Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1223: Please daxian


Xia Fuji made a swearing shock, and the terrified Zheng Kun pulled out the pistol, but before he could fire, the stunned sisters of the Jiang family screamed. The shadow also disappeared.

"Husband! You ... why are you here ..."

Jiang Xiuna scrambled up, Jiang Siwen hurriedly hid the scarecrow behind him, but Xia Fuji and Zheng Kun rushed in together, pushing the sisters away, violently breaking through the rear The wooden wall went straight through the hole.

"Gone! I'm on the roof, you go next door ..."

Zheng Kun quickly moved a bamboo ladder to the wall, and Xia Buer quickly ran to the big warehouse next door. The sisters of the Jiang family were shocked and scared after they came out. They only watched the two people jump up and down and ran. Out, the sisters had no idea what they were doing.

"Damn! There's no such thing ..."

Xia Fuji went to the corner panting, Zheng Kun came over with sweat, and said, "I don't think it is an illusion. Illusions don't need to hide, and I looked carefully at the roof. There were no traces. It ca n’t be a stealthy night ghost, if only we had a thermal imager! "

"Let's say it's an energy body, I still don't believe in ghosts ..."

After Xia Buer shook his head and walked to the small warehouse, the sisters of the Jiang family looked at him with horror, and Jiang Xiuna stuttered: "Husband! What are you looking for, do you see that kind of thing? ? "

"What did you say? Didn't you invite ..."

Xia Fuji pulled Jiang Siwen angrily and snatched the straw villain from her hand. At first glance, not only was a strand of hair tied on it, a small piece of yellow paper was also written with Zheng Beili's name and birthday characters. And there was blood on the scarecrow's head.

Jiang Xiuna said pitifully: "That fox is too deceiving, it makes people say bad things about me. She also said that I was stealing people's cheap goods. I ... I ca n’t help but ask Daxian, but I do n’t I know I can invite you! "

"Who taught you this method ..."

Xia Fuer tore up the scarecrow, and ignited it with a lighter and dropped it on the ground.

"The sixteen in the cafeteria told me ..."

Jiang Xiuna yelled: "She said that as long as she is a scarecrow, she drops her blood on the scarecrow's head, and shouts" Daxian, please help me. " The method curses Hu Jie to death! "

"Zhou Jinxiu?"

Xia Buer took a look at Zheng Kun in surprise, and said quickly: "You take us to Liuli, and Siwen calls Zheng Beili in the village. If this kind of thing really works, she would be dangerous now!"


Jiang Siwen walked reluctantly with a small mouth, Jiang Xiuna walked to the cafeteria depressed, but Xia Buer said, "Jiang Xiuna! Is your brain broken, I am not your real husband, you stole Doesn't stealing people have a half dime relationship with me? I won't be leaving any time soon! "

"I'm afraid that as soon as you leave, Zheng Beili will bully me ..."

Jiang Xiuna held her back and murmured, "Now everyone treats her as the eldest sister. You stayed in her room last night. People are not taking me seriously anymore. Many people obey her. I do n’t curse. What else can she do, I'm your woman too, you can't be partial! "

"You can't beat her at all, don't ask for help ..."

Xia Fuji shook his head helplessly: "You only have two choices right now. When I leave, you will continue to live with Zhang Ziyu. No matter how crazy Zheng Beili dares not to bully him, or I will help you find a man in Hongjiashan. You can directly Remarry to be Mrs. Fu, and it's okay to stay away from her! "


Jiang Xiuna bit her lip and hesitated, and suddenly she glanced at Zheng Kun next to her.

Zheng Kun smiled bitterly: "You see what I do, I don't want to be someone's cousin, I advise you to remarry as soon as possible, otherwise Zhang Ziyu returns and you are still bullied, Zheng Beili dare not bully your husband, but dare to sleep with him what!"

"You think about it, let's talk about business ..."

Xia Buer loosened her and walked quickly into the cafeteria. A group of old ladies were choosing vegetables leisurely. Xia Buer pointed at Liu Xi and asked, "Liou! Did you see Zhou Jinxiu and ask Daxian for your own eyes? what happened?"

"Ah? This ..."

Liu Yan rose up and looked at Jiang Xiuna, embarrassed, "I didn't see her ask Daxian myself, but one day at midnight, I saw a bunch of white things floating out of her room and got into Hu Jie's room. As a result, Hu Jie hung up that night, and her tongue spit out! "

Xia Fu'er frowned. "Why do you say she invited Daxian?"

"I overheard Zhu Helei talking to her ..."

Liu Yan said mysteriously: "Zhu Helei said not to provoke this kind of thing again, one life at a time, if you can't put yourself in, and also said that you quickly wipe the blood, as soon as dawn comes, I will People dispose of it, isn't this the invitation to Daxian? "

"So, Daxian's method is yours ..."

Xia Buer looked at her angrily, Liu Liu said with a smirk: "The villain he said must be a scarecrow, Zhou Jinxiu also bleeds, I ..."

"Not right ..."

Zheng Beili suddenly walked in from the door and shook her head. "Not only did Hu Jie die that day, but Ren Qian, who was a waiter, was missing. Zhu Helei always called her Xiaoren. Did you listen to Xiaoren? Become a villain, and what he says is one life at a time! "

"This ... is it possible ..."

Liu Yan bowed his head with guilty conscience, and Jiang Xiuna's face was also very embarrassed.

"Xuna! You just invited Daxian ..."

Zheng Beili looked directly at Jiang Xiuna, and said coldly, "We are good at colleague. Although we are serving a husband together now, no matter how you fight and be jealous, you will not kill me. I have never been like this from beginning to end The idea of ​​poison! "

"You've snatched my husband from me, are you not poisonous enough ..."

Jiang Xiuna shouted in exasperation: "Who told me in the beginning that I just wanted to be a nameless lover, but now that you have seen your husband as a big leader, you are desperately drilling into my house. I also rumored that I had a relationship with Xiao Fat, you clearly don't want me to live! "


Xia Fuji opened his mouth impatiently, and he hated seeing this kind of palace fighting.

"Husband! I have to make it clear. I can even swear to heaven, it's not a rumor that I sent an artificial sister ..."

Zheng Beiliyi said rightly: "This is the following people are making their own claims. I never want to fight with Sister Na. I do n’t have a good housework and she is not good at foreign affairs. So we did n’t have to fight, but I am willing to apologize to Sister Na for the mistakes made by others! "

Zheng Beili bowed down towards Jiang Xiuna deeply, Jiang Xiuna's whole body was snoring. Zheng Beili's words sounded sincere, but she was demeaning to her. The implication is that you are a yellow-faced woman, only at home Clean up.

Xia Fuji also said: "Nana! Now that Bei Li is so generous, don't worry about her anymore, even if this thing has passed, Bei Li will hurry out with me, I will see Nothing really shit! "

After Xia Fuer said, he quickly walked outside, took Zheng Beili directly to the factory building, and then pinched her hair, slammed her against the wall and said angrily: "You are getting more and more capable Big, dare to lie in front of me! "


Zheng Beili shivered incoherently, and she just lost her light weight.

Xia Fuer held her face again and said, "Do n’t you know that you arranged Qian Wenjing to let her spread Jiang Xiuna's rumors, don't forget that she is my first person and then you are your good sister, but I'm the one who controls her life and death! "

Zheng Beili cried out in shock and cried, "I'm sorry! I'm wrong, I'm not afraid anymore!"

"I thought you had big ambitions and a big vision ..."

Xia Buer let go of her cold voice: "I didn't expect you to be a village aunt, only knowing that staring at the three-acre land in front of you and fighting Jiang Xiuna is good for you. She is not your opponent. You This only makes people say that you are ugly! "

Zheng Beili crouched down and hugged his leg, raised her head and said with tears in her eyes, "Brother! I really love you so much that I don't want to share you with others. I just acted stupidly on impulse, give me another chance!"

"Zheng Beili! I'm not mad at you to lie to me, I'm just mad at you for being stupid and short-sighted ..."

Xia Fuji shook his head and said, "You already have the conditions to live, but you are too self-righteous, others will call you two sisters and you will be in heaven, but those who are loyal to you are just like you. They are inflamed and brazen. Poison vows are as easy as melon seeds, you are a fart! "


Zheng Beili's face suddenly froze, but Xia Fuji also said: "Before you have the strength to save your life, don't play with the clever in front of the strong, not to make fun of your own reputation. Real arrogance has a common characteristic. Reputation is very good, no one wants to be with a villain, okay? "

Xia Fuer said that she helped her up ~ ~ She patted her face and said, "If you want to wear a crown, you have to bear it. If you want to be a queen, then you must be frustrated. Be prepared, don't be smart anymore, the road to the dragon chair is full of corpses and blood! "

After Xia Buer finished speaking, she turned away and left Zheng Beili, who was disappointed, as a chicken. She didn't know if she could become a queen, but what Xia Fuer said just now would definitely affect her life.

"Director! Not good ..."

A sentry ran into the compound in a hurry, and said to Xia Fu'er: "The lookout post on the mountain has just arrived and said that a convoy came in the direction of Hongjiashan and went directly to the battlefield, but not from Coming from the road seemed to avoid the team of Diaolong! "

"Kun! Did you hear ..."

Xia Buer turned to look at Zheng Kun who was walking and laughed: "Diaolong's team has inner ghosts. It is estimated that the news was sent out last night. Now we can have a good show!"

Zheng Kun also laughed: "Leave! Anyway, idle is also idle, maybe we can pick up a leak, let's watch it lively!" @B

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