Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1124- At the other end of the black hole, the future world

Chapter 1124 – At the other end of the black hole, the future world!

Bredro Castle!

It was the location of the spring. The last time he took Lan Mengnan back to get the spring water, he found a black hole when he came back. However, Lan Mengnan was still there and was about to go back, so Su Jing did not stay. However, it does not mean that Su Jing ignored this!

Black hole!

This is not something that can be formed under normal circumstances, and this black hole is near this spring. Su Jing thinks it should not be so coincidental. Maybe there is a connection?

So taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Jing came over to take a look!

Standing in Bredlow Castle, Su Jing once again released his time ability. As a result, as soon as he released it, Su Jing felt the existence of a black hole.

This black hole not only existed 20 years ago, but now it also exists?

In other words, this black hole has existed for a long time? I don’t know where this black hole leads to?

Su Jing is also a daring master of art, anyway, no matter where he leads, he is confident that he will be able to come back and will not cause any trouble to himself, so Su Jing simply walked in…

As soon as he entered, Su Jing felt the powerful suction, and within a moment, Su Jing’s figure had disappeared into the black hole!

Passing through the black hole, Su Jing’s figure has appeared in another place.

After appearing, Su Jing looked around for a moment!

Such a technological, modern building!

At a glance, they are all architectural styles that are absolutely far beyond this era.

“It looks familiar!”

Looking around, Su Jing always felt a familiar feeling. After a closer look, Su Jing suddenly remembered where he had seen it.

At the beginning, I was taken to the future to upgrade by the five-color messenger Bai Xinmei, who was sitting down by Nuwa. It seemed to be such a building? However, judging from the current integrity of the building, it seems that I don’t want the ‘end-time’ scene like when I went there, that is to say… the timeline is earlier than that time? But this is not the point. The point is that this black hole leads to this time. Why?

Just as Su Jing was considering this issue, someone suddenly appeared in front of him!(Read more @

The way this person appeared was very similar to the way the wandering Dutch left!

An old man with European appearance.

“who are you?”

Before Su Jing could speak, the old man spoke first. “You came out of a black hole? You crossed over from the past?”

Su Jing paused and said, “That’s right!”

“Then, did you find a substance to treat zombies?” the old man said eagerly.

Su Jing didn’t say anything noncommittal, guessing something vaguely!

Could it be that people in the future know that the substance in the spring water can heal zombies, but because the spring water has dried up at this time, they opened a black hole and traveled back to the past to get spring water to cure the zombies? Su Jingke can still remember the apocalyptic scene when he traveled over at the time, with zombies everywhere! Almost captured the entire world!

“Have you sent people across the past to find substances to treat zombies?” Su Jing asked.

The old man nodded: “Yes, I sent two of the best people back in time to find this substance, but…”

The old man’s expression suddenly became painful before he finished speaking, and the next moment he saw his chest being penetrated by a hand!

“Save…Save this world…”

The old man looked at Su Jing and said intermittently, and then saw that his figure suddenly disappeared.

Virtual projection!

Su Jing had guessed before that the wandering Dutchman appeared wandering, it may be because of the use of foreign projection technology, now it seems that it is indeed the case! But…he just died like this? Although it is only a hand, it can still be distinguished. Should this be a zombie? But… he said he sent two people over, who were they?

I wanted to clarify the situation, but now it seems to be a bit complicated!

With a slight frown, Su Jing sensed the spiritual pressure around him.

There are not many zombies, and they are all far away! Also, since the black hole is opened here, it must be the top priority, a very safe place, and it will not be easy for zombies to be conquered! Then, you have to find the old man. Although he is dead, he should leave some records and clues, and he should be able to know who was shot in the past!

To be honest, Su Jing already had a suspect in his mind, but he still needs to verify it!

Anyway, I can travel back at any time, and when I have just left, I don’t have to worry that other people will worry about it after I have been away for too long!

Su Jing didn’t know where the old man’s real body was, but he definitely wasn’t here! Because there is no response from Reiki, so… I can only find it slowly. Fortunately, there are no clues. He can project virtual images. It must require equipment. In addition, this old man seems to be studying zombies. The antidote, then it must be in a similar laboratory, and the search range can be relatively small! Along the way, Su Jing looked for a place that might be like a laboratory while hunting down zombies!

For Su Jing, this place is a natural upgrade place!

Too many zombies!

You don’t even need to look for Su Jing specially, these zombies will come to the door to give Su Jing a head!

Gradually, Su Jing realized that these zombies seemed a little different.

To be precise, this does not seem to be a zombie, it seems to be a zombie in Resident Evil!

The ability began to degenerate drastically. The original speed, power, and self-healing ability of the zombies were still good. The first is speed! It was originally possible to achieve the effect of almost teleporting, but now it has become inferior to ordinary people, like a slow-moving old man, that is called a slow! Even walking normally doesn’t seem to be able to keep up with my own speed! Secondly, the self-healing ability also disappeared, and the strength began to degenerate, the most important thing is intelligence, or the mind!

Although the original zombies would be a bit crazy, they are still conscious and closer to humans!

But now… but it seems that there is no sane completely instinctively to suck blood and bite… Zombies!

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