Deadlock: The Strongest Shinigami

Chapter 982- Kill the old one, kill the small one

Chapter 982 – Kill the old one, kill the small one!

“Papa”, “Papa”!

The gunshots came one after another, deafening, and the strong smell of gunpowder instantly diffused to cover up the bloody smell.

Gui Zhongdao didn’t move at all, just waved the octopus-like tentacles and blocked all the bullets.

The two tentacles blocked the front, and the bullet hit it without causing any harm at all!

Very strong defensive ability, it should be stronger than before!

Su Jing thought for a while, and directly called Ouyang Jiajia through the little hell. At this time, he should also let his god of death come out and show his face. After all, there should be many bases for the special police force, especially in Japan. Deal with death!


Ouyang Jiajia teleported over, wearing a tyrant outfit and holding a Zanpaku knife.

At first glance, it really looks like that, if… her expression is not that nervous.

“Just save people!” Su Jing said towards Ouyang Jiajia.

Ouyang Jiajia saw the two pierced members of the special police team.

“Go down, Rou Shizhao!”

Ouyang Jiajia snorted softly, and the Zanpodao changed instantly.

A huge, flat one-eyed flying object appeared in an instant. With such a change, such a monster shocked the SWAT team.

“Monster, monster?”

“This is the god of death, the power of Zanpakudao!” Su Jing said lightly. Ouyang Jiajia had already swallowed the two injured people under the control of Rou Shizhao. Su Jing noticed that although the members of the SWAT team hesitated and worried, they did not panic. This shows that the SWAT team has developed a sense of trust in themselves! When Rou Shizuku swallowed the two injured people and vomited them out, the SWAT team was completely stunned.

Even the body was penetrated originally, but now it is completely healed!



The two special police officers looked around blankly, and some of them couldn’t figure out the situation!

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, let me thank you for a while! I will deal with the ghosts first!” Although Captain Jiashan was surprised, but after all, he was very stable and prioritized. He shouted, and soon everyone Attention attracted.

The round of shooting is over!

Gui Zhongdao was unscathed, and the tentacles were put down, with a crazy and hideous look on his face.

“You all damn it!”

“The damn person is you!”

Aaron suddenly screamed and rushed out. Su Jing noticed that his hand seemed to be wearing a mechanical glove. Aaron twisted the glove and slammed towards the ghosts.

The tentacles of Gui Zhongdao swept directly towards Aaron!


The fist hit the tentacles, and the huge power seemed to make the tentacles tremble slightly, and it was actually blocked!

Along looked happy and it worked.(Read more @

It’s just that the joy of his face changed abruptly before it fell, and the tentacles violently entangled Aaron and threw it out toward the sky.

Along flew out in an instant.

At least tens of meters, hundreds of meters high!

“No, quickly turn on the magnetic field to protect Aaron!”

In addition, the captain was shocked, and he would undoubtedly die if he fell from such a height, and saw that he also twisted the equipment in his hand, but it was different from Aaron’s glove, and the same was true for Zi Luo and other people around him.

Suddenly, I saw Along’s descending body shook violently, and the speed of the descent slowed down, until it fell off with a clatter when he was only two or three meters in height.

After landing, Aaron quickly stood up, and it seemed that he was not injured!

“The power of this magnetic field does not seem to be as strong as in the original work!” Su Jing noticed the situation here, said a word secretly, and saw Aaron rush out again.

I don’t know whether to call him brave or reckless.

The strength of Gui Zhong Dao is not an opponent even if it is an ordinary monster, let alone A Long is just an ordinary person?

After a while, Along just rushed over and was entangled by the tentacles of the ghosts. This time he directly wrapped his neck. The huge force seemed to twist his neck. He couldn’t breathe at all, and the feeling of suffocation made him feel suffocated. His strength is fading quickly, and his eyes are about to roll over.

“Tell me, where is Yuan Dazong!”

The Guizhong Dao carried Along and asked savagely towards Su Jing.

“Yuan Dazong?”

“Is Yuan Dazong here too?”

People from the SWAT team searched for Yuan Dazong, but now they were surprised when they heard Gui Zhongdao suddenly mention Yuan Dazong, and they all looked at Su Jing.

“Do you want to see Yuan Dazong?” Su Jing asked with a smile looking at Gui Zhongdao. “Okay, then I will let you see Dazong Yuan!”


Su Jing moved, and everyone didn’t see clearly, but saw that Su Jing suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he heard the screams of the ghosts.

Cold light!

They seemed to see a belated cold light.

Su Jing slapped a knife and heard a click.

Aaron fell to the ground, along with Aaron fell to the ground, and the tentacles of the ghosts!

“Go to die, go to die!”

Gui Zhongdao was hurt and angry, and the remaining tentacles slapped over in an instant.

Su Jing didn’t move, but just waved the Zanpodao.

Huh huh! Huh huh!

Pieces of meat flew out, and the tentacles that couldn’t be beaten by bullets seemed to be weaker than tofu at this time, and they were directly cut shorter and shorter!

“I want you to see Yuan Dazong!”

Suddenly, Su Jing appeared behind Gui Zhongdao, the palm of his hand grabbed Gui Zhongdao’s head directly, and the huge power made Gui Zhongdao’s body lean forward and fell directly to the ground!

next moment.


The ghosts struggled fiercely to get up, but their heads slammed on the ground and couldn’t move at all.

After a few seconds, the ghosts stopped moving.

In the next moment, the light will shine.

But Su Jing… but suddenly stopped.

“It’s better for you!”

After Su Jing finished speaking, Zhan Po Dao slashed towards his head.



The head of Gui Zhongdao flew out directly, before everyone could react, the light was already bright, and then flew towards Su Jing!

“Although I’m not sure, it’s better to be careful. I don’t want to have the ability of Guizhongdao to transform into an octopus!” Su Jing muttered secretly and took back the Zanpodao. This is why he suddenly changed his way. !

The ghosts are dead!

Most of the members of the SWAT team exhaled, but only three of them looked complicated.

One is Captain Gasan, one is Ziluo, and the other… is Aaron!

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