Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1071- Lend you strength

Chapter 1071 – Lend you strength!


“Of course it is true, not to mention that even if you really have something to do with me, what are you afraid of?” Su Jing smiled.

Lan Mengnan thought about it, too. “So, what’s the matter with my recent situation? I suddenly felt a little dizzy just now, and then everything turned black and white. I thought it was something wrong with my eyes or my head, so I checked it online, but nothing was found. And after a while, it recovered. Now it is not a black and white world!”

“I don’t know this, but I will figure it out!”

Su Jing does not know the reason, but it must be related to the fact that Lan Mengnan is a zombie!

But Lan Mengnan didn’t know it yet, and Su Jing didn’t plan to tell her now.

I stayed with Lan Mengnan for a while, and when Lan Mengnan’s mood improved and stopped thinking about it, Su Jing left.

In the little hell!

Su Jing absorbed the miscellaneous gods from the seventh floor of the little hell one by one, and then asked if he had discovered the underworld or the underworld of the stick country, let alone, really found it! After all, Hui Luo was a god before, and even though it doesn’t matter, it’s not difficult to figure it out! When he talked about the situation, Su Jing was not only dumb.


It really fits the characteristics of Stick Country.

The stick country is called hell, but…there is Hades, and black and white impermanence!

This look is just a copy!

Su Jing specifically asked if there was any trouble and whether he needed to go there by himself, but Hui Luo was very confident!

After all, she turned out to be a superior god, and she still had the strength!

Since Huiluo is so confident, Su Jing didn’t take the initiative to go over, just tell Huiluo to inform himself if necessary!

After dealing with this, Su Jing returned to Tsutenkaku.

Go to sleep!

At noon, Su Jing received a call from He Yue.

Su Jing asked He Yue to come to the Tongtian Pavilion to find herself, and He Yue had already arrived in about half an hour.

Entering the Tsutenkaku, He Yue seemed a little cramped and nervous. It was the first time she had entered the Tsutenkaku, and it had already become a benchmark location in Hong Kong.

Even with the development of the times, there are endless tall buildings, and there is still no taller building than Tsutenkaku!

“Tomorrow morning, my master is going to compete with people at the fire exit!”

He Yue came to Su Jing and said in a low voice.

“It’s not too late!” Su Jing said with a smile. “When I come, I will lend you this power. It should be very easy to deal with people at fire exits. But this is equivalent to a one-time power. After using it, there should be very little left, so if you still want With this kind of power, if we want to be truly strong, we will talk about it at that time!”(Read more @


“Don’t tell me that you haven’t considered it well. If you haven’t considered it well, you won’t be here now!” Su Jing interrupted.

He Yue didn’t say anything for a while. If she didn’t think about it, she would not come, but she was a little hesitant in her heart. After all, this kind of transaction… is really hard to tell!

“There is the bathroom, take advantage of it’s early, you go take a bath, and then think about it carefully!” Su Jing said to He Yue. “I’m not using this to blackmail you anymore, just to defeat the fire exit dignifiedly. This is the most appropriate way!”

He Yue nodded silently, and then went to take a bath in the direction pointed by Su Jing.

This type of transaction made He Yue really wonder if Su Jing did it on purpose.

It took more than an hour for He Yue to come out.

Su Jing didn’t say much, and directly took He Yue into the room, injected his divine power into He Yue, and temporarily borrowed a small part of the power to her.

Not one percent!

But even so, it was enough for He Yue to deal with ordinary so-called masters. After all, no matter how strong the people at the Peace Gate, it was nothing more than an ordinary skill. The power given was too strong, and He Yue’s body simply couldn’t accept it, and couldn’t control it!

“This this……”

He Yue looked at her hands tremblingly, and she could feel the surging and powerful power.

It seems that as long as you apply a little force, even the reinforced iron plate can be easily broken.

Seeing He Yue who was excited, Su Jing looked out the window again and said. “Are you going back tonight?”

“I… I told my brother that I would go to Qiu Lingmei’s house to stay in the evening, and I would go there directly tomorrow!” He Yue said…

“That’s just right, it’s still early, I’ll take you out to familiarize yourself with this new power, so as not to get used to it!” Su Jing said.

“But, don’t you say that this power is a one-off, will it be consumed?” He Yue asked hurriedly.

Su Jing smiled and said, “Whatever you are afraid of, I will give it to you again!”

He Yue’s face blushed slightly, and she was silent!

Su Jing took He Yue to the outside, in the quiet park, Su Jing began to teach He Yue how to control this power!

In fact, it is easy to say, but not easy to do.

It’s not easy for the body and habits to rush to possess powerful strength, so quick adaptation, how to adapt yourself, and what kind of force you are used to, do require practice!

This exercise lasted almost half a night!

When Su Jing and He Yue went back, they helped He Yue replenish their supernatural powers before going to bed to rest! Early the next morning, at Random Gate, He Nian and Jian Tingsi were helping Master get dressed, and Xing Sheng was also here!

“Where did He Yue go, why hasn’t he come back!”

“Did you call her?”

“It hit, but no one answered it!”

“Don’t worry, she won’t be delayed for such an important thing. Didn’t she say that she would go directly? The time is almost up, let’s just go directly, maybe she is waiting over there!”

“That won’t mean you missed the call.”

“Maybe there is no signal in the place, so don’t worry about it!”

In what year I told Jan Tings you and I quickly helped Master get dressed.

“Let’s go!” The master slowly said.

A group of four quickly set off from Random Gate and went to the agreed place.

The place is very remote, completely suburban!

When they arrived, the people at the fire exit had already arrived, and the disciples of the fire exit surrounded a middle-aged man, who was strong and sturdy with a fierce complexion.

It is the head of the fire exit!

“Why He Yue hasn’t come yet?”

Without seeing He Yue, He Nian couldn’t help muttering.

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