Chapter 106 - LPL Top Lane Inheritance

The crocodile, who was at the bottom of his health, chose to return to the city.

In the middle lane, IG had a 0-for-2 trade.

Jack's Lucian was almost replaced because he attacked the tower too early, but fortunately he called for flash in time to pull the hatred of the defense tower away.

KT paid the price of the lives of Tsar and Thresh.

In the front of KT, only Annie and Gragas were left.

On the high ground, a whirlwind rose to the sky from an IG eye position!

The prehistoric giant crocodile is back again!

Even without the ultimate move, with Yuan Shen's development, Annie and Gragas can't control it.

Rushing into the field, with Ryze's output, Annie died on the spot.

And Score's Gragas, with a reverse ER, escaped directly into the fountain.

The familiar combo and the familiar back made Yuan Shen seem to think of an old friend.

The economic gap exceeded 10,000, and KT had no hope of a comeback.

"Ghost is so awesome!"

"Crocodile and Ryze, the MVP can only be chosen from these two."

"I think it's Crocodile. Whether it's the rhythm in the early and mid-term or the one-to-four wave, it's too crucial!"

"Crocodile, PDD, Shenchao and Big Brother are all very good at Crocodile. I didn't expect that after they retired, we still have a domestic top laner who can do this..."

Xiaoxiao was a little emotional.

PDD in S2, Shenchao in S3, and Gogoing in S4 are all very good at Crocodile!

And this year, S5, Yuan Shen's Crocodile filled this gap.

Born in OMG, he took over the class of big brother Gogoing and was rated as the world's No. 1 top laner by Riot!

There are too many similarities between him and Gogoing!

"The Inheritance of LPL Top Lane"

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yuan is better than Ssumday in terms of positional strength, understanding of the line, or anti-gank ability, and even the ability to carry the game!"

Wawa was also a little emotional.

LPL domestic top laners are often at a natural disadvantage when facing Korean teams.

Line details, can't compare.

The ability to carry a single team is unmatched.

Only the teamfighting role can barely compete.

But the appearance of Yuan Shen gave LPL audiences confidence in domestic top laners!

Korean top laners are not invincible!

We LPL also have top laners who can carry the game!

Twenty-eight minutes into the game, KT's crystal exploded.

"Congratulations to IG!! The second place in the group stage won, and now it ranks first in the group with a score of 2 to 0!"

"Thirteen to zero, KT didn't get a single head!"

"Wait, didn't you notice?? KT didn't even push down a small dragon or a tower!"

"Shut down KT and Linglong Tower, IG is so strong now??"

The atmosphere in the LPL live broadcast room is still warm.

Because of LCK's previous world championship results of two championships and one runner-up, many viewers pay attention to the LCK region.

In terms of global broadcast volume, the attention of LCK is almost the same as that of LPL.

The strength of the KT team is also obvious to all. When they were in LCK, they overwhelmed KOO. If they hadn't been less than KOO in the whole year, they would actually be the second seed.

This is KT, who can play 5 full games with SKT!

Before the game, everyone felt that although IG could win, KT would not be completely powerless.

This kind of match with zero dragons, zero towers, and zero kills is really rare!

In the past world games, there have been zero shutouts, but Linglong Tower and zero shutouts are the first time!

Even the wildcard team has never been so miserable.

After losing the game, Ssumday's face was gloomy.

The other KT members also looked at each other.

Just half an hour ago, they were still happily discussing how to deal with IG and let the audience recognize who is the first division again.

But now, they are silent.

This not only refreshed the worst record of the KT team, but also refreshed the worst performance record of the LCK team in the world game.

They can already imagine what the domestic public opinion is like now.

Due to the maturity of the Japanese and Korean fan circle culture, their trolls are even more terrifying.

For Korean trolls, sending knives and dead rats is normal, and they will even throw water bottles, throw stones on your face, and even splash sulfuric acid to disfigure you at your autograph session.

The five KT players were all a little confused.

They were completely paralyzed.

On the other hand, the five IG players had almost no fluctuations.

IG was very strong, and all five of them knew it.

The game was over, but the impact was still ongoing.

"You can't let go of his Crocodile. Even if you let go of Noxus and Riven, you can't let go of Crocodile. His Crocodile is the strongest."

Looking at the hot water brought by MaRin, Ssumday thanked him and took it.

Although the game was over, he hadn't recovered yet.

The pressure was too great.

He had never felt so bad before.

He was completely seen through.

"His Crocodile proficiency is indeed very high."

Smeb agreed.

"Speaking of which, Looper told me about a very powerful Crocodile in LPL before, called the No. 1 Crocodile in Southeast Asia. I wonder if it's him."

MaRin rubbed his eyebrows and said he had a headache.

Smeb and Sunday were fine, but how come there was another operation-oriented top laner.

For an old man like him, the most annoying thing is to compete in operation.

"Not only Crocodile, but also Ryze..."

Bengi came closer and looked at MaRin with a worried look.

"Sang Hyuk hasn't spoken for a long time."

They have actually prepared a lot of things for this World Championship.

This is true for Ryze mid laner, Riven mid laner, and Olaf mid laner.

Rambo, including MaRin, can also be used as one of the trump cards.

But they also have big drawbacks.

First, they couldn't get the two heroes, Captain and Tetsuo.

Bang's Tetsuo proficiency is very poor, and neither MaRin nor Faker can play captain.

Second, they are actually not very good at core top lane play.

With Faker on the court, Bengi's first choice for ganking is always the mid lane. ;

It's just that the individual strength and teamwork ability of the five of them are too strong, so few teams can really pose a threat to them.

Compared to SKT during MSI, they are now stronger and more mature.

But compared to IG, their preparations seemed very inadequate.

My family knows their own affairs, and they will not bet on whether IG will play Tetsuo.

But judging from the current information, IG can play captain and play it very well!

Even Rookie can play Ryze with high proficiency.

IG's core strategy is already quite mature and perfect.

Although the bottom lane is weak, it is not easy to completely defeat the lower half of IG.

IG will be their biggest opponent in this World Championship.

Everyone in SKT feels this way.

But even if he wanted to break his scalp, Faker didn't understand why anyone besides him could take out Ryze.

Obviously, Rookie's Ryze proficiency is no worse than his, and he has definitely practiced it in advance.

This hit him hard.

Since his debut, he has defeated countless talented mid laners.

But South Korea never lacks talent.

"Yuan'er, I wouldn't dare to think about it without you."

Rookie was lying on the sofa with a fascinated smile on her lips.

no way.

So cool!

Ryze, a hero, would never have felt so powerful if Yuan Shen hadn't reminded him.

During the summer split, Ryze always played top lane.

The mid laner is basically unavailable.

At the World Championships, after Tsar and Syndra were weakened, Ryze became a very good choice.

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