Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Aunt

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"Li Xuezhu !!!"

Xia Fuer exclaimed in unison with Zheng Kun. Although the girl in red had long black straight hair, wearing an avant-garde red jacket, jeans with small feet, and white travel shoes, she was full of Hong Kong in the 90s. Breath, but almost the same as Li Xuezhu.

"Li Xuezhu? Did you recognize the wrong person ..."

The girl in red walked over wondering, followed by two ingenious female bodyguards, and the remaining dozen gunmen watched vigilantly all around, and the brave man who just asked also wondered: "Are you seeing Passed our young lady, but her last name is Huang, not Li! "

"Huang Bailing?"

Xia Fuji took a half step backwards, almost screaming a mom, Huang Bailing was Li Xuezhu's mother-in-law, Li Xuezhu's appearance followed her mother, and now it is 95 years, Huang Bailing is at most twenty The age of the next year is also the time when the face value is the highest.

"Who the **** are you and how do you know my sister ..."

The girl in red folded her arms suspiciously, the two Xia Fuji almost spurted an old blood, and for a long time they turned out to be Li Xuezhu's aunt. They have never seen each other. Naturally, I don't know that Li Xuezhu is so similar to her aunt. But they were shocked.

"The two young ladies of Huang Ji Pawnshop, but they are so famous ..."

Xia Buer hurriedly laughed: "Diao Long specifically told me when he was a guest before, but I didn't expect that the real person was more beautiful than I said. I was excited when I called the wrong name, and I hope Ms. Huang will forgive me. I ’ll give you a 50% discount on what you give me, and I ’ll give you the gift of meeting! ”

Miss Huang sneered: "I don't think you can remember my name, but for your sincere attitude, I will forgive you. This girl is called Huang Li, you must remember! "

"Unforgettable life! I'll put your name on my chest tonight ..."

Xia Fuji immediately thumped his chest, Huang Li covered his mouth, giggled, and walked into the compound under the guidance of Ma Meimei. Several pickup trucks also drove in randomly, but the gunmen were still very vigilant, their fingers were always Dare not to let go on the trigger.

"What's wrong with Nima, why is my mother-in-law in Hongjiashan ..."

Xia Buer fell in the back and kept scratching his head, but Zheng Kun whispered, "Huang Bailing was not originally from Hangzhou, let alone a parallel space. Although many things are different, there are generally no changes. People are still those people, and it is not surprising that they appear! "

"It's not surprising? This is clearly directed at us ..."

Xia Fuji said angrily, "What if my dad is also in Hongjiashan, if he becomes a corpse of black corpses, you will kill or not kill us, he is now the most impulsive age, in case grandpa also How do we start, this is trying to play us! "


Zheng Kun hesitated before he said, "I know that the Sacrifice Tower will not allow us to win easily. The social experience of the black corpse is far worse than ours. The Sacrifice Tower will definitely make up for this deficiency, at least it will also make it powerful. It ’s the same as us, hey ~ Anyway, take a step and count, and look at that time! "

Huang Lily shouted suddenly, "Boss Zhang! What kind of hospitality do you have, what's the matter of leaving us here?"

"What's the hurry? You stay with me tonight for dinner, I'm going to eat ..."

Xia Buer walked over with a smile, and opened the rain cloth on a pickup truck, and found that the boxes on the car were neat and tidy, and the bodies of several cars were relatively clean. Back.

Huang Li pursed her small mouth and said weakly, "No! We have to change things

Leaving, otherwise my father has to worry about me, how can the girls stay at night! "

Xia Fuer's heart suddenly became hot. This action was almost like Li Xuezhu. Even when he approached it, it was similar. The only difference was that Huang Lily was only about one meter six five, not as tall as Li Xuezhu.

"What? You're afraid I've eaten you, but I'm a good cadre who obeys the law ..."

Xia Buer smiled and pushed open the door of the factory building, Huang Lili exclaimed immediately, and her staff members also exclaimed. There were too many materials in the factory building that could not be loaded quickly, and most of them were valuable hard currency. Like a fool, holding a box of BB machines is still a treasure.

Huang Li quickly glanced around ~ ~ ran in and shouted: "I want to change the chocolate, I have all these boxes of chocolate, and those boxes of penicillin are also mine, you If you say 50% off, don't lie to others! "

Xia Fuji went into the cigarette and leaned on the cargo box. It didn't matter: "I never let the beauty down. You can make a price yourself. I think I will give you as much as you like. I am not afraid to tell you. You It was the first person to come to me to exchange supplies, and I am half selling and giving away today! "

Huang Lili stretched out his hands to help him straighten his collar. Jiaosheng said, "It sounds like people are going to pick up a bargain today. It looks so good to have so many benefits!"

"Of course! Beauty, who doesn't like ..."

Xia Fuji smiled funnyly, Huang Lili's movement was very ambiguous. It seems that Li Xuezhu is an ancestral scheming woman. From her aunt, this will make a little trick. Huang Lili pretends to carelessly, and actually has been staring With those arms.

"Hmm ~ you're implied, big satyr ..."

Huang Li wrinkled her little nose wrinkly and loosened her hand and laughed, "At the market price, these goods can be worth about half a ton of grain, but I can't really take advantage of you, otherwise if you have a disagreement, people

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