Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1237: Household account

"Katyusha is standing on the steep shore, singing like a bright spring ..."

In the hall with a strong ancient atmosphere, a group of blonde babes are wearing old-fashioned military uniforms, ultra-short and **** hip-wrap skirts, and dance hard with the accompaniment of "Katyusa", but the audience who appreciate their moving dance is only Two.

"This Soviet woman is so white ..."

Ouyang Bai leaned on the teacher's chair, his eyes narrowed, and he peeled the peanut shell carelessly. Two 17-year-old young girls were waiting beside him, but they were only wearing bellybands that were too small to be too small. A little girl with a crochet braid.

Ouyang Zihua nodded and said: "Yeah! What grows up, one is bigger than the other, that is, the skin is too rough, and the one on the back actually has long breasts, but the two who are leading the dance are young, deliberately It's for you! "

"Zihua! You want to thank this era. For a long time, it was all adults ..."

Ouyang Bai lifted the tea bowl and took a sip. He touched the light back of the young girl and asked, "Huang Lily's girl hasn't heard anything. It's been three days. Seeing that the weather is getting colder, if we don't do anything more, What, the people below should rebel! "

"The news came from San Er this morning. Zhang Ziyu gave her and Wu the scolded dog's blood, and the two little girls cried on the spot ..."

Ouyang Zihua hurriedly said, "Huang Lili made Saner bring a sentence and said that it would give you a big surprise, but I think it's embarrassing. Saner said that her dead face was left there. If Zhang Ziyu didn't look at her sister, In face, she had been kicked out of her, and she was called a chicken in public! "

"What happened to Zhang Ziyu's warrant ..."

Ouyang Bai stared at the dance absently, Ouyang Zihua replied: "I don't know the specific situation, but it is the blood of deep hatred. I have arranged for people to find what Zhu Helei. Zhang Ziyu dare to reward him, he should be shameless!"

"Catch as much as you can, ask the specific situation and make a decision ..."

Ouyang Bai put down the tea cup and stood up. Ouyang Zihua hurriedly waved at the babes, and the two leading dancers immediately ran over to hold Ouyang Bai, and followed him with a complex face to the back hall.

But someone suddenly shouted outside the door: "Master! Something happened, Huang Lily and Wu Xun got together. Many people died on both sides, and even Wu Xie's deputy was killed!"

"What's going on? How did they fight ..."

Ouyang Bai quickly fled off the two babes, ran to the front yard with his son, only to see a large group of **** people standing in the yard, Huang Li sitting on the stone bench not only panted like a cow, his face He was still full of blood, and on the ground were three bodies.

"Wife! Are you okay ..."

Ouyang Mufeng ran out and hugged Huang Li, but Huang Li shoved him away coldly, got up and walked in front of Ouyang Bai. Ouyang Bai saw a lot of strangers in the courtyard, so he took it with him without saying a word. She entered the temple room.

"Dad! Wu Yan bought three soldiers in Shiniu County. One of them is still a platoon leader. They are the main force in almost every battle ..."

Huang Li wiped the blood on her face and said, "I found them overnight after I got the news, and promised to take their family members away. As a result, Wu Xi was so distraught that he led someone to catch up with us and attacked us. Long queue! "

Ouyang Bai frowned and asked, "Where did these three people come from and how could they be easily bought?"

"It wasn't easy to buy. They drank too much while celebrating, raped two waitresses, and killed them. Zhang Ziyu became furious when he knew it, and said in public that he would check it out ..."

Huang Li said: "They were afraid of being exposed and found Wu Yan. They were all veterans. They naturally wanted to join the regular army, but Wu Yan did not have the ability to bring their family out, and I helped them all with the help of my sister. Transferred to the farm to get it out! "

"Are those really their families ..."

Ouyang Bai looked skeptically at the hospital, but Huang Lily said: "They are all locals. It is said that there are relatives in Hongjiashan. You can also ask the police station to check the household register. As long as the relatives are true, we will Not afraid of their betrayal! "

"Zihua! You immediately take someone to check, you must check carefully ..."

Ouyang Bai turned his head and said, "Lily, you take the person to the dormitory to settle down, take a bath and change clothes, and then come to see me. If you have an injury, go to the hospital. You did a great job this time. I don't want you to do well What's wrong with your daughter-in-law! "

"Thank you, dad! I'm fine ..."

Huang Lili ran out cheerfully, but Ouyang Bai grabbed his son and whispered: "I think this is a fraud. Huang Lily may have betrayed. You make people keep an eye on Huang Ji Pawnshop. Someone If you dare to run, you will kill chickens and tamarins, you know? "

"Hmm ~ she dare to betray me and kill her family ..."

Ouyang Zi went out aggressively, Ouyang Bai looked up at the sun at noon, glanced back at the Soviet women who were waiting for him, and shook his head to leave the house.

"Go to Guanyun Tower and tell the commander Fang to come and tell the old ..."

Ouyang Bai sat directly in a big Ben and went directly to the only big restaurant in the city. After waiting for half an hour in the private room of the Tianzihao, Commander Fang rushed with someone, who knows Wu Xi also followed Walked in together.

"Ouyang! We are pushing our children too tightly, and our brains are confusing ..."

Commander Fang sat at the table with a sigh and sighed. Ouyang Bai looked at the dejected Wu Yan and laughed: "Who is a soldier! How can you fight without blood, but you think things are too simple, Zhang Ziyu can let you guys Bring the traitor back, dream! "

Wu Min said unwillingly: "I was asked to check their identities yesterday. The **** case was also buzzing in Shiniu County. This person must not be fake. If it wasn't for Huang Lili, she would n’t get it. So many things happened! "


Commander Fang slammed the table and said angrily, "Have you ever wondered how the news was leaked and why it was so clever? This is clearly Huang Li and Zhang Ziyu's bitter scheme. Let us believe that the three are true traitors. So three spies are inserted into our team! "

"Xiaowu! Are you really Lily Huang?"

Ouyang Bai looked at Wu Yan with a pale face and said, "Her sister and sister are being treated as little wives. Zhang Ziyu is now strong and strong. It should be clear where to stand. If it wasn't for Zhang Ziyu's monopoly on winter supplies, how could I send her Doing business, you! Too naive! "

"Commander! I found it ..."

Suddenly, Diao Long rushed in and bent over and said, "The traitors of the three traitors are not fake. There are indeed a few relatives in our Hongjiashan, and they are all blood relatives, but I also found one thing. These relatives have relationships with the Su family and they drink and eat meat every day without work! "

Commander Fang patted the table and said, "Hear not! The Su family is Zhang Ziyu's person. In our daredevil team, these three traitors cannot be used at all, otherwise our details will be clear!"

"No! It works, but it can't be reused ..."

Ouyang Bai sneered: "Since they want to mix into our team, they must show a little real skill, we will set up a separate team and give them training, and let them take people to engage in materials, core Confidentiality keeps them away! "

"Well! That's a good idea ..."

Commander Fang nodded: "Zhang Ziyu's kidnappers do have a set. If we can learn his true skill, we don't have to be so passive, but he will definitely come to you for someone, Huang Lili will do it for him. Such a big thing, how can he keep the family safe! "

Ouyang Bai smiled lightly: "I don't care about a woman, my son won't even look at it, just to see if the price given by the kid is enough, haha ​​..."


"Miss! I really don't understand something ..."

A female bodyguard and Huang Lily soaked in the bath together, while rubbing her back, she asked, "As long as Miss Er can help you blow the pillows, you should admit that you have made a mistake. In the future, Shiniu County will return It ’s not your sister ’s world, why are you dying to face your sins? ”

"Why did I admit it? He called me a chicken. Should I bow to him ..."

Huang Lili was angry at once: "Zhang Zi Yu Mingming is a world-renowned bandit and soil owl, and he pretends to be inscrutable all the time. I just hate him and disgusted him. I will not admit wrong to him when I die. Help Ouyang's family put him to death and let him confess his mistakes to me! "

"Miss! It's bad ..."

A maid suddenly pushed in and ran in. "Your uncles and uncles were arrested by the police. They said they were looking for the lady in the dance hall. They also said that they were fighting against the situation under severe beatings. They are dispatched to the labor camp for corrections! "

"What? Is the police station crazy? Even my family dare to catch ..."

Huang Lili suddenly got up from the bath, but the other person said, "The old man just went in person and wouldn't let go. He said it was impossible for anybody. The old man also went to the boss of Ouyang, but he said he managed No, you killed Commander Fang, he must be looking for you! "

"Impossible! There must be something wrong ..."

Huang Li quickly put on her clothes and ran out, but as soon as she arrived in the courtyard, she ran into a young woman who led the way and said, "Miss! The great thing is not good, the traitors you brought back have problems, their All the relatives are being raised by Zhang Ziyu, and they say you are with them! "


Huang Li ’s face suddenly turned white ~ ~ But the young woman also said, "Three traitors have confessed, saying that you are responsible for bringing them into the city, letting them mix into the army as traitors, and that Zhang Ziyu promised to treat your family. All transferred, even now you ca n’t wash even if you jump into the Yellow River! "

"Asshole! He framed me ..."

Huang Lili kicked the flowerpot like crazy, but the young woman hurriedly said: "Miss! Hongjiashan, you can't go out, most of your family's relatives have been arrested again, you quickly go to Sujia goods station, let They will report a letter to you. Only Zhang Ziyu can save you now! "

"He ... why did he save me?"

Huang Li looked at her tremblingly, but the young woman lamely said, "Oh, what good can he do to you, isn't it just to figure you out, you are like a fierce horse to him, and tame you He has a sense of conquest if he obeys, he wants your people to want your heart more! "

Huang Lili shook her head nervously and said, "No! He scolded me as a chicken. I have never been so insulted. I don't ask him in a low voice. He thought, I will go to my fiance now and he will save me. of!"

"Don't go! He can't save you, come back soon ..." @B

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