Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 733- Nihonya monster

Chapter 733 – Nihonya monster?


“Are we going out soon?”

Not only Su Jing, but Miss Sang and Ally also saw the light, which made them very excited!

The two performed well this way, but they are inevitably excited at this moment.

“Follow me!”

Su Jing said, he already took out the Zanpodao in his hand.

Who knows, what will happen to the other side of this light?

Step by step.

As if approaching Guangming’s embrace, Su Jing felt that his body seemed to pass through something, and his dazzling eyes closed his eyes subconsciously.

“So dazzling!”

His eyes were slightly tingling, and it took more than ten minutes for Su Jing to adapt, squinting his eyes and looking around!

This look.

Su Jing was stunned!

Unlike what he imagined, this is a barren mountain… Behind it is a huge cave!

And the surrounding area is deserted!

It’s not like another space.

“Here… why do I look so familiar here?”

“This seems to be the western United States, near Nevada!” Allie said in surprise.

“Are you sure?” Su Jing turned to look at Ai Li, and Ai Li looked around again and said affirmatively: “I’m sure.”

“That is to say, this is not another space?”

Su Jing couldn’t help frowning. Isn’t that justified? The monsters came out of the cave before and walked along the cave. How did they come here? Going the wrong way? It’s possible, after all, there is nothing dark inside! But… Since there is still a cave exit here, does that mean that monsters have also gone out here?

“What should we do now?”

Miss Sang couldn’t help asking.

“First find a place to settle down. After all, this trip is really hard. Since there is an exit here, it means that a monster may have left here. Let’s look back and investigate again!” Su Jing said like this, and the two women also No comments.

After leaving this mountain col, I found out that it was too deserted and there was no human presence at all.(Read more @

After thinking about it, Su Jing simply got out the RV from the little hell, and it was right to rest. At this time, Ai Li had no time to be surprised or shocked!

Get in the car.

Su Jing took a shower first, and then lay on the bed of the RV to rest!

Miss Sang, Ai Li took a shower one after another, and she was eating after she came out, and she felt like a new life!

After taking a shower, satiated with alcohol and food, and in such an environment, both physical fatigue and psychological fatigue followed one after another. Su Jing released a barrier, and then greeted the two of them to come up and sleep together for a while. ! The three of them were resting together in the cave before, so there was nothing to be hypocritical at this time. Not long after they came up and lay down, they fell asleep. Su Jing also slept!

In his sleep, Su Jing suddenly felt that the beads on his wrist were getting hot, and he had to wake up.

Taking a look at the beads, Su Jing knew.

There are people in the little hell contacting themselves!

“Fourth floor of hell? Japan?” Su Jing thought for a while and slowly got up and got off the bed. He walked out of the RV and came to the clearing. He heard a swoosh right after him.

Akane Ayukawa, dressed as a death tyrant, appeared!

“the host!”

Akane Ayukawa respectfully said hello.

“What’s the matter?” Su Jing asked.

Akane Ayukawa nodded: “There was some trouble in my place. Just a few days ago, there was an accident in the town of Zhanjila at the foot of Mount Fuji. It is said that the nuclear power plant there has leaked and has been completely isolated. We collected a few souls. , I realized that there was another reason! There turned out to be a monster experiment base, and a monster named Muto broke out of its cocoon and flew away!”

“Muto? What kind of monster?”

“A very huge monster, more like an ancient creature! This monster feeds on radiant energy!”

“I’m not sure… whether this monster will still appear in Japan, and I’m not sure where it will appear. I think this matter is very important and needs to be reported to the owner!” Akane Ayukawa said.

Su Jingjing nodded: “You did a good job. I probably know what’s going on with this monster. I’m also investigating this kind of monster recently. I guessed that there might be other places, but I didn’t expect it to happen!”

“Except for this matter, what about the other circumstances?” Su Jing asked.

Akane Ayukawa shook her head: “There is no other situation for the time being, and everything else… is pretty smooth!”

Su Jingjing said: “I see, you go back, if there is news about monsters, you will tell me!”


Akane Ayukawa nodded, and Su Jing waved her to send her back to the fourth layer of hell!

“Monster Muto, since he left Japan, where would he go?” Su Jing frowned and thought, and turned into the car!

Miss Sang and Ai Li are still asleep. Su Jing thought about lying in the middle of the two. On the left, Miss Sang felt Su Jing coming up and lying in Su Jing’s arms. The same was true for Ai Li on the right. Yes, Ally shrank into a ball, feeling…very insecure!

Su Jing put his arm around Ai Li’s shoulder and stroked it!

I saw Ai Li’s body slowly unfolding, golden hair, and delicate facial features.

Very beautiful!

Don’t know how long it took, Ellie seemed to wake up.

Opening her eyes slightly, she realized that she was lying in Su Jing’s arms. This made Ellie subconsciously want to leave, but as soon as she moved, she felt a hand around her waist to stop herself.

“I don’t want to get up yet and lie down for a while!” Su Jing’s voice followed.

Allie looked at Su Jing, who was squinting, and then at Miss Sang who was already up and seemed to be eating, but she hesitated and didn’t move.

“I…I can go out…”

Allie whispered.

Su Jing opened his eyes and took a look, and found that Ai Li’s face was slightly red, and he smiled and said, “What are you going out for? I just think it’s very comfortable to lie down with my arms around you for a while, but I have no plans to do anything! So you don’t need to go out. Make room for her. But… I can let her out!”

Ellie did not respond!

Su Jing just made a joke casually, and didn’t say much.

Lie down in your arms for a while, about half an hour or so, Miss Sang has prepared the meal, Su Jing and Ai Li just got up!

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