Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1067- Midnight Adventure and Lan Mengnan fainted

Chapter 1067 – Midnight Adventure and Lan Mengnan fainted

Su Jing returned to the Tsutenkaku, after washing up, he went back to the room to rest. In the next few days, both Meixi and Gillian regularly reported on Xinghuo and Lingfeng’s situation. Xinghuo opened a shop every day, and Ling Feng was also staying in the bungalow, without any special actions. By the time Qiu Lingmei is very active, she is the president of the Spiritual Association in school, and she has always been very interested in such strange and weird things, but the members of the Spiritual Association are too few, so Qiu Lingmei intends to recruit some members. , It turned out that Lan Mengyao came to sign up.

In any case, one more member is still good, not to mention the relationship is special!

After Lan Mengyao joined the Spiritual Association, Qiu Lingmei couldn’t wait to hold an event.

Abandoned school adventure!

Late at night.

Qiu Lingmei, He Yue, and the newly joined Lan Mengyao came to this school. The three of them had flashlights in their hands. The dark school made He Yue and Lan Mengyao a little nervous and scared!

“Hey, do you really see those things?” He Yue couldn’t help but whispered to Qiu Lingmei.

Qiu Lingmei said triumphantly: “Of course, I even brought it.”

With that said, Qiu Lingmei had a ring on her hand.

“This thing can really lead to those things?” Lan Mengyao couldn’t help asking.

Qiu Lingmei said triumphantly: “Of course, this is the ring of a female zombie. It has more or less absorbed the aura in the tomb for so long, and its magnetic field will definitely help me find the monsters and ghosts!”

Seeing her determined look, He Yue and Lan Mengyao were a little nervous.

Qiu Lingmei turned around and started exploring, He Yue and Lan Mengyao could only follow!

Outside the school!

A car drove to the door and stopped, and Lan Mengnan got off the car.

The younger sister told herself what kind of supernatural association she had joined. In fact, Lan Mengyao didn’t want to agree to it, but she couldn’t stand Lan Mengyao’s pleading, so she could only agree temporarily. As a result, I heard that I was going on an expedition to see ghosts today. This made Lan Meng Nanyue more worried. Others didn’t know. She knew that there were too many demons and ghosts in the world. These were all real, and because of this, she was even more worried. , So I drove and chased me directly!

The pitch-black school gives people a feeling of depression.

Lan Mengnan herself was a little scared. After thinking about it, she hesitated to send a text message to Su Jing about this matter. It would be better if Su Jing saw that the text message could come when he was free. If he couldn’t, go by herself!

The text message has been sent for almost ten seconds and there is no reply. Maybe Su Jing is busy?

Lan Mengnan put away the phone and was about to go in, when he suddenly saw a person appeared in front of him. She was shocked to discover that it was Su Jing.

“You are here!” Lan Mengnan said happily.

Su attractions nodded. “Come here just right, they are inside, let’s go in too.”


Lan Mengnan felt relieved when Su Jing came.(Read more @

When the two entered the school, the school was dark and quiet, and the empty environment made people feel scared. Lan Mengnan took the phone to turn on the function of the flashlight, looked at the dark teaching building around and asked: “Where will Yaoyao and the others be? It’s hard to find such a big school.”

“Yaoyao! Yaoyao!”

Lan Mengnan yelled tentatively, but it was a pity that the voice was not loud and the place was empty, so I couldn’t hear it at all.

Su Jing sensed that there was no spiritual pressure in this school nearby, and then she quickly locked the positions of Qiu Lingmei and Lan Mengyao.

“I found them, let’s go!” Su Jing said toward Lan Mengyao, preparing to find Qiu Lingmei and Lan Mengyao.

In the dim and quiet school, Lan Mengnan held Su Jing’s arm while holding the phone to illuminate, and quickly entered the teaching building.

while walking.

Lan Mengnan stopped suddenly, looking like he was about to fall.

Fortunately, she was holding Su Jing’s arm.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Lan Mengnan like this, Su Jing asked concerned.

Lan Mengnan shook his head: “I don’t know, I just feel dizzy, my hands and feet are weak, and everything I see is black and white!”

Su Jing frowned slightly and instantly checked Lan Mengnan’s body.

There is nothing unusual!

If it is only once, it may be an accident, but more than once, it is certainly not an accident. What’s more, the symptoms she described are also unusual.

Dizziness, weakness of hands and feet, that’s all, everything is black and white?

This is a little strange!

Supporting Lan Mengnan, Su Jing felt around again to see if something caused Lan Mengnan’s unusual situation, but found nothing!

“I’m fine, let’s go ahead and find Yaoyao first!”

Lan Mengnan said, in order to prove that he was really fine, he took the initiative to loosen Su Jing’s arm and walked forward.

The road ahead was blocked by desks and chairs. Lan Mengnan climbed up to the table and prepared to pass, but just as he climbed up, the weak fainting sensation came again, and the body shook slightly. This sway unexpectedly gave the tables piled next to him. Swinging until he smashed towards Lan Mengnan, Lan Mengnan subconsciously avoided, as a result, his body fell directly out of the corridor.

The building is not high, but there are three floors!

Lan Mengnan reacted quickly and hurriedly grabbed the edge with both hands.

The next moment, I felt that he was being lifted up, Lan Mengnan took a sigh of relief and glanced at Su Jing next to him, and then… directly dizzy!


The situation is wrong!

Su Jing frowned slightly, a teleport took Lan Mengyao back to Tongtian Pavilion to rest, and then teleported back again.


This time Su Jing teleported directly to the vicinity of Qiu Lingmei and others.

As soon as he appeared, I felt three rays of light shining toward me.


The scream of exclamation broke the silence of the school in an instant.

The three girls hugged each other in horror, and Qiu Lingmei stood in front of them.

“What is it called!”

Su Jing said helplessly. “With this guts, let’s go on an adventure.”

“Su, Su Jing?”

“Why are you? You scared us to death!”

With Su Jing’s opening, the three girls finally reacted. They were surprised first and then happy, and soon surrounded them!

Qiu Lingmei and Lan Mengyao talked to Su Jing almost at the same time. He Yueyou wanted to talk. After all, he helped her brother, but seeing the situation, she was embarrassed to speak!

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