Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 902- One more soul

Chapter 902 – One more soul!

Su Jing stretched out his hand directly, and Lin Shuang subconsciously leaned back slightly and said, “No, no, I’m all right.”

“Really?” Su Jing asked with a smile.

Lin Shuang nodded quickly: “Really, I…I’ve come with you. Can I still not let it? It’s really good, it’s really strange! It was painful just now, but it’s all right now. , This is faster than before!” Lin Shuang said with a puzzled expression on his face, really not sure why!

Su Jing said grinningly: “That’s why I have to check for you, carefully check to see what’s going on in your body.”

After speaking, Su Jing’s hand was already wrapped around Lin Shuang’s waist, and he pushed her onto the bed along the way.

Lin Shuang tilted his head slightly and squinted his eyes, slightly nervous. He only felt that Su Jing’s hand seemed to have a kind of magical power. Just touching herself slightly made her feel a strange feeling, as if his palm was burning with flames. Same, it made her feel hot! She went to see Su Jing subconsciously, but what she saw was Su Jing’s somewhat hot eyes and expressions of playful exploration. That kind of feeling, Lin Shuang seemed to have known each other before, as if he felt when he was unpacking the courier.

Although I know what it is, I am still looking forward to it!

This feeling made Lin Shuang very embarrassed, and hurriedly closed his eyes!

In a daze, Lin Shuang’s clothes had been taken off by Su Jing completely. Lying there, Lin Shuang could feel the hot gaze even if he didn’t open his eyes.

His hand was placed on his body.

A feeling of scorching heat followed, not only scalding my body, but also my soul!

“The body functions are all normal and there is no problem. In addition, she is in good shape, so her abnormality is not due to her body? It was speculated that she would be abnormal when she encountered danger, or when she believed that she was in danger, but she has already progressed to the present. This step has not changed because of Wu Gongzi’s incense? No, the effect of incense should have passed. Only by continuously lighting the incense can the effect be maintained. So… are you afraid? Or are you afraid?”

Su Jing thought like this in his heart, and also took off his clothes, grabbed Lin Shuang’s hand and hooked his neck, Su Jing smiled lightly.

Take a blood!


Lin Shuang suddenly yelled loudly. At that moment, Su Jing felt a trace of spiritual pressure fluctuations, and it flashed past!

“This is interesting!” Su Jing smiled.

While observing Lin Shuang’s reaction, he naturally did what he should do.

Originally, Su Jing’s combat effectiveness was amazing, but at this time, he used two different minds, but in the end… Lin Shuang was miserable!

I don’t know how long it will finally be over, Lin Shuang lay in Su Jing’s arms like mud, let alone move, it seemed that he didn’t even have the strength to speak. Su Jing looked at Lin Shuang, and at the same time released his supernatural power into Lin Shuang’s body, touching his soul directly.

At that moment!(Read more @

Su Jing showed an unexpected expression!


There is a problem with her soul!

Divine power poured into her soul, and she soon discovered that there was something more in Lin Shuang’s soul!


Three souls and seven souls must be complete, this is a complete soul. Lin Shuang’s three souls and seven souls are there, not many, on the contrary… there is one more!

Fetal light, refreshing spirit, and ghostly spirit are the three souls.

Swallowing thief, corpse dog, eliminating filth, smelly lung, bird Yin, non-poisonous, Fuya, is the seven souls.

Of course, the three souls and seven souls are different, but overall they are almost the same!

And Lin Shuang had more of this one, it was the corpse dog in the seven souls!

The dog is a guardian of the nursing home and is very alert. Even if a person falls asleep, he will have a sense of the surrounding environment. This is the body’s early warning ability during sleep. Some people can feel that someone is about to kill him or feel the external crisis when they are half asleep. The corpse dog is very sensitive!

Lin Shuang’s own three souls and seven souls are sound, and this extra soul does not want to rush with her soul, and even merges with them, which is very weird.

She only felt danger a few times when she wanted to come, and her chest was painful and uncomfortable, and that should be the reason for her spirit!

That flash of spiritual pressure also came from it!

No wonder, it’s no wonder that I don’t feel the Rei Pressure at ordinary times, and it’s no wonder that it’s just a flash and it’s very faint… There is only one soul left, how can there be such a strong Rei Pressure!

But here comes the problem.

Is this possible?

After all, the human soul is born with three souls and seven souls. Suddenly, one more soul emerges and merges into it, which may be difficult to do.

Even if you want to be separated or merged, you have to spend a lot of tricks, but…how many of you have this ability?

“Did you have this situation since you were a child, or did you only have it recently?” Su Jing asked Lin Shuang with his arms around.

“It’s just this period of time. I didn’t have it when I was a child. I think about it? It seems… after my sister had an accident! I was also anxious at the time and drank a lot, so… So I thought it was a physical problem. In this case, I didn’t care too much, what’s the matter?” Lin Shuang thought for a while and replied in a low voice.

“You are thinking about it, did anything happen during that time?” Su Jing asked again.

Lin Shuang shook his head: “It shouldn’t be there!”


Su Jingjing nodded, and it seemed that Lin Shuang couldn’t remember it.

At this point in time, is it related to his sister Lin Lu? Su Jing thought about it and contacted Tang Jinbao in the underworld. I have to say that with the old man Tang Jinbao, plus the gods of death, the situation in the underworld has maintained quite well! Su Jing wanted to ask Tang Jinbao about Lin Lu’s soul, maybe it was because Lin Lu was missing a soul and reborn, and the lesser soul appeared in Lin Shuang? However, Tang Jinbao did not give any answer. Although Su Jing asked Tang Jinbao to check Lin Lu last time, it did!

But it’s just a record, because…

Because Lin Lu’s affairs were not taken over by the underworld at all!

That’s right, after all, here is the underworld host!

Although there is no accurate answer, Su Jing is more than 70% sure of this. Lin Lu should be the extra one!

Of course, knowing who is on the one hand, Su Jing is even more curious…the reason!

How could it be such a reason!

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