Chapter 950

As time passed, Magic Ji’s expression became less and less calm.

The delicate face showed an anxious look, a pair of beautiful eyes kept staring at the outside, taking out the phone from time to time to check the time!

More than an hour has passed since the time she agreed with Xiao Qian, and the estimated time should have arrived. But there was no movement outside! She made several calls to Xiaoqian, but none of them got through. Xiaoqian’s phone was turned off.

This makes Magic Ji even more anxious!

What happened?

Is Xiaoqian cheating herself? Or are they in trouble?

Or, is it not here yet?

Waiting without a clear answer is the most painful, because you don’t know what happened, and you don’t know when to wait!


Magic Ji looked outside. The members of the SWAT team didn’t know if they had the patience to wait. If they launched an attack, it would be difficult for them to escape.

She faces a choice!

Either think of a way to escape now, or continue to wait until Xiaoqian arrives at the helper, or… just contact the organization she originally wanted to join.

Monster Beast Organization!

However, these three options have risks.

Now the chance of escape is too small, and the SWAT team outside has already surrounded this area for a long time. And if you contact the organization you originally wanted to work with, you might not be able to save yourself in a short time even if you contact now. As for Xiao Qian, I don’t know when they will come back or whether they will come. Choose one of three, almost not big, all risky. The expression on Magic Ji’s face couldn’t help changing, and finally decided to continue to wait!

In case, wait!

Magic Ji just decided to continue to wait, but the SWAT team outside didn’t plan to wait anymore!

I have been waiting for more than an hour, and no one passes here except the car at the beginning. It seems that the monster inside should have not notified the other monsters, then… there is no need to continue.

“Ready to act!”

On the communication channel, the members of the SWAT team who heard the sound cheered up one by one.


A few seconds later, an order was issued.

Immediately after the original quiet atmosphere was directly broken, several fully armed SWAT team members appeared from the hiding place, armed with weapons, and lined up to the water plant.


Magic Ji screamed and stretched her arms. In an instant, she saw her nails spread with pink light, becoming slender!

“Fight!”(Read more @

The only way at this time is to escape!

Magic Ji turned around and ran directly to the back of the water plant, where Su Jing was in the direction. The next moment Magic Ji suddenly raised her hand.

The pink light emitted by the slender and sharp nails pierced directly into the wall very sharply, and I saw Magic Ji’s arms pressing hard, the original solid wall was like tofu, which was easily cut.


The door of the water plant was suddenly kicked open, and a pair of special police rushed in, and saw Magic Ji who wanted to escape and shot directly without saying a word.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da!

When the bullet hit, Magic Ji pushed aside the wall hard and jumped out.


A heavy sound rang, and the next moment I saw blood splashing, Huan Ji was blasted in and fell to the ground, her shoulders showing a blushing blood!


Sniper rifle!

The XM109 sniper rifle, nicknamed shoulder gun, has an effective range of two kilometers, and uses 25mm bullets that can penetrate at least 50mm armor plates. If you can call yourself a gun, you know how powerful it is!

Even if the monster’s physique was stronger, this shot almost shattered Illusion Ji’s shoulder.

One shot!

With just one shot, Magic Ji lost the ability to fight. The severe pain made her snorted, and the cold sweat flowed down in an instant. But she knew that it was not the time for pain, she gritted her teeth and hurriedly wanted to get up.

The back door can’t go, there is a sniper, and I can only find a way to fight it!

As soon as Magic Ji turned around, she saw countless special police officers aiming at her with guns. In an instant, many red dots appeared on her body!

The spot of infrared aiming!

She has no doubt that as long as she moves a little, she will be beaten into a sieve!


Rise in an instant!

“Successfully hit the target, the target has lost the ability to fight!”

Someone reported the battle, and after a while, someone came in.

Dressed completely different from these special police officers, wearing a black suit, it looks like he should be the captain of this team.

“Although the backgrounds are different, the people should still be the same!”

From beginning to end, Su Jing did not intervene, and no one noticed Su Jing. I forgot the name of this team leader, Su Jing, but he should be the male protagonist in Monster City, and he seems to have something to do with Fantasy Ji? However, it doesn’t seem to be right now. Because after this person appeared, he just glanced at Magic Fairy, without showing any pity, waved: “Take it away!”

Magic Ji’s ability is pretty good, the energy from her nails is very sharp and powerful.

However, this special police team made Su Jing unexpected.

Before, Xiaoqian said that the demon was being hunted down and the living environment was getting less and less. Su Jing was a bit disapproving, but look at the actions of the SWAT team. Using Magic Ji as a bait, surrounding points for aid, super sniper rifles, and a neat and well-trained team, even if a monster like Magic Ji is blocked, there is no chance. It can be seen that… it is indeed amazing! This also gave Su Jing an intuitive understanding of the SWAT team!

Looking at Magic Ji’s face desperate, watching those special police are ready to arrest and take her away.

Su Jing moved!

Did not withdraw from the death mode, just walked to Magic Ji’s side, and grabbed Magic Ji’s waist from behind.

This touch.

Magic Ji was stunned, thinking that someone from the special police team took the opportunity to take advantage of her, but she quickly reacted.


People from the SWAT team are all around preparing to take themselves away, it is impossible to hug their waist from behind. If in private, Magic Ji thinks it is possible, after all, she is still very confident about her appearance, but in this situation, it is absolutely impossible…

If it were not from the SWAT team, who would it be?

Magic Ji’s eyes lit up instantly, thinking of a possibility!

“Be careful!”

Captain Aaron, who had been staring at the environment, suddenly saw the change in Fan Ji’s eyes. Although he didn’t know what was going on, he still subconsciously shouted to remind him.

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