Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1113- Is the murderer him

Chapter 1113 – Is the murderer him?

This murderer surprised Su Jing somewhat.


Because he looks like that!

At first glance, people might think that Nacheng is resurrected, but in fact, if you look closely at his body, his body is a little bloated. The exposed body is also a seam, as if he was pieced together, and his face is also very different. natural.

“It’s really abnormal!”

Su Jing couldn’t help muttering, this guy is definitely not that good, but wearing that good skin! That’s right, it means literally. Simply put, it is to make the finished leather into clothes and wear it on the outside, and this guy seems to think that he is that finished! There is no need to take off his human skin mask at all, Su Jing already knows who he is!

A crossbow!

It was the one who replaced Nacheng as the leading actor, and his acting skills soared!


Before A Nu could react, Su Jing slashed it with a hand knife, and A Nu instantly fainted to the ground.

At this time, Sister Mei and the others came over. Seeing the fainted person was shocked by the others, Sister Mei couldn’t help being curious: “Who is this? Why do you pretend to be that way.”

“Anu, the rookie actor felt that he was too deep into the play, but he was not in the role of the movie, but Na Cheng! He even dug out Na Cheng’s body and made it into human skin to fake Na Cheng. !” Su Jing said lightly.

“A-Nu? It’s impossible not?”

Hearing that it turned out to be A Nu, the Xiaoyin trio were a little bit disbelieved. They were sure that he was fainted, and Su Jing was beside them. Their courage grew a lot, and they walked tremblingly and took off their human skin masks. It really is A crossbow!

“How could this happen, how did he…”

“Since it was done by someone, it has nothing to do with me. Call the police, what to do and what to do!” Su Jing said to sister Mei.

Sister Mei nodded.

Afterwards, Su Jing turned around and went back.(Read more @

As for the rest, call the police and let the police handle it. As for the reason why Anu faked Acheng to kill, let them solve it by themselves.

The crew was notified to come back, and then they called the police.

A good finale banquet has completely changed his interest, and he is completely disinterested now.

I have to say that this movie is really twists and turns. First, the actor died unexpectedly, and then the person who replaced the actor actually dug up the actor’s body, faked the actor’s revenge, and killed the editor and the director. No matter what the reason, I believe Anu is probably over. A movie has two male protagonists, one director and one editor. I really don’t know if this movie has been cursed.

However, this also made Xiaoyin and the two people who originally wanted to continue to be celebrities completely dispelled this idea. Being celebrities… is too dangerous.

Later, the film was revisited by an editor to edit, because the incident was too much trouble, but it made the film a big hit. It was unexpected, and it could be regarded as a good end to the film. Of course, that’s a story.

Now, Su Jing is still on vacation, but has left the resort. After all, this is the scene of the murder. There are police officers and so on, so there is no way to make people feel at ease on vacation. So Su Jing returned to Sister Mei’s residence and wanted to see Can you meet the right person! But before Su Jing can continue to explore, there are other things that make Su Jing have to leave Thailand first!


The wandering Dutch appeared again, and Pang Yingtian could not wait to go to the Netherlands to find the wandering Dutch. He wanted to know the location of the spring, but the word wandering in the wandering Dutch was really unspoken. It was indeed wandering. Pang Yingtian looked for it. After a long time, I didn’t find any clues! Of course, this is not the reason why Su Jing went to the Netherlands. The reason for going to the Netherlands is that Lisiya found that Su Jing did not go to the Netherlands to find the wandering Dutch, but found Lan Mengnan again in Hong Kong!

This meeting naturally reminded me of what happened ten years ago and recognized each other!

So Lisiya told Lembongan about the appearance of the wandering Dutch. How could Lembongan be indifferent, so he came to Holland with Lisiya.

Knowing that Lan Mengnan had also arrived in the Netherlands, Su Jing planned to go to the Netherlands.

Pang Yingtian hasn’t found it for such a long time, so it’s time to go there and look for it. In addition, there is indeed nothing wrong here, so I can spare time!

Therefore, Su Jing also came to the Netherlands!


Su Jing suddenly appeared on the streets of Holland.

Lisiya and Lan Mengnan, who had been traveling together, froze for a moment, and then found that it was Su Jing.

“Are you here too?” Lan Mengnan reacted in a daze, and said apologetically, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you!”

Su Jing shook his head: “No need to be sorry, I know you want to find the spring water of the wandering Dutchman. I didn’t tell you because Pang Yingtian is also looking for it. If he can find it, I will naturally get it. If he can’t find it, I will do it again. Come and look for it. It is good if you find it, but if you can’t find it, the greater your hope and the greater your disappointment!”

“It’s just that some people are really superfluous!” Su Jing looked at Lisiya.

Lisiya said lightly: “I am for her, not for you!”

Su Jing curled his lips: “Say something useful. Since Pang Yingtian hasn’t found it after looking for it for so long, do you have any other clues?”

“The church where the wandering Dutch married my ancestors!” Lisiya said: “Not many people know about this. If the wandering Dutch reappears, it is very likely that they will go.”

“We are planning to go there!” Lan Mengnan answered.

“Let’s go and take a look!” Sure enough, this Lisiya knew something. After all, she was the offspring of a female zombie, and she knew a lot about the wandering Dutch!

The three walked for about an hour, and they came to a church.

Marriage of foreigners is usually held in churches, so churches can be considered a sacred place to some extent. When the three of Su Jing came in, the church was empty and empty!

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