Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 905- Spike the five sons

Chapter 905 – Spike the five sons

Can’t break free!

I can’t get rid of it!

These six light films seemed to block his own power, making him unable to break free, and even the usual transformations could not be done!

“You, what kind of weird move are you!” The fifth son couldn’t help but asked Su Jing in horror.

Su Jing smiled faintly: “If I were you, now I wouldn’t consider what kind of move this is, but consider what will be the last words.”

Wu Gongzi stared at Su Jing with wide eyes. “You want to kill me? Haha, I heard that right, you want to kill me?”

“I admit that you do have the ability, I don’t want to conflict with you! But if you want to kill me, that’s a dream! I’m gluttonous, the son of the dragon, you…you can’t kill me, and you can’t kill me!” The fifth son is arrogant. Yelled loudly, the ugly appearance now looks… even uglier!

Su Jing smiled and said: “You are really not that easy to kill, otherwise you will devour your soul and steal business from the underworld, and Pluto will have troubled you! After all, the ferryman dare not because of lack of strength, but Pluto’s words… You are not unsure! It’s just because of your identity, the son of the dragon, gluttonous! As long as you are not too much, Pluto will turn a blind eye to it. After all, existence is reasonable! So you have this idea too. Normal! Your identity is useless to me!”

“Pluto only manages the life and death of people, and I…is in charge of the life and death of gods! At the level of gods, your identity is not that noble.”


Su Jing looked at the astonished fifth son, and continued: “I have the strength to kill you, I dare to kill, I can kill, I really don’t know any reason to let you go!”

“You, you are Lord Taishan Mansion!”

The fifth son shouted in horror.

“Yes, knowledgeable!”

“No, don’t, don’t kill me, I’ll go! I’ll go right away, and I can guarantee that I will never show up in front of you!” The fifth son hurriedly begged for mercy.

Su Jing shook his head and said, “It’s a pity, no!”

When the voice fell, the power of the primordial spirit was suddenly released towards the fifth son.

In an instant, I saw the fifth son’s face showing a grim and painful expression, as if something floated out.

The shape is like a sheep-shaped human face, with eyes under the armpits, tiger-toothed hands, and the entire body, misty as smoke, directly rushing into Su Jing’s palm. In the next moment, he disappeared directly, and Bound Dao also disappeared because he lost his goal!

Su Jing closed his eyes.

After absorbing the gluttonous food, Su Jing’s soul was slightly shocked!

The energy is too strong.

In addition to the gluttonous nature, this is the first time I have absorbed this turbulent feeling.

You must know that even Nuwa and generals do not feel this way!(Read more @

Of course, this can’t be said that gluttony is better than generals and Nuwas, the strength is far worse, it can only be said that gluttony has special characteristics! Delicious, eat everything! Although the primordial spirit is absorbed by oneself, that instinct is still there, and it seems that he wants to eat his primordial spirit? Naturally, Su Jing would not give him this opportunity to urge the soul for a little bit, the gluttonous instinct was completely suppressed, and then it was truly turned into the nourishment for him to nourish his soul! Moreover, it seems to have brought some changes to his soul!

It seems that the energy absorbed by one’s own soul is stronger!

This is really a bonus.

Su Jing opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and saw Zhao and Wang Xiaoya coming out with Xia Dongqing.

Xia Dongqing obviously already knew what had happened, and at this time she was still a little afraid.

“Holly is fine. You can take Dongqing home first. By the way, report to the police! Here, a few people should have died. The body may not be there, but the bones are definitely there!”

“Five sons…”

The official Zhao didn’t see the fifth son.

“The fifth son is no longer there, and it’s impossible to show up again! However, the fifth son can’t pay for his life, but there is no waiter? As a human, he actually helped the fifth son to kill the same kind!” Su Jing said lightly.

Wu Gongzi, he is no longer there, and he will never show up again.

What does it mean?

Could it be…

Su Jing killed the fifth son?

how can that be? Not to mention that the fifth son is not so easy to kill, even if it can… this is too fast, too easy. From saving Xia Dongqing to the present, it took only a few words, and I didn’t feel any major movement. If Su Jing really killed the five sons, there is only one possibility!


Su Jing killed the fifth son in a second!

This is even more exaggerated!

For a while, Zhao Li didn’t know what to say, so he could only turn around and leave with Holly and the others. After going out at the same time, Wang Xiaoya also called the police!

Su Jing left in no hurry.

Although Wu Gongzi is a foodie, there are many good things. For example, the fragrance of the last time is definitely not only the ones that he took! After a while, Su Jing had found Wu Gongzi’s inventory, a large amount of inventory, and some miscellaneous things. Su Jing put away all his brains. If he is useless, others may still be able to use it. It.

Daguai explosive equipment.

This is a routine!

After a thorough cleaning, Su Jing had heard the sound of a police car outside.

It is estimated that the police have already arrived.

After thinking about it, Su Jing entered the death mode, and when the police rushed in, he passed by and left quietly…

Although the cheongsam waiter will definitely explain something, Su Jing doesn’t care, and there is no evidence, right? What’s more, telling these things, what gluttony, Dragon’s son, etc., I guess the police will not believe it!

Go back to the convenience store.

The trio was still chatting about the fifth son. Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya didn’t know the identity of the fifth son before, but they were shocked when they heard what Zhao said. At this time, they saw Su Jing coming in. People almost all looked at Su Jing.

Even gluttonous things can kill in seconds.

It is too strong!

“Okay, are all okay? If everything is okay, I will leave, and I will be out tomorrow!”

“Go out? Where are you going, and when will you be back?” Wang Xiaoya hurriedly asked.

“It depends on the situation!” Su Jing said casually, waved his hand and went straight home.

When he came home, Prajna happened to be at home.

Su Jing told Prajna about Lin Shuang’s situation, and Prajna was also quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, there will be such a situation of three souls and eight souls!

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