be honest, I don’t really care too much!”

“If you fight a fight, no matter you win or lose, it will be written off!”

Fei Lian finished speaking and said, “Go to the roof!”

Fei Lian got up and walked to the balcony, and then flew out directly.

Su Jing looked at Huiluo, Huiluo walked out without a word, and the next moment…the spray suddenly appeared next to her, as if her body had turned into water, and she flew straight up!(Read more @


Su Jing came to the roof.

Fei Lian stood in the center, and Hui Luo stood aside.

“Are you ready? I’m about to start.” Seeing Su Jing appear, Fei Lian said.

Su attractions nodded.

The next moment, I saw Fei Lian snap his fingers!

In an instant, dark clouds were overwhelming, and the originally clear sky became gloomy, and the billowing black clouds made people feel an indescribable sense of oppression.


A muffled thunder sounded, and lightning flashes appeared in the dark clouds somewhat violently.


Fei Lian snapped his fingers again.

A clicking sound came from under his feet. Su Jing looked down and found that the place where he was standing began to crack. Except for the ground under his feet, it began to collapse not far away, and the situation in the house below could be clearly seen.

The same location.

The bottom also began to collapse, layer by layer, without bottoming out.

Underfoot, crumbling!


With a loud noise, violent wind and rain suddenly swept in, and heavy drifting rain appeared above Su Jing’s head. This rain…extremely impactful!

“It’s just that?”

Su Jing didn’t do anything, just released his divine power, and he had already blocked these raindrops from falling on him.

Fei Lian smiled and snapped his fingers again.

This time, it’s the wind!

Countless wind blades formed around him, hitting Su Jing!

However, it was still blocked by divine power.

Only the sound of bang bang bang was audible, and the wind blade immediately dispersed before it approached Su Jing!

Fei Lian frowned.

So strong!

Can your own means be unable to break the defense?

No, he will not admit defeat!

Fei Lian immediately controlled his supernatural power and began to condense the wind!


Forming quickly in front of him, like a hurricane, from time to time the sky and thunder and lightning strikes inside. The whole scene looks like an apocalyptic feeling!

“go with!”

Fei Lian shouted, and the hurricane went straight to Su Jing.

Hui Luo, who was blown by the frenzied hurricane, had to work hard to stabilize his body and block the wind and sand with his hands.

Fei Lian stared at Su Jing fiercely. He didn’t believe that Su Jing’s defense could not be broken like this!

Through the violent wind, Fei Lian suddenly found that the corners of Su Jing’s mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile of disdain?

Then he moved.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers like he did!


Even though the naturalization was windy, the sound of snapping fingers is already crisp and very penetrating!

Fei Lianzheng planned to see what Su Jing was going to do, but he was taken aback!

The hurricane is gone!

As if it didn’t exist at all before, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.


Feilian was dumbfounded, and Huiluo was dumbfounded.

“Pretend to be like this!”

Su Jing smiled and snapped his fingers again. The hurricane that disappeared just now appeared again, but this time, instead of rushing towards Su Jing, it rushed towards Feilian. The surprised Fei Lian didn’t react at all, so he was blown out by the hurricane!

I don’t know where it went!

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