Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 866- Do business come to your door

Chapter 866 – Do business come to your door?

Xie Ying slept very well. She didn’t seem to notice Su Jing when she lay down. She might think it was Wen Shanshan, but she didn’t wake up anyway.

She didn’t know how to get Su Jing in this way, so she simply fell asleep like this.

In the morning, I heard Xie Ying’s exclamation in a daze. Obviously Xie Ying woke up in the morning to find that she was sleeping next to her unexpectedly, right? Su Jing didn’t open his eyes either, and directly embraced Xie Ying in his arms and started to warm up. Although Xie Ying had a lot to say, she didn’t have a chance to say it. It didn’t take long for her to speak loudly.

Wen Shanshan in the living room heard it naturally, and was a little surprised at first, but soon reacted!

It lasted for more than an hour, almost two hours.

Xie Yingcai came out of the room with a blushing face. Seeing Wen Shanshan was already awake, Xie Ying was slightly embarrassed: “I, I will take a shower first, so what? Su Jing came last night!”

“Shanshan, come in!”

As soon as Xie Ying’s voice fell, Su Jing’s voice came from the room.

Well, now Xie Ying and Wen Sasha are even more embarrassed. Xie Ying turned around and went to the bathroom. Wen Shanshan hesitated and entered the room.

In the room, the battlefield was messed up.

Su Jing beckoned to let Wen Shanshan come over. As soon as Wen Shanshan walked over, she was dragged into her arms by Su Jing and kneaded unceremoniously.

“Why are you here?”

“The dormitory, the dormitory has expired.” Wen Shanshan lowered his head and said: “I don’t have a place to go for the time being. I want to stay here for a few days and wait for a house to be found… good to move!”

“Well, you can just move in. Anyway, Xie Ying will be busy soon, so I probably won’t be at home often.”


“Okay, that’s it!”

Su Jing saw that Wen Shanshan was still a little hesitant, but hesitation meant heartbeat, not to mention Su Jing’s actions, Wen Shanshan did not resist. Su Jing was simply stronger and made a decision simply by mentioning her. I just finished enjoying Xie Ying’s compactness, and come to experience the hugeness of Wen Shanshan. It feels really interesting! When Xie Ying came out of the shower, what she saw was the scene of Wen Shanshan being arbitrarily thrown by Su Jing on the bed. Xie Ying was stunned for a moment, her face flushed slightly, she looked natural.

It was almost noon, Xie Ying received a call from the company, saying that it was arranging modeling courses, so she left for class.

As for Wen Shanshan who didn’t know what to do for a while, he simply stayed. He had already packed up his neatly dressed clothes, but was picked up by Su Jing again. Su Jing hugged Wen Shanshan, and then took out the computer to give it to him. Wen Shanshan watched some of Dongguan’s unique skills and asked her to study hard. Su Jing always believed that if she could not do tricks, it would be a waste of her ‘talent’!

Wen Shanshan was very shy, some things were too, too…too a little bit too, but seeing Su Jing’s cheerful look, Wen Shanshan still learned something.

As a result, Su Jing was cool!

Although so far, I haven’t had any relationship with Wen Shanshan, but Wen Shanshan has been trained quite well by himself.

“Ring Ling Ling…”(Read more @

The ringing of the phone rang, Su Jing reached out and picked up the phone, and glanced at Wen Shanshan who was using that to help himself to connect the phone.


“Is it Mr. Su Jing?”

An unfamiliar number, an unfamiliar voice.

The woman’s voice sounds pretty good!

“I am, who are you?”

“My name is Yuyan. Yes, it was Sister Qingqing who gave me your call. She said, if there is a problem that can’t be solved, I can find you!”

“Sister Qingqing? Which sister Qingqing? Tear…” Su Jing suddenly took a breath.

“Mr. Su Jing, are you okay? Are you busy?” The person on the phone heard the voice and asked.

“It’s okay!”

Su Jingying looked at Wen Shanshan with a cry, Wen Shanshan’s face was flushed red, and he lowered his head and moved up and down gently.

The corners of Su Jing’s mouth raised slightly, and she didn’t expect that Wen Shanshan would take the initiative to use her mouth at this time.

“Oh, it’s Sister Qingqing who makes costumes.”

“Sister Qingqing who makes costumes?” Su Jing remembered, that should be Qingqing who is in love with ghosts, and her husband is Su Yue.

Although she is a ghost, because of the fragrance, she seems to be no different from ordinary people!

Qingqing will introduce herself to her, so she should have encountered something strange, right? Thinking of this, Su Jing said: “I can indeed solve some things that ordinary people can’t solve, but my price is not low! Qingqing shouldn’t tell you? One million, or…beauty. Wait for you to think about it, then Call me!”

Su Jing hung up the phone without waiting for a reply from the other party.

Twenty minutes later!

Wen Shanshan blushed and went to take a bath, while Su Jing took a rest for a while and put on his clothes. He told Wen Shanshan that he had gone, and then went directly to Qingqing’s place!

Su Yue’s house.

Su Yue is not at home, only Qingqing is designing clothes at home.

Seeing Su Jing coming, Qingqing was very enthusiastic.

“Did you receive the call?” Qingqing asked after sitting down.

Su Jingjing nodded: “A girl named Yuyan, I told her my rules and conditions, and she will call me again if she needs it.”

“The girl Yuyan is very good. She is a student of the Academy of Fine Arts. She gave me some ideas in the fashion design. I knew that she had something to do, so I took the liberty to give her your phone number.”

Su Jing waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter. If there is a suitable business in this area, I will naturally do it. It hasn’t been long since I first came to Beijing, even if I want to receive business, it is not that easy. Let me talk about Yuyan first, what’s the situation? ”

“Have you heard of paper people?”

“White girl!”

Qingqing didn’t say anything, but asked Su Jing first.

paper man? Girl with blank paper?

Qingqing nodded and said, “Yuyan, I just met a girl with a blank paper! A female ghost like a paper man, this is how things are…”

Qingqing slowly said what she knew.

“Wait, which school did you say Yuyan belongs to?”

“Baroque painting academy!”

“This name is a bit familiar!” Su Jing thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that this was the place where he and Zhao Li and the others went to eat after leaving Qingqing’s house that day? At that time, the official Zhao also said that there are a lot of beautiful girls near this place, and they did find that they were really good when they ate! Unexpectedly, this Yuyan belongs to this school!

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