Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 809- Subconscious dreams

Chapter 809 – Subconscious dreams

Our Lady of Yaochi fought with Ma Xiaoling before. Although Su Jing didn’t ask Ma Xiaoling how it turned out at the time, she knew that she must have won by looking at Ma Xiaoling. At least she didn’t lose! In fact, Our Lady of Yaochi has not really defeated Ma Xiaoling. This is not entirely a matter of strength. It is just because the Mother of Yaochi was so emotional at the time because of the unsealing of the king. In addition, the Mother of Yaochi does not seem to cause the end of the world, so it is not as good as Ma Xiaoling. There is no scruples like that, and Ma Xiaoling is a Ma Jiaxiu, and coupled with the destiny bloodline to turn into a zombie, it can be said that the strongest zombie is not an exaggeration.

Then Madame Yaochi discovered that the hospital was blocked by the underworld. She knew that the king sent Linlin to that hospital. It is very likely that Linlin would also be infected with the virus. Then the king would inevitably misunderstand that she did it by herself. In addition to spreading the plague virus in the world, this is the duty of the Mother of Yaochi, so she naturally refused to let Chang’e replace it, so she tried the poison, and the result was that the Mother of Yaochi looked down on the virus, and even she was helpless!

“This virus was not made by me!” Mother Yaochi looked at Renwang and said, “Even me, there is no way to detoxify. Renwang, do you believe me?”

Ren Wang avoided talking, and changed the subject and said, “Really there is nothing you can do about it?”

“It’s Chang’e, this virus is distributed by Chang’e. You don’t believe me, don’t you still believe Su Jing? This is what Su Jing said!” The Mother Yao Chi said hurriedly.

Ren Wang was slightly taken aback, but still did not speak.

This disappointed Our Lady of Yaochi. It seemed that the King of Humans didn’t believe it, but that the King of Humans didn’t want to believe it.


Is this woman still more important than herself in the king’s heart?

“Let’s go, I will find a way for the virus. I don’t believe that My Mother of Yaochi is not as good as Chang’e!” The Mother of Yaochi said solemnly.

“If you have any news, let me know.” Ren Wang said and disappeared.

Our Lady of Yaochi slumped on the sofa.

Although she kept saying that she was not inferior to Chang’e, this poison… she was really helpless. Chang’e is the source, so if you want to detoxify, the only way is to start from Chang’e, but…the king would not agree. It’s impossible for him to be Chang’e’s opponent in this state, go to Su Jing? Su Jing may not be able to help, not to mention that there is also Ma Xiaoling, thinking about it, Mother Yao Chi decided to find someone!

It’s not broken!

He was turned into a zombie by his own hard work. Although he didn’t know why he cut off contact with him, Mother Yaochi believed that she could still help her with perfect expression.


Su Jing let out a sigh of relief and slowly leaned back on the chair.

Studying Meng Po Tang is easier than he thought. He not only has a way to transform Ma Xiaoling from a zombie to a human, but also has a way to restore Ma Xiaoling’s zombie identity to her original personality. This thing is really a big killer to deal with the blood of fate! Su Jing in a good mood cleaned up, left the little hell and returned to the Tsutenkaku.

“Success in your research?”(Read more @

Seeing Su Jing’s relaxed look on you, Ma Xiaoling had already guessed it, and said slightly, “Do you want me to change back to the past?”

Su Jing smiled. “Although I have a way, it depends on you whether you can change back to the past! Come out without tears!”

Su Jingyang shouted, and soon saw No Tears come out of the room.

“What’s the matter?” Wanyan asked without tears.

“I need you to do me a favor. You can let people enter the subconscious dream, right?” Su Jing asked Wanyan Wulai.

Wanyan nodded without tears: “I can indeed do it!”

“That’s it!”

Su Jing smiled and confessed to everyone, Ma Dingdang, Mao You, and the gods of death were all called to guard the Tongtian Pavilion.

Su Jing and Ma Xiaoling entered Su Jing’s room without tears.

“Do you really plan to do this?” Ma Xiaoling asked unwillingly.

Su Jing nodded affirmatively.

Ma Xiaoling hesitated a little, but in the end… still couldn’t refuse.

In her heart, the current state is good, but… it seems that Su Jing is more important!

“This is Meng Po soup. You will lose your memory after drinking it. Then, I will let No Tears make you sleep and let me enter your subconscious dream! At that time, I will wake you up, or another you! Try to awaken your memory while not touching the part about the zombies!” Su Jing explained, and passed Meng Po Tang to Ma Xiaoling. Ma Xiaoling pouted and took a sip, and then lay on the bed!

Su Jing lay down beside Ma Xiaoling and nodded towards Wanyan Wulai.

Wanyan Tears releases the spell, not long.

Su Jing had fallen into a deep sleep, but when he woke up, he found himself in the mourning hall!

“I have eaten, what do I think about!”

Ma Xiaoling walked out of the kitchen in a house-packed outfit carrying vegetables, and said to Su Jing with a smile.

Su Jingjing nodded and sat down, observing Ma Xiaoling.

This is a subconscious dream.

I just don’t know, whose is it?

Is it the original Ma Xiaoling or the second Ma Xiaoling?

This subconscious dream state seemed to be different from normal. Su Jing felt that time seemed to pass very fast, eating together, watching TV, and cleaning up the housework, and it was night soon. Su Jing can be sure that this should be the original Ma Xiaoling. At night, Ma Xiaoling changed! Be very active, very… intense! That feeling suddenly made Su Jing react. This is Ma Xiaoling who has become a zombie monkey.

The original Ma Xiaoling during the day, and the zombie Ma Xiaoling at night.

This feels very special.

It seems to be a person, but it does not seem to be a person.

What’s interesting is that Su Jing discovered that this dream still seems to change because of her own thoughts. If she is greedy for Ma Xiaoling at night, the night will become very long. If you like Ma Xiaoling during the day, the day will become very long, as if this is a choice!

Choose, which Ma Xiaoling!

Ordinary people may be easily intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves, but Su Jing is not an ordinary person, he still remembers his purpose!

After figuring out the situation of this subconscious dream, he already knew what to do!

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