Deadly Corpse

Chapter 220: Fissure Head

"Pass ~"

The three 'meat' piercings pierced the iron 'door' and stabbed at Xia Fuer. The Xia Fuer, who had been prepared for a quick flash, turned sideways and stepped in his hand. The gun immediately opened fire on the iron 'door'. Who knew the three The 'meat' stab just shuddered and changed direction again to 'shot' towards him. Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ79xs.СоМ.

"Feng Momo ..."

Xia Buer flashed to the side at the fastest speed and threw the rifle sharply. The gun was thrown to Feng Momo, and he quickly pulled out the corpse claw behind him and rushed to the big iron 'door', hiding behind the door's madness. The corpse must be a mutant living corpse, and a rifle can't be used to get it. He can only pray that the goods should not exceed five bars.

"Defense! Defence ..."

The girls all rushed to the small courtyard to start a **** battle. A large number of living corpses were coming, and the survivors all hid behind their crying dad and mother, if Xia Fuji couldn't figure out the corpse within two minutes. They all have to lie dead.

"Slap ~"

Xia Fuji slashed three brown 'color' flesh thorns, but what he didn't expect was that the three broken flesh thorns quickly recovered to their original shape, and they came to him like an anthrax '. After shooting, Qi Xia Buer desperately slashed with his spear, but the opponent's "skin" stab seemed to never run out, and no matter how he cut it, it grew.

"* ......"

Xia Fuji yelled angrily, and suddenly slammed into the big iron 'door', the big 'door' with thin iron sheet was knocked open by him, and the corpse behind the 'door' also fell on his back Falling to the ground, but who had thought that this mad corpse was not a monster with a blue face and fangs, it was just a very young male co-op.

"Hello ~"

The policeman suddenly patted his hands on the ground and jumped straight up. His knees did not even bend, and he looked like a ghost in the legendary zombie, and the three "meat" spurs turned from It shot 'neck' out of its neck, as if three steel cables were 'plugged' alive.

"Hmm ..."

The flesh with three arrows stabbed Xia Fuji's body and flew through it. It struck through the concrete wall at the back. The force was very amazing, but Xia Fuji held the flesh and stabbed it backwards. Pulling hard, the police immediately raised his head and slammed at him, but waiting for it was a cold corpse spear.

"Oh ~"

The corpse claw spear directly pierced its brain 'door'. Xia Buer didn't expect this product to be so capable, it was not worthy of its mad corpse's name. After he took it to the side, he turned and lifted it. A big overturned table was set up, and the survivors ran in desperately, and began to move things to block the 'door' without having to say.

"Zombie ..."

A young man suddenly screamed. Xia Buer hurriedly threw the table to the ground, and the survivor beside him immediately screamed. Three 'meat' thorns and 'holes' penetrated his body, but wait Xia Fuer looked stunned when he looked back. He was just stunned by the little police officer who had pierced the door of his brain.

"I'm going! What the **** ..."

Xia Fuji stared at each other with a stunned look. This was all headshot and he was still able to move. He immediately rushed back with a spear-claw spear. This time he chose the opponent's 'chest' to attack, but he stabbed him. The mad corpse's head "takes off" alive in the moment of the opponent's "chest" mouth.

"Oh ~"

It was like being beheaded by someone. The huge head flew directly from the neck, and it suddenly fell into the air. Seven or eight brown 'colored' flesh thorns were protruding from the neck cavity. Just like the octopus in the human head, he covered Xia Fu'er fiercely. Xia Fu's caught off guard had no room to escape.

"Bang ~"

When it comes to a moment! Feng Momo suddenly raised his foot. The gun shot and flew the human head octopus, and several 'meat' stabs almost nailed Xia Fuji's head, and Xia Fuji's body was full of white 'hair' sweat. However, after the human head octopus fell to the ground, he ran away with his legs and quickly climbed up the corner to turn it out.

"Stop for Lao Tzu ..."

Xia Fuer threw the corpse claw spouting in anger, and 'shot' through the mouth of the human head octopus, and nailed it to the wall stiffly. Who knows that the goods are not dead yet, waving the tentacles? The flesh's thorn tried desperately to break free, but Feng Momo shouted tacitly: "Get the spear!"

"See how many lives you have ..."

Xia Buer grabbed the thrown corpse claw spear, rushed to the opponent's head and severely split it, this time almost split the opponent's head completely, but did not expect that the other person's brain had been emptied. The slimy stuff exploded directly in the skull, and a lot of black blood blew out with a "wow".

"Second Brother! What the **** ..."

After the girls blocked the 'door', they all came over in shock. Xia Fuji immediately pulled out the corpse claw spear. When the cracked head fell to the ground, the brown 'color' stuff parasitic in it also fell out. This ghost is really similar to an octopus, with a body larger than a fist. Eight tentacle-like 'meat' thorns hang under the body.

"I don't know! I'm seeing for the first time ..."

Xia Fuji shook his head very diligently. He had never even heard of the parasitic live corpse. He had just hit the guy's "yin" trick just now, so he turned to look at the handsome guy who just shouted mad corpses. , Meimei asked: "Why do you call it a corpse, how do you know it is here?"

"The name is blind, and you don't add a crazy word. I'm afraid you don't know how terrible ..."

The guy actually walked over with the orchid 'flower' pointing up, and the mother said slyly: "People lived diagonally across the police station. Before you arrived, I saw a corpse jump in here, and such a high wall jumped. Just came in, then the three policemen here screamed, everyone was scared to death! "

"Second Brother! There are two bodies inside ..."

Meng Ling immediately opened the door of the reception hall and waited for Xia Buer to walk over and take a look. Sure enough, there were two male corpses lying on the ground, neither of them was wearing police clothes, but one of them was actually wearing pajamas. With slippers, I am afraid that residents are parasitic nearby.

"Why is your survival rate so high ..."

Xia Fuer turned around and glanced at the remaining people. More than thirty survivors almost filled the courtyard, at least half of them were long beautiful legs with beautiful legs. There were four or five Guangyang horses. Feng Momo, who is born with beautiful qualities, is not prominent here. These two "milk" areas are really well-deserved. They are really meaty juicers.

"The poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology ..."

The small **** 'fine' and the blue 'flower' pointed up and said: "The sisters have evacuation systems at home, the windows and the large 'doors' are bulletproof and double-opened, and the air and water are also purified, and What kind of rainwater collection system, solar panels, everyone has a lot of food in stock, even if staying at home for a year or two is fine! "

"Then why are you running out and trying to die ..."

Feng Momo had his arms folded on his back. If it wasn't for these idiots to run out of bad things, they wouldn't have been so embarrassed, but a pair of twin sisters were afraid: "We have monsters, and we secretly sneak up every night Cannibalism, we have been eaten by many people, and we will die if we don't run again! "

"Does the monster need to secretly eat people? Its idle eggs hurt ..."

Feng Momo looked at the sisters with sarcasm, but the sisters anxiously said, "There are really monsters. We will use the walkie-talkie to report each other's peace every morning and night. From last night last night, there will be one less family. There are now a total of six families missing! "

"Brother! Really, everyone across from my house died last night ..."

A young girl could n’t wait to nod her head, “fuck” in a standard Gushan dialect and said in horror: “Monsters come out to eat people every night at twelve o'clock, and they will sing and listen before eating, every time they say“ The song "When you talk", we now know that we are going to die as soon as we hear the song in the middle of the night! "

"You guys are telling ghost stories, the living corpses still have such elegant hobbies ..."

Meng Ling also shook her head and scoffed, but Xia Buer didn't think about it so much. After lying on the eye of the iron gate, she looked out and said, "If we live in a racing circuit, if you want to go back with us It's okay, but we must obey our management! "

"Just take us away and listen to you ..."

A group of junior 'milks' came around in a hurry. Of course, they thought that they were pretty and they didn't worry about eating and dressing, but their walkie-talkie kept ringing. Many people were still hiding in the room after listening to the sound. , Xia Fuer immediately felt depressed: "How many people do you have, willn't the whole community be all" milk "?"

Xiao fart Jing said hurriedly: "In the beginning, we had more than 200 people, and then we were left with more than 100 people, but the people here were not all" milk "and there were many normal residents. Well, it ’s relatively safe here, so everyone calls relatives and friends to live here! "

"Well ~ rich people are just different. Everyone around them is dead. They are fine ..."

Gao Zhibo smiled bitterly with his arms in his arms, but Xia Buer said, "Tell them, those who want to leave with us immediately pack the food and try to concentrate in the villa in the middle of the community. If you dare not go out, No one can blame us, our car only goes on the middle road! "

"Uh-huh! We'll let them know ..."

A group of two "milks" hurriedly took out their walkie-talkies and mobile phones, and when Xia Fuer was surprised, they came up and took a look. Their walkie-talkies could not only team up to talk, but also show the position of their teammates even without a signal. They are clearly marked on the phone.

"Well, poverty limits my imagination ..."

Xia Buer walked into the reception hall with no regrets and wonders. No wonder these junior 'milks' can survive to this day. It is hard to die with so many high-tech support, but the weapons and equipment here gave him a great surprise. Maybe It is because of mutants that the firepower of the police station has been strengthened more than ten times.

"Girls! Search the house for me and take down all the weapons and armor ..."

Xia Buerxing came to the big table in a hurry, and there were several steps on the table. Guns and shotguns, bullets were put in more than a dozen boxes, and there was even a full box of unopened 92 pistols, and Gao Zhibo opened the door of the monitoring room and said with a smile: "Look at it, no wonder these policemen can last so long!"

"Ha ~‘ very ’smart ...”

Xia Buer saw the big 'hole on the wall without going in ~ ~ Several policemen have smashed the wall and went directly to a convenience store next door, but Feng Momo soon went upstairs I ran down and shouted, "Fart!" How many policemen are there? "

"Three! Two men and one 'female', everyone knows ..."

The small fart 'fine' outside the 'door' spread his hand directly, and the others nodded, but Feng Momo walked to Xia Fuer and solemnly said, "Second brother! No body of the 'woman' police officer was found , But we found a series of blood footprints upstairs, which are 38-yard 'women' style wedge leather shoes, and the blood has not dried out! "

"Well! There must be more than one parasite ..."

Xia Fuji quickly put down his arms and stood up, looked at his watch and said, "No matter how much, you quickly ask the girls to take down their weapons, and Fat immediately informs Lao Yang to prepare for the action, and the rest are given. I go to the convenience store to get daily necessities! "

(Many people in the book review area are saying that at the beginning, Li Rongming was okay when he changed the living corpse. I can only say that you didn't see it clearly, and the text clearly stated that Xia Fuer recognized the wrong person!)

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