Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1206: I heard that the spring breeze came last night


"Get up! The toilet is down! The toilet is down ..."

It's just dawning, the members of the plantation team have got up, picking up dung buckets and knocking on lean dung from door to door. They belong to the most modest ordinary people. The conflict last night always stayed aside because they believed that as long as they were willing to suffer Endurance, no one will treat them badly.

"Squeak ~"

A plump mature woman opened the door, and put her two spittoons to the door dimly. She wore only a low-cut silk nightdress. Although it was only a conservative short-sleeved style, it was still a few middle-aged men. Even swallowing his mouth, he praised really openly.

"Zhou Lan! Why is there a smell of lard in this room, Xiaoyu brother ..."

A dark-skinned middle-aged man came to the door, and the thief peeped into her room. Zhou Lan pushed him away and stared, "What are you looking for? Director Zhang Da can still run in my room to sleep, you You should go to Wu Lijuan's room to find them. Those crazy bees and butterflies want to go crazy to climb high branches! "

"Wu Lijuan? What else is there besides being young, Zhang Chu despise her ..."

The man leaned on the door frame and whispered, "I tell you a secret. Don't tell anyone. Last night I heard a strange noise on the fifth floor. I thought it was a ghost cat, and then sneaked into the pharmacy. Looking outside, it was Dr. Hu who was lying on the freezer and yelled, his pants were stuck in his mouth! "

"Doctor Hu? Isn't that how Secretary Qian looks? The man she's looking for isn't ..."

Zhou Lan's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly dragged the other person in and closed the door. A young woman hurried up from the bed and ran over barefoot and asked, "Boss! You won't see it wrong, if you make money The secretary knows that Dr. Hu steals his mouth and must kill her! "

"It depends on who the man she stole is. This dumb secretary can only recognize ..."

Lao Niu smiled proudly: "I don't say you should have guessed it, some people said that it was Zhang Office that Dr. Hu took the initiative to find, and they also put on the imported bodybuilding pants, but they didn't seem to be the first time. Now, Zhang Chu said something beautiful, I want to reward you! "

"Mah! Doctor Hu must have been his ..."

Zhou Lan covered her mouth in surprise and said, "I didn't feel right last night. Since Ma Weijiang wants to plant the director Zhang, there is no possibility that Wu Dayong appears in the videotape. It must be Dr. Hu secretly adjusted the bag. It's so easy to do such a thing! "

The young woman smiled gloatingly: "I said that Xiao Yu didn't make sense to leave Zheng Beili quit and ran to wear other people's broken shoes. This is a good thing. Dr. Hu not only put a big green hat on Secretary Qian, They also directly committed traitors to others, and now the old money must be alive! "

"It's okay to be mad at him. I'm on the side of Chief Zhang ..."

Zhou Lan shook his head and raised his arms. The cow opened the door and walked out with a smile. After pouring all the excrement in the spittoon into the dung bucket, he continued knocking from door to door. His so-called secrets went away too. It soon became known to the entire building.

"Old cow! Good job ..."

When the old cow quietly walked into the fifth-floor warehouse, a beautiful girl was already waiting inside, and handed him two cans of beef, but the old cow asked in wonder: "Sweet! You let me spread Hu What is the doctor's scandal for? "

"Seeing that she is not pleasing to the eye, whoever makes her usually shine, I just want to stink her ..."

Sweetly patted his face and said, "Don't talk too much and get upset. When someone asks you, you will listen to someone else. If you drink too much, you ca n’t remember who you are. I will also do something for you and Aunt Huang. Keep it secret, won't let your wife know that you broke your shoes, haha ​​~ "

"Understand! I don't know anything ..."

Lao Niu nodded his head in horror, and walked out with sweet toes.

Go. At this time, the sky is completely bright. Everyone in the building is talking about Dr. Hu. Although it is not a big deal to break the shoes, the identity of the men and women is too sensitive.

"Lili ..."

Zhao Zhanpeng closed the door in surprise, and whispered, "Zhang Ziyu will not really get Dr. Hu to do it. She is the heart of the old money. The old money must know that this must be crazy, what did you do last night? Have you seen Dr. Hu? "

"Crap! How could the two of them cheat me to see ..."

Zheng Beili leaned against the wall and said in surprise: "But when Zhang Ziyu ate supper last night, he did go out for more than 20 minutes, but Cha Tiantian followed behind his ass. Maybe he didn't go out with Cha Tiantian to be happy, Instead, let Cha Tiantian help him whistle? "

"It's unclear, who doesn't know what Cha Tiantian looks like, lady in the shampoo room, Zhang Ziyu will not look for her even if she is hungry ..."

Zhao Zhanpeng said sourly: "Furthermore, you have been with them last night. I have always felt strange that he let you go and retreat. Now I finally understand. It turned out that he had a secret relationship with Dr. Hu and did not have the energy to touch your female secretary Then he will be a dad! "

"What do you mean? I've bullied you and you're talking cold words ..."

Zheng Beili glared at him angrily and said, "Zhang Ziyu now has a gun. He does n’t even dare to turn his face with him. What do you want me to do as a woman? I got you to be an assistant to Lao Liu. For your safety, otherwise he would force you to break up with me. Do you dare to distinguish? "

Zhao Zhanpeng hurriedly hugged her and said, "Don't be angry! I know you are not easy, but what exactly do you intend, if you stay next to Zhang Ziyu as a secretary, he ... he will sooner or later enlarge your belly, I It's a green turtle! "

"Zhan Peng! We have to plan for the worst ..."

Zheng Beili lowered her head and whispered, "Zhang Ziyu knows all the plans of Lao Liu, but he is more decisive than Lao Liu. He has already prepared two trucks, and will get back to install steel plates today, and then take everyone to Hong Jiashan, but his car can only take up to 120 people! "

Zhao Zhanpeng said nervously, "You don't want to go with him. After we walk with him, we have no way of living. He hasn't bullied us to death!"

"Staying here is no longer alive, haven't you noticed that there are more and more night ghosts ..."

Zheng Beili shook her head: "Zhang Ziyu said that night ghosts are evolving, and big night ghosts who are not afraid of the sun will become more and more. We stay here is a dead end, but I'm still young, and I don't want to be eaten by night ghosts! "

Zheng Beili hugged Zhao Zhanpeng and cried, "My husband! I really love you and want to marry you and have children, but for our future, we can only choose to bear the burden. You must remember that no matter how Zhang Ziyu plays with me Body, my heart belongs only to you! "

Zhao Zhanpeng said thoughtfully: "But we can also get a few trucks. Old Liu is no less talented than him. Why do we have to go with him, I will tell the factory director Liu now. He will definitely send someone out to get a car! "

"I know! But I just have a hunch ..."

Zheng Beili wiped away her tears and frowned, "Zhang Ziyu is like a person. He looks so courageous when he speaks, as if he has been in a high position for many years. I even have the illusion that he was stripped of his clothes, as if something Can't escape his eyes, so I think he can do it, old Liu can't! "

"What the **** then? I listen to you ..."

Zhao Zhanpeng was full of depression, and Zheng Beili said, "Be careful! Let's bet on both sides. You tell the factory manager what I just said. I will continue to be Zhang Ziyu's secretary. No matter who they can do in the end, we both Will not be implicated! "

Zhao Zhanpeng took out a few condoms, and sighed, "Hey ~ Lili! I'm sorry for you, I blame me for being incompetent. This is the only protection I can give you. Don't be pregnant with him. Wild seed! "

"You wish he had done me ..."

Zheng Beili pushed back strangely and said, "This girl won't let people take advantage for nothing. Before I leave here, I have a way to keep him from bullying me, but don't talk too much about Dr. Hu. Something big! "

Zheng Beili said and whispered to him again, Zhao Zhanpeng looked at her with shock, but the door was suddenly slammed, and a girl shoved open the door and shouted, "Lili! Come down quickly , Your leader hit a lot of night ghosts, and is giving you gold jewelry! "

"What? A lot of night ghosts ...

Zheng Beili opened her mouth unbelievably, but her boyfriend hurriedly dragged her downstairs and ran into the backyard. They were stunned at the same time.

Just looking at the backyard door is opening, the bodies of hundreds of night ghosts are stacked in the middle of the road, and the layers are almost forming a hill. There are also many things that are picked from the bodies. There is a large amount of gold and silver jewelry. There are so many bags and women's bags and cosmetics.

"Come here! All of us at the security office come here, take whatever you like, take whatever ..."

Xia Fuer sat in the shade with Erlang's legs up and arrogantly holding a big cigar. The women were crazy when they heard it. No matter what was dirty, they rushed up to fight for gold. It's hard currency no matter what the age.

"Xiaoyu! Where did you get the night ghosts ..."

Director Liu and others came out in horror, unkempt and didn't brush their teeth, and saw so many night ghosts that they thought they were dreaming.

"You all slept well last night, but we had a night fight with night ghosts ..."

Xia Fuer sneered: "You only care about planting the scams last night, and the gunfire attracted the night ghosts. I did n’t know if my brethren had discovered in time that you would have been eaten into your stomach and became poop, but this is The work of our security service, you do n’t have to scratch your head! ”

Blackface Steel immediately stepped forward and said, "Impossible! These night ghosts have gun holes on their bodies. If you shoot, we can't hear them. This must be the body you picked up from other places!"

"Well! Show him our new weapon ..."

Xia Fuer smiled and waved a hand, a young man immediately raised his head. He rushed forward, but there was a small trumpet-shaped metal object in front of the muzzle. After the young man stacked a few shots at the corpse, he only heard about ten minutes. A slight gunshot is louder than a slap.

"You made the muffler yourself ..."

Blackface Steel reacted at once ~ ~ But the roar of the engine suddenly sounded outside the door, only to see two blue pickup trucks coming in one after another, a group of guys not only stood in the van and carried them in the car. With the gun, a lot of supplies were actually loaded in the carriage.

"Unload the goods! I invite you to a full meal today ..."

Xia Buer stood up with a smile, everyone burst into a tsunami-like cheer, all rushed to unload the goods, and the angry director Liu and others were all blushing and their teeth were about to bite.

"Director! I just heard something ..."

A defense team member walked to them and whispered, "Some people said that Zhang Ziyu got Dr. Hu to work last night, and Dr. Hu took the initiative to find him. He also said that the two had been secretly engaged for a long time. I see Dr. Hu's My knees are blue. I must have been kneeling last night. I am afraid this is true! "

The director of the factory Liu immediately turned his head to look at him, staring at the gorgeous female doctor in the crowd, yelling at his teeth and cursing, "Fuck! I know who we betrayed us, Qian Hui, you idiot, come in, all of them It's your good job! "

(End of this chapter) @B

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