Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 802- A different Ma Xiaoling

Chapter 802 – A different Ma Xiaoling!

“Bang!” “Bang!”

The magic wand hit the mother of Yaochi and Chang’e, almost at the same time!

Although Mother Yaochi and Chang’e were surprised that someone would disrupt the situation at this time, they still subconsciously blocked it. As a result, the two of them couldn’t help but back up a few steps.

So strong!

The two took a breath almost at the same time, looking at the person who suddenly appeared in surprise!

You know, one of them is the Virgin of Yaochi, a goddess! One is Chang’e, even the Mother of Yaochi felt threatened.

In the end, the two were shocked by one person.

“It’s you!”

“Ma Xiaoling!”

Although Chang’e is not familiar with Ma Xiaoling, the Mother of Yaochi knows! She was surprised when she thought she knew, and she was surprised that Ma Xiaoling had such strength to force herself away from Chang’e!

“How can you have such strength? No, it’s not right, you look very wrong!” Mother Yaochi looked at Ma Xiaoling, and it was obvious that she could feel Ma Xiaoling’s feeling… No!

“Something’s wrong, what’s wrong? I think it’s good now. I’ve never felt so good. It seems that all of a sudden, there is no burden, the pressure is gone, and the whole person is very relaxed! And… this strength, I like it!” Ma Xiaoling raised her mouth slightly and said with a chuckle. “It’s you guys, not going to sleep in the middle of the night disturbs our rest, we have to call somewhere else to fight, otherwise I would be very welcome!”



This is how Ma Xiaoling feels now.

Even the Mother of the Yaochi, Chang’e, and Ma Xiaoling also have the confidence that they can do it at any time!

“You’re welcome? Okay, I want to see how you plan to be unkind!”

Who is Our Lady of Yaochi?


Although she also knows that Ma Xiaoling is very important to Su Jing, but now…Chang’e is still here, Mother Yao Chi doesn’t want to lose face!

“Then let you see!”

Ma Xiaoling’s face became cold, and she waved the magic wand directly towards the Mother of Yaochi.

The surging power took advantage of the situation. The Mother of Yaochi was shocked and stepped back a few steps. This surprised the Mother of Yaochi, but Ma Xiaoling took the initiative and rushed forward.

Ding jingle bells, the Mother of Jade Lake and Ma Xiaoling quickly fought together.(Read more @

And Chang’e, who was supposed to be fighting with the Mother of Yaochi, became a bystander. She did not intend to deal with the Mother of Yaochi, nor did she intend to deal with Ma Xiaoling, so she just watched by the side! Suddenly, Chang’e turned her head.

Su Jing has come to her side!

Feeling Chang’e’s attention, Su Jing nodded slightly, keeping his eyes on Ma Xiaoling!


The blood of the Ma family, that is, the blood of destiny, is really strong. At this time, Ma Xiaoling hadn’t transformed yet, she was able to compete with the Madonna of Yaochi, and it seemed that she still had the upper hand, showing how much Ma Xiaoling’s strength had improved! And that wild and confident look is indeed different from the usual Xiaoling! Since Ma Xiaoling is okay for the time being, Su Jing turned to ask Chang’e.

“Why do you guys fight together?”

“She found me!” Chang’e said. “During the day, there is a force…”

“It’s me!” Su Jing knew what she was asking, and simply admitted.

Chang’e looked at Su Jing in surprise. She didn’t seem to expect that Su Jing would be so strong. That power made Chang’e feel as if she might turn into ashes at any time!

The gurgling cry suddenly sounded from Chang’e!

Chang’e clutched her belly subconsciously.


Since she went down to earth, she felt extremely hungry, especially at night, the feeling was stronger, no matter how much she ate, it seemed that she couldn’t satisfy the hunger at a glance.


It’s getting more and more uncomfortable!

Chang’e thought for a while, but finally couldn’t help turning around and leaving.

Watching Chang’e leave, Su Jing did not stop!


A huge energy current rushed away, and Ma Xiaoling stepped back and separated from the Mother of God Yaochi.

Ma Xiaoling was about to do something and suddenly saw Su Jing next to her, and she was taken aback for a while, and Ma Xiaoling came towards Su Jing.

Holding Su Jing’s arm, Ma Xiaoling smiled sweetly: “Husband, you are here! I blame her for waking you up, wait a minute, let’s go back and rest after I teach her!”


Su Jing with this call felt that her spine was tingling, especially when she looked at Ma Xiaoling’s appearance, she felt… unexpected!

“Chang’e is gone, and the Mother of Jade Lake can’t fight anymore, let’s go back…” Su Jing said.

“Listen to you!” Ma Xiaoling nodded and said to Mother Yaochi: “I will let you go this time, and don’t let me see you next time!”

Mother Yaochi was about to speak angrily, but Ma Xiaoling was already holding Su Jing’s arm and was about to leave.

“This…what’s this!” The Mother of God Yaochi is very depressed!

All the way back to Tsutenkaku, Ma Xiaoling seemed to be in a good mood and returned to the room. Just after Su Jing exited the death mode and lay down, she saw Ma Xiaoling take off her dragon suit, and then got into Su Jing’s arms.

Without that kind of shyness, it’s as natural as an old husband and wife.

The night passed quietly. When Su Jing woke up the next morning, Ma Xiaoling was still entangled in her body. Su Jing lightly tried to move Ma Xiaoling away, but Ma Xiaoling woke up.

“Husband, what are you doing?” Ma Xiaoling asked lazily.

“Get up!”

“Are you going to study the bloodline? Actually, I don’t think it’s necessary. I still remember what we did before, and I now… feel very good!” Ma Xiaoling said, hooking Su Jing’s neck, turning over and riding fiercely. On top of him, he leaned over and kissed Su Jing’s mouth, and said with a smile, “Don’t you like me now?”

“That’s not it!”

Su Jing shook his head: “I like all kinds of you, but you know, after all, this is because of the Ma family bloodline that caused you to become like this. After all… it’s not real!”

“The original Ma Xiaoling would not be so proactive!”

After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she kissed more intensely.

For a while, even Su Jing knew that Ma Xiaoling was affected because of his bloodline.

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