Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1215: settle down


The light rain fell again, and the cool breeze blew through the mountains, bringing a few icy chills, but Xia Fuji still wore a unique cultural shirt of this era, braving the light rain with Zheng Kun and Big flower went up the hill.

"This is definitely not our original world. I have never heard of this place."

The big flower looks towards the lake to the east. A new ancient city is located near the lake. This is probably the prototype of the film and television base in the future. Although the area is far from that of the later generations, it is enough to accommodate two small towns. The city walls are also Twenty or thirty meters high.

"Highly similar parallel spaces, only a few things are different"

Xia Buer handed the telescope in his hand to Zheng Kun. Zheng Kun observed for a while and said, "Chen Kang said that this is militarized management. It doesn't look like a house. The sentry is very serious and professional. They are active soldiers, and it is difficult for us to find an opportunity. "

"I don't know how Zhu Helei will arrange us"

Xia Fuer reluctantly said, "If there is evidence of Zhang Ziyu's killing in his hands, once it is handed over to the Hongjiashan people, it will be troublesome. For this purpose, we must first settle nearby, and then find two survivors to contact them tomorrow. Take a look and see how they react. "

"We can't get too close. They have mortars."

Zheng Kun went back to the mountain with a telescope on his back, and the three of them quickly came to the stone road at the foot of the mountain. The bus was full of people like cans of sardines. At this time, no one dared to sleep. Looking at them, a group of guys were holding guns around them.

"What is going on with Ziyu, why not go to Hongjiashan?"

Director Liu took a few people out of the bus. In addition to the black-faced steel and a shotgun, the weapons of the defense team were almost taken away. Their attitude changed 180 degrees. Everyone nodded their heads sincerely, after all, they all saw Xia Fuer's combat effectiveness.

"People open the window and listen to me"

Xia Buer put a miner's lamp on a pickup truck and said loudly to himself, "Zhu Helei is the killer we have always been looking for. The two killed before were only small puppets, but he has already entered Hong in one step. Jiashan, it is very likely that we will hit a rake upside down and describe us as a demon who kills and eats meat. "

"Zhu Helei looks kind, he doesn't look like that person at all, why is it so bad?"

Everyone talked loudly, and some people scolded, "This **** is so shameless that I almost killed us, but now I'm going to frame us again. Let's go to the people in Hongjiashan to discuss the actual situation. Tell them clearly, they will definitely distinguish right from wrong. "

"Ziyu, I'm so arrogant"

The director Liu suddenly said in guilt. "I always thought that only I can manage everyone. Although my original intention is good, it turns out that my vision is short-sighted and I almost buried someone like you. In the future, you will be our leader. I Willing to retreat to the second line and advise you "


Many people spit foam directly from the window, making the factory director Liu embarrassed and took a few steps backwards. The black-faced steel also didn't speak without a face. If it wasn't for the factory manager Liu's indulgence, he would not fall. To this field.

"No more nonsense"

Xia Fuji shook his head and said, "There are no leaders and civilians here. We all have one identity. Survivors don't waste this favor of God. We can only live together if we are united."

"That's great, applause."

Immediately, the small leader could not wait to clap his hands, but gave Xia Fuji an unhappy look, and he retracted his hands awkwardly. This is not their auditorium. More than a hundred people applauded at the same time. Invite night ghosts.

Xia Buer went on to say, "Let's find a place to settle down first, and we will send a few people to contact the people in Hongjiashan tomorrow, and see their response. Let's make a decision. I think Director Liu is more suitable. How to say that he is also a state-owned enterprise leader Well, people give me some face. "

The director of the factory Liu unexpectedly said, "It's on me, I will give you a satisfactory explanation. If Zhu Helei dares to sue, I will fight with him."

Heiliang Gang also said, "Do n’t you say it nicely, if you dare to take advantage of Zhu Helei, we will share your two Xiaomi, not all to Yu brother, let them give birth to Yu brother"

"No, really no, you believe again, I will never do such a wicked thing"

The plant manager Liu repeatedly waved his hands to ensure that his two mistresses were eager to move. It seemed that he wanted to rush to Zhu Helei and was assigned to Xia Fuer's bed.

Xia Buer also said, "Okay, everyone is ready to get on the bus, but all of my vigilance has improved a bit. Zhu Helei has also left behind a hidden stake that we don't know. If anyone finds an abnormality, he will return immediately.

"Director, just kill the two people you tied up, leaving it to be a scourge sooner or later."

He stared at the pickup truck aggressively. Chen Kang, with a nasty and swollen face, was **** in the car bucket. Bao Qin was sitting in the car together, but Xia Fujie waved his hand. , Hurry up and leave, follow me "

After Xia Fu'er had finished speaking, he climbed into the pickup truck, Dahua drove Bao Qin to the bus, and sat directly in the back row with Zheng Kun.

Xia Fuji started the car and said, "You don't have to contact Chuan Chuanming anymore, we must have someone to stay in the dark. As long as one person is not found, the black corpse will be a bit jealous."

"We are not stupid"

Dahua smiled and said, "I just didn't talk to Chuan Chuan, but the old class leader talked to her secretly for a while. I don't know if you two can't help but just kiss it. I think the class owner also I won't care about you, anyway, his wife is your wife, haha. "

"If I said I didn't feel you believe it"

Zheng Kun lighted the cigarette and said lightly, "I have forgotten what Chuan Chuan looks like in twelve years. She is now wearing another person's skin. I just talked to her very embarrassingly, and she said nothing to me. I feel like an outsider, inadvertently breaking into your world "

Xia Buer looked into the rearview mirror and said, "Everything you pay will be rewarded. Besides, this is our belief, we will never regret it."

"If it wasn't for belief, I would have given up"

Zheng Kun looked out of the window with a shy look, and Xia Fuji sighed. It was not good to say anything, but it didn't take long for them to come to a small river. Not only was there a small reservoir downstream, but also a medicinal plant on the other side of the river , All planted around are a variety of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xia Buer jumped out of the car and shouted, "All the guards gather in front of me. I now teach you the tricks of killing night ghosts, all with eyes wide open."


More than 20 guys stood by the river excitedly, brushing with their eyes, watching only the big flower pulled out an aunt's towel from the crotch, with a disgusting look, he swiped off his lips.

Later, she fluttered several times in the wind before throwing it on the grass on the bank of the river.


A roar kept ringing from all directions, Zheng Kun quickly led a few guys to the rear, and the others lined up by the river. It didn't take long to see a gray figure, directly from not far away. The village burst out, and Zhang Ya's dancing claws rushed towards them.

"Mom, a lot of night ghosts"

The women in the bus screamed again and again, and hurriedly closed the already protected windows. The gunmen's faces were also pale, and they were extremely restless before and after. If Xia Fuer stood calmly next to them, they would have been early Just got in and ran away.

"Don't wait for them to jump into the water before firing"

Xia Fuer suddenly lit a pile of hay by the river, and the raging flames immediately lit the river bank, making the abominable night ghosts even more terrible, but they soon became like Xia Fuer said, reaching tens of meters The wide river jumped down one after another, and some of them were even washed away and washed away.


Xia Fuji immediately took the lead in firing, and the gunmen hurriedly fired. The sound of banging guns oscillated back and forth between the mountains, not only leading the night ghosts in the village, but even the towns in the distance. Hearing the night ghosts, the nervous women were almost choking.

Every night ghost kept falling into the river and soon blocked the river, but the gunners became easier and more proficient. This method of shooting across the river bank was simply too easy, as long as he could play People who shoot guns can basically do one shot at a time.

"Big Night Ghost"

I don't know who exclaimed, the gunmen were again in a commotion, only to see the two big night ghosts rushing towards them very quickly, and the bullets hit them with no effect, and then someone frightened backwards.

"Give me a stand. Who dares to be a deserter?"

Xia Buer walked over and kicked their butts one by one. Suddenly, he saw that Dahua had seized a rifle, and he shot two shots in the past. Two big night ghosts suddenly fell to the ground and their eyes were beaten. It exploded, and soon suffocated.

"Wow so great"

The men all looked at the big flower with great surprise, and even more excited the pan-peach blossom. The big flower in their eyes is a beautiful woman with a figure and a face, although rude like a big man, but all the same Does not affect her charm, even many sisters have fascinated her ~ ~ This shot lasted for an hour, almost ammunition was reimbursed, and the night ghosts left hundreds of corpses Even the night ghosts in the nearby towns were killed a lot. No matter how much they shot and drank, they could no longer see a night ghost.

"Everyone all come down, fortunately"

Xia Buer said aloud, "All the men followed me into the village to carry supplies, the women went to the medicinal herbs processing factory to clean up the house, and the stoves were all cleaned and ready. After we returned, we started to make supper. This medicinal herbs factory is our home for now. set off"


Everyone followed him across the river happily. No wonder Xia Fuji started to kill after dawn. It turned out that they wanted to be stationed in this place. They killed the night ghosts and they had nothing to worry about.

"My brother-in-law is so handsome, I'm going to worship him"

Jiang Siwen hugged the little star with both hands on her chest and face, but Jiang Xiuna looked at Zheng Beili not far away. Zheng Beili also waved with Xia Fuji with a full face. She immediately snorted coldly. , Now Baba is drilling into my man's arms, I will make you look better sooner or later "@B

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