Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 100 The strongest crocodile, Han Yishang!

Chapter 100 - The strongest crocodile, Han Yishang!

(The last chapter before it goes on the shelves, please order first! It will go on the shelves at 12 noon)

(Twenty new chapters, plus five fixed chapters per day)

On the big screen, an interview video of the KT team in the hotel appeared.

The first one to appear was KT mid laner Nagne.

"Rookie is a senior that I respect very much and is also a strong opponent. I have a reason to win today's game!"

Next up was top order Ssumday.

"Looper and Acorn are both very strong top laners in our LCK division, but in the LPL, their will has been eroded by the privileged life, they have lost their original warrior heart, and they have become no longer strong."

"If the opponent is Yuan, it might be a little tricky, but it doesn't matter, I guarantee to win."

"LCK has won two world championships and one world championship runner-up. You are the challengers!"

As soon as these words came out, the LPL live broadcast room exploded.

"Holy shit, what is this?"

"Looper isn't good either, right?"

"Just start bombarding the competition area, right?"

"Waiting to be slapped in the face!"

"Hh, when can I stop laughing when I hear this..."

In the commentary box, Xiaoxiao also had a dark face, but he still had to admit one thing.

Ssumday is indeed one of the top top laners in the LCK.

"The same offensive top laner as Yuan, his style is also very similar. He has a deep hero pool."

"It's not just the top laner. Score is known as the director of Korea. I don't know who will win against Kakao this time."

Miller laughed.

Score's playing style also favors anti-crouching and vision control, and he is an operational jungler.

The commentators each analyzed the situation on the field and soon entered the BP session.

IG once again drew the blue side, which has a great advantage in the current version.

The first three assistants directly pressed down the excavator, Shen, and cannon.

KT banned Captain, Tetsuo, and Lulu.

The red side of the S5 World Championship version is so miserable.

It is impossible to release this hero until it is clear that the opponent does not know Tetsuo, or until you find a way to restrain Tetsuo.

In addition, he also has to assume the role of captain and other versions of heroes.

The blue square is much more comfortable.

"Sword Princess Rivenno has released her hand?? Now the question is given to IG!! KT is very smart. In the situation of the red side, it is impossible for them to ban all the top laners. It is better to release them all so that everyone can choose. Find the right top lane hero.”

Miller was a little surprised.

He thought that after playing OG last time, IG would basically not be able to get the hero Noshou.

"I think it's very reasonable. Just like what Yuan said, top laners can't be banned. Ssumday's hero pool is also very deep. There is no top laner who doesn't know how to play. However, IG chose to ban Shen, which makes me very sad. Surprised, Ssumday has never played a top laner before.”

"It's probably news about the training match again. It may be assisting Shen..."

Miller analyzed.

The bottom lane in this World Championship was completely ruined.

Let’s not talk about the combination of Tetsuo + Japanese girl or Tetsuo + Thresh. Just the ADC of skateboard shoes can be matched with all kinds of weird assists.

Annie is relatively normal, and Kenan and Shen are the routines developed for this World Championship.

After Shen reaches level 6, he will have the ability to support the entire map.

Especially for the top laner, Shen's support is really disgusting.

When the fight became fierce, the opponent suddenly came to support with Shen's ultimate move.

Or maybe it was possible to kill alone or suppress the situation, but had to give up because of concerns about Shen's ultimate support.

In addition, Xiaopao was also developed by FNC and became a popular ADC in the version.

Among all ADCs, Cannon is one of the few that has not been weakened and has even been strengthened.

The blast damage of the E skill is increased, and the speed of pushing the tower is very fast. Cooperating with the jungler, you can quickly gain a laning advantage, and then change lanes to continue pushing the tower. The strong bottom lane can end the laning period early, allowing the top laner to avoid strong opponents. Use team economy to develop.

This kind of routine is especially suitable for teams whose top lane is not as strong as their opponents, but whose bottom lane is very strong.

Like Spider, these two heroes are popular for only one reason.

That is good for the top laner.

In this version, almost everything is for the top order.

The blue side's IG directly grabbed the spider with the first hand.

This choice made KT fall into a dilemma.

They were originally planning to give Sword Princess to Yuan Shen and let Ssumday hold her hand.

But now, IG has kicked the ball back again.

How to play this?

There are two most popular top laners in the current version, one is Nuo Shou and the other is Sword Queen.

But there are differences between these two heroes. Noshou's BP rate is 72%, while Sword Queen's BP rate is only 32%.

There is no way, except for Tetsuo and the Captain, only Lulu and Spider have an overall BP rate of over 90%. It is no exaggeration to say that they are must-choose bans.

Other heroes are really unstoppable.

With Captain Tetsuo permanently stationed in the ban position, it means that both sides only have four ban positions that can be handed over to other heroes.

"IG first grabbed Spider, this is a very smart move. After KT banned three heroes, Spider has the highest BP rate and is also the most popular jungler. Kakao is also very proficient in Spider."

"Not only that..."

Xiaoxiao took a deep breath.

"Coach Fumanduo's move is good. You see, the advantage of the red team lies in the counter position. If they take Fiora first, it is equivalent to giving the counter position of the top laner to IG."

After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Wawa couldn't help but laugh and said, "In other words, IG not only has the right to grab heroes first, but also has the counter ability of the top laner that only the red team has. That will be a headache for KT!"

When time was running out, KT made a choice.

Fiora, and Gragas.

On the one hand, it was because it would be too much of a headache if IG got a combination of Fiora and Spider.

On the other hand, it was also considered that Fiora was not really afraid of Spider's gank.

The top lane position was finalized, and the remaining BPs of both sides were very fast.

With KT's last pick of Tsar, when the heroes were exchanged, the lineups of both sides were also fully revealed.

"IG Blue Side:

Top Lane Yuan: Desert Butcher - Renekton

Jungle Kakao: Spider Queen - Elise

Mid Lane Rookie: Wandering Mage - Ryze

Bottom Lane JackeyLove: Holy Lance Ranger - Lucian

Support Kitties: Heart of Freljord - Braum

KT Red Side:

Top Lane Ssumday: Fiora

Jungle Score: Gragas - Gragas

Mid Lane Nagne: Desert Emperor - Azir

Bottom Lane Arrow: Goddess of War - Sylvie

Support Piccaboo: Soul Warden - Thresh."

"Crocodile! I thought we were going to pick Noxus."

"Spider's ability to cross the tower plus Crocodile's stable point control, I'm very worried about the situation on Sunday!"

When the lineups of both sides came out, Wawa and Miller couldn't help laughing.

With Spider as the jungler, IG resolutely chose the mid-top combination of Crocodile and Ryze.

"IG's three lanes are very strong. Crocodile's teamfight and solo ability are very strong, and the other four players are also good at small-scale teamfights."

"Yes, KT is a bit conservative. The C position of the Shurima grandfather and grandson combination is very strong in tower defense and line clearing. If it drags to the late stage, I feel that IG will be difficult to beat."

"What the hell is Shurima grandfather and grandson! Isn't that a grandfather and grandson?"

Wawa and Xiaoxiao's discussion points drifted to nowhere, but neither the LPL audience at the scene nor the audience in the live broadcast room had too much psychological pressure.

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