Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 962- Auntie in the dormitory Sister Qin

Chapter 962 – Auntie in the dormitory: Sister Qin!

Su Jing thought for a while and didn’t want to wake up Ziluo at all, let’s talk about it when he wakes up, anyway… he won’t suffer anyway!

With Zi Luo in his arms, Su Jing fell into a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, Su Jing heard a pop in a daze.

I subconsciously woke up and opened my eyes, and I was stabbed by the light in the room, and then I heard a noise from the door.

At the door, Xia Dongchun looked here in surprise.

“I didn’t see anything, sorry…”

After being surprised, Xia Dongchun said that he turned and went out hurriedly, and closed the door with a bang.

After the trouble in summer, winter and spring, Su Jing and Zi Luo both woke up.

Zi Luo was stunned when he woke up, and hurriedly pulled the quilt over to block him!

Su Jing didn’t speak and looked at Zi Luo with a smile. Zi Luo looked surprised, panicked, and of course very shy. Then his expression began to change slightly, as if he remembered what it was, and began to become embarrassed.

“Yes, I’m sorry, it seems…like I drank too much, and then… just came in.” Zi Luo said towards Su Jing, lowering his head.

“It’s okay, I won’t suffer!” Su Jing smiled.

“I, I will explain to Xia Dongchun, lest she misunderstand you!” Zi Luo finished speaking, hesitantly wrapped in the quilt and got up and left, and went out!

“Good acting!”

Seeing the door closed, Su Jing’s mouth raised slightly.

The changes in the series of expressions just now are really superb acting skills, no one will doubt it when they read it. If Su Jing didn’t know it in advance, I’m afraid he would believe it! Su Jing originally thought that Ziluo might take the opportunity to stick to herself, and she would sleep together like that anyway, but she didn’t expect Ziluo to come and retreat, first admitted that she drank too much and ran in, and went to help herself Explanation! But in this way, if it is a normal man, she will definitely be impressed. After all, are you sleeping together?

It might have been okay, but now it is now!

And it’s not the kind of annoying practice.

If she wants to take the opportunity to stick and throw the pot to Su Jing, or even if she doesn’t shake the pot, she cries for an explanation, I believe many men will not be so happy even if they finally accept it.


There are means, there are ideas!

Su Jing smiled and got up to find the clothes to put on. The voice of Zi Luo whispering to Xia Dongchun was heard outside the door. Su Jing did not listen specifically, and heard a few words. For example, Zi Luo explained to Xia Dongchun that he ran out of the room after drinking too much to let Xia Dongchun not misunderstand him, and Xia Dongchun said that he was not someone from Su Jing, so he didn’t need to explain to himself. Zi Luo said that even so, he still has to explain, so as not to let Xia Dongchun misunderstand Su Jing. She looks like this, not to mention that Xia Dongchun is not her own woman, even if she is… I am afraid Xia Dongchun will be embarrassed to be angry with Zi Luo, let alone hate Zi Luo!

There is a set, really a set!

The more Su Jing got along with each other, the more Su Jing felt that apart from that face, she was really nothing like Xiaolongnu, and it could even be said to be the opposite!(Read more @

Su Jing pushed the door out.

The conversation between Xia Dongchun and Zi Luo also came to an abrupt end, and both of them were a little embarrassed.

Su Jing smiled and said: “Okay, time is almost up, you clean up, and then let’s set off.”


Xia Dongchun and Zi Luo nodded and cleaned up briefly.

After that, check out and leave!

Get in the car.

Zi Luo asked curiously: “Where are we going? Do you need me to inform the people in the team to make some preparations?”

“It’s not necessary!” Su Jing shook his head. “If it is a demon, your SWAT team may be able to play a little role, but he is not a demon! After eating too old meat, you can live forever and absorb the lifespan of others. Your people will not have any resistance at all when they are close. Even if you can preemptively attack others. , But… he can’t die at all!”

“Can’t you die in any way?”

“At least the usual way, you can’t die! This is more tenacious than zombies, vampires, and so on, and it has a very strong self-healing ability!” Su Jing said. “Anyway, you don’t have to worry about it, naturally I will solve it and take you with me, just let you see and see!”

Xia Dongchun nodded with Zi Luo and did not ask any more.

But they took out their guns in a tacit understanding, and were ready!

“This is… the school?”

Watching Su Jing stopped the car and motioned them to get off…

After getting out of the car, the two people discovered that this was actually the school not far from the Su Jing coffee shop.

Could it be that the murderer is in this school?

Su Jingjing nodded and took the two into the school.

At this time, the school is dark and very quiet.

Only the direction of the dormitory building in the distance was still lit.

While walking, Su Jing sensed the spiritual pressure nearby.

“Here!” Su Jing said, and went to the opposite direction of the dormitory building.

On the other side, there is a building.

It was a newly built bedroom building, but it hadn’t been completed yet, and I don’t know if it was due to lack of funds. Now it has been suspended, and the entire building has been changed. Only the exterior walls and windows are left.


Zi Luo suddenly yelled, drew his gun and pointed it forward.

Ahead, a person walked out of the shadows and darkness!

A middle-aged woman, dressed very plainly.

“Who are you, aren’t you students at the school? What are you doing here so late?” The other party asked slightly scared when he saw Zi Luo’s gun.

“Who are you?” Ziluo slowly lowered her gun and asked when she saw her like this.

“I am the aunt of the dormitory, sister Qin!” she explained.

“Why are you here?” Zi Luo continued to ask.

“After the dormitory is closed, I will come here to rest. Because the dormitory is tight, I temporarily live in this unfinished building.” Sister Qin explained.

It seemed that there was no problem, Zi Luo put the gun away and looked at Su Jing.

Su Jing looked at Sister Qin and slowly said, “After waiting for so many years, I finally waited. Is it the same as you thought…?”

Sister Qin was stunned for a moment, and said nonchalantly: “What are you waiting for? What have been waiting for so many years, I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“Don’t understand? Forget it, anyway, you have waited for so many years in this capacity, and only you know what the result is!”

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