Chapter 1095

“You didn’t kill it!” Su Jing took Qiu Lingmei’s words. If they killed the zombies, Qiu Lingmei’s reaction would be very excited, and He Yue would not look tangled.

“Well, it was Lan Mengyao’s sister, Lan Mengnan killed. She…she is also a zombie!” Qiu Lingmei said solemnly.

“Mengnan returned from Holland?”

Su Jing was surprised and found that Lan Mengnan was indeed in Hong Kong.

How could she come back suddenly? And she didn’t have a death tyrant, so it should be impossible to teleport back directly, and it was so coincidental that they met with zombies and Lan Mengnan was able to deal with it.

“Let’s talk about what’s going on first!” Su Jing asked He Yue towards Qiu Lingmei.

Qiu Lingmei quickly explained that it was the reception.

Didn’t they go to a reception with Lan Mengyao before, this period is still very enjoyable. Then, Lan Mengyao probably missed her sister too, so she happened to send a text message to Lan Mengyao and took a few photos and said that if her sister was there, it would be fine! Sisterhood is deep, of course there is no problem. The problem is, Lan Mengnan can’t teleport back naturally, but can Xiaoqian and Fantasy Ji? During this period of time, Lan Mengnan has become more accustomed to his identity as a zombie, not to mention that there is basically nothing major in the Netherlands. Originally, Lan Mengnan was thinking about whether he should come back, but when his sister said that, she just came back. .

Even Lan Mengnan wanted to give her sister a surprise, so she asked Xiaoqian to help send her directly to the reception.

As a result, who knew something happened by coincidence!

Two people came in and made trouble. The scene was out of control for a while. Almost everyone took the opportunity to run. Lan Mengyao and the others ran a step slower because of their position. As a result, when they wanted to run away, the police stopped. They had come up to kill him, which made them breathe a sigh of relief. However, the matter was not over yet, these two turned out to be zombies, and they got up again after being shot, and planned to capture Lan Mengyao and the others. Although Lan Mengyao was scared, after all, there were Qiu Lingmei and He Yue who had just become the gods of death beside them. The two had just planned to do it, but Lan Mengyao appeared.

Transformed directly into zombies and wiped out the two zombies easily!

However, it may be that the scene of Lan Mengyao turning into a zombie was too shocking for the blue team Lan Mengyao, plus she was frightened just now, and her parents, as well as the things she couldn’t talk to, were all related to zombies. related. So, seeing Lan Mengnan turned into a zombie to save himself, although it was very excited, but the excitement was the opposite. In desperation, Qiu Lingmei and He Yue could only come to Su Jing!

It was a coincidence that Su Jing understood the situation.

Moreover, Lan Mengyao’s reaction was a bit unexpected, and one could imagine Lan Mengyao’s mood at this moment.

After thinking for a while, Su Jing said, “Well, go back and accompany Lan Mengyao first, and I will find Lan Mengyao.”


The two men responded and disappeared.(Read more @

Then Su Jing also disappeared.

The next moment, on a bench in a park, Lan Meng Nanzheng sat there with eyes blank.

Su Jing walked over and sat down beside him, without saying anything, just gently holding Lan Mengnan. At this time Lan Mengnan reacted, and suddenly planned to do it, but it turned out that Su Jinghou was taken aback for a while, and then he immediately rushed into Su Jing’s arms.

The persistence seemed to finally collapse at this moment.

Tears kept streaming out, and there was a loud cry.

After a long time, Lan Mengnan got up from Su Jing’s arms sobbing. “Do you know everything?”

If Su Jing didn’t know, it would be impossible to come here directly, and put him on his shoulders and embrace him without saying a word! And Lan Mengnan didn’t doubt that Su Jing’s abilities would not be known.

“What should I do? Mengyao’s reaction when she sees me becoming a zombie, she…what if she doesn’t accept me?” Lan Mengnan asked worriedly.

Su Jing shook his head and said: “No, you don’t know the relationship between Yaoyao and your sister. Even if she is afraid and hates zombies, you are her sister! It’s just maybe too sudden and you didn’t accept it for a while!”


“Really!” Su Jing said affirmatively: “Well, do you go home first, after all, you have stayed in Holland for so long, and stay home for two days! As for Yaoyao, I will persuade her and see her. It looks like I won’t go home tonight, I will take care of her!”


Lan Mengnan naturally trusts Su Jing 100%. Although she is still a little worried, she believes that Su Jing will definitely handle it!

“Well, I will take you home first, and then I will find Yaoyao!”

Su Jing patted Lan Mengyao on the shoulder and teleported directly to take her home, before he sensed Lan Mengyao’s position!

That’s right, Lan Mengyao’s location.

Not He Yue or Qiu Lingmei!

From knowing that Lan Mengyao was going to work in the Ponzi group, Su Jing released his supernatural power and surveillance cells on Lan Mengyao just in case! He wouldn’t put Lan Mengyao who didn’t know anything in danger!

next moment!

Su Jing appeared quietly!

Coincidentally, they are also staying in a place similar to a park. He Yue and Qiu Lingmei are coaxing Lan Mengyao, but it’s a pity… the effect doesn’t seem to be very good? Seeing Su Jing coming, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes nodded towards Lan Mengyao, and signaled him to do it.

“Go back and rest first!”

Su Jing said to the two.

“Yaoyao, let’s go first!”

He Yue greeted Qiu Lingmei and Lan Mengyao, Lan Mengyao nodded slightly as a response, and then left!

“Did you know it a long time ago?” Lan Mengyao asked, raising her head.

Su Jing smiled: “You two sisters are really interesting! I just came back from your sister and took your sister home. If you don’t want to go back, just follow me!”

Lan Mengyao didn’t speak.

Su Jing simply reached out and pulled Lan Mengyao up. “Don’t be hypocritical, knowing that suddenly you can’t stand it, but think about it, you haven’t seen a zombie, and Lan Mengnan is your sister, who has taken care of you since childhood, even if she is a zombie, you are angry Surprised, surprised, can the sisters not do it in the future?”

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