Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 1200- It feels a little bit bullying

Chapter 1200 – It feels a little bit bullying

“What a handsome man!”

Seeing Su Jing’s handsome appearance in white clothes, everyone couldn’t help but arouse this thought. However, in addition to being handsome, they also had the same feeling as Shao Dianshuai as if they saw the emperor want to lean down and bow down.

This is one kind.

Emperor’s spirit?

Shao Dianshuai is Shao Dianshuai after all. After the battle, he quickly adjusted his mood and state and spoke in a deep voice.

“This little brother, who are you and why do you appear here?”

“This is a forbidden area. I hope you can explain something.”

“My name is Su Jing.” Su Jing smiled. “You are not qualified to know who I am. As for why I came here, the reason is very simple!”

“I’m here to kill gluttonous food!”

Kill gluttony!

He actually knows about gluttonous things?

Shao Dianshuai’s face changed slightly and he was about to speak, but he saw Lu Jun, General Deng stepping out.

“It’s up to you to kill gluttonous food?”

Looking at General Deng Lu Jun, Su Jing said with a smile: “You don’t believe me? I’m afraid not only do not believe it, but also want to consider my strength. As a general, your idea is very good. Your Lu Jun weapon is long. Spear, good at close combat, right?”

“So what!” Lu Jun, General Deng said in a deep voice.

Su Jing continued with a smile: “I just came to kill the gluttonous food, but I don’t want to be so strong. After all, the gluttonous food appears once every sixty years. The reason why it has not harmed the public is because you bravely killed the enemy to resist them from the Great Wall. , I give you a chance.”

“You can push me back half a step, even if I lose!”

“So arrogant!”

He is a dignified general, unexpectedly being so underestimated? At this moment, General Deng Lu Jun was really angry, and he took a spear directly from the soldier next to him and stab Su Jing towards Su Jing with a loud shout.

Soon, very accurate, very stable!

Go straight to Su Jing’s shoulder.

It can be seen that he did not kill a killer, otherwise it should be aimed at deadly places such as his head or chest.(Read more @

“too slow.”

Su Jing said faintly, and when the spear pierced his eyes, he gently put his finger on the spear and waved it aside.

An understatement, but the huge power caught General Deng Lu Jun off guard. The power made the spear drop directly and hit the wall next to him heavily. General Deng Lu Jun himself turned a few times because of this power. Just stabilized.

“This is impossible!”

The voice was unusually neat, and Shao Dianshuai and others all stood up and shouted subconsciously.

how can that be?

General Deng Lu Jun is one of the best in strength and strength, but he was thrown out by this white-clothed boy with a light touch of his fingers?

How could this boy have such strength?

General Deng Lu Jun looked at Su Jing, his hands trembled slightly. Although he gritted his teeth and wanted to control his hands, the tremor could not be stopped.

“Is it still too hard?”

Seeing Lu Jun’s General Deng shaking his hands, Su Jing said lightly.

Too arrogant.

This is too arrogant, but a flick of the finger is still too hard? But it’s believable now, even if it’s unbelievable, it’s still a fact!


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly came, and a bow and arrow came directly.

Su Jing shook his head slightly, raised his hand and grabbed the arrow directly. General Chen, the eagle general who looked at the falling bow, raised his hand casually.


too fast!

No one saw the arrow’s trajectory at all, just heard a click.

The bow in the hands of General Chen, the general of the Eagle Army, broke directly, and he himself stepped back several steps, and finally sat on the ground with a clatter.


Seeing that the two generals were defeated by Su Jing with one move, the general of the crane army, Lin Mei, drew out his sword and slashed towards Su Jing.


A crisp voice sounded, but the general of the crane army, Lin Mei, found that the other party had grabbed his sword with his hand, and even grabbed his sword with the palm of his flesh and blood, and it seemed that he was still unscathed? how can that be? Is that human being? The surprised crane general Lin Mei tried hard to draw a sword but found that he was caught by the opponent.

Thinking of this, she suddenly raised her foot and kicked towards Su Jing.

This kick was like kicking on a rock, instead of being able to kick the opponent, he flew out in shock.

Lying on the ground and slid out far away.

“Crack!” Su Jing squeezed his fingers hard, and the original sharp and strong sword broke directly.

“Remember, you kicked me.” Su Jing looked at General He Jun Lin Mei.

The general of the crane army, Lin Mei, struggled to get up without a word.

“Now you should believe that I can kill gluttonous food?” Su Jing said lightly. “Then arrange a room for me. During this time, I will stay here until gluttonous shows up!”

Shao Dianshuai glanced at Lin Mei, the general of the crane army, and she nodded and said: “Come with me.”

Su Jing turned and followed General He Jun Lin Mei, suddenly feeling a bit bullying the child. But although I don’t know what price these people paid for eliminating the gluttonous food, at least now they come by themselves, and they don’t have to die.

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