Chapter 116 - I'm really struggling

Score had no choice but to go to IG's lower jungle area to exchange resources.

The double buffs on Lee Sin have already explained his jungle route.

Speed ​​​​three invasion.

Blue Toad Red.

But in this way, Lee Sin's three buffs start the game, and the pressure on Noxus is even greater.

JackeyLove has a teleport, even if the three of them cross the tower, it is very difficult to kill Corki and Shen.

What's more, Fiora is one teleport ahead of Noxus.

After eating the tower knife, the top lane is normal.

Noxus's ruthless iron hand, Fiora's W is still very difficult to block.

But when the reaction speed and hand speed reach the peak, it is still in time to see the pre-swing action and then use W.

Yuan Shen is confident.

In fact, judging from the current hero attributes, Fiora does not need to block E at all.

It is better to block Noxus's AW.

Noxus wants blood fury, but AW is empty.

With the attack speed and movement speed slowed down by Fiora's W, it was almost impossible to get Blood Rage.

After reaching level 3, Ssumday finally had the courage to fight.

Pushing back to the lane, the number of his own minions was superior, and Fiora would not lose if he attacked him.

But he had to consider the position of Lee Sin, and Ssumday thought frantically.

Gragas was at the bottom, and Lee Sin was probably still in the top lane.

The blue buff on Fiora was a clear proof.

This time, Lee Sin gave the blue buff to Fiora, and the early blue volume and CD problems were all solved.

Thinking of this, Ssumday decided to continue to endure.

Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, hiding its claws and teeth to endure.

If he could fulfill his lofty ambitions, he would dare to laugh at Huang Chao for being a coward!

Sleeping on firewood and tasting gall, and burning his boats!

The memories that kept emerging in his mind inspired him, and Ssumday's mentality gradually stabilized.

However, Yuan Shen, who returned to the line, did not give him this opportunity at all.

The same Q skill consumption, not greedy for flat attacks, breaking the flaw and turning around to use the movement speed bonus.

If Noxus uses E, he uses W.

If he doesn't use E, then goodbye.

After two flaws were broken in succession, Ssumday's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. If he continued to fight like this, not to mention being caught by Lee Sin, Fiora would kill him alone.

When Fiora's third Q came up, Ssumday's eyes widened and he pressed the E skill without hesitation.

Ruthless licking sister-in-law!

However, at the moment when he used E, Fiora raised her eyebrows, charged her waist bow, and used the sword as a shield.

Laurent, the heart-eye knife!

"Try again!"

Fiora's frivolous and playful voice sounded, and Noxus was stunned on the spot by the counterattack.

1.5 seconds is enough time for Fiora to complete a set of skills!

After the basic attack and EA, Fiora, with the speed bonus, broke the refreshed flaw and went directly into the bushes to avoid a wave of minions.

Noxus, who recovered from the stunned state, could only chase and throw Q, delaying the outer circle Q to predict Fiora's position.

However, almost at the same time, Fiora also moved, keeping the same direction as Noxus.


Still in the inner circle, damage halved, no passive bleeding.

Ssumday was numb.

He was pulled again!

What to do?

Waiting online, it's urgent!

Last time, Smeb and MaRin gave him two big bowls of chicken soup, and he finally recovered.

But when he faced Yuan Shen again, he found out something.

Psychological shadows are not so easy to remove, they are just temporarily hidden.

This Yuan knows Noxus too well!

His thoughts were completely seen through by Yuan Shen!

He even suspected that Yuan knew that he was wearing pink underwear today.

"This is so annoying. Ssumday's Noxus hasn't hit any Q in the outer circle so far."

"E didn't hit either. 100% blocking is too ridiculous."

"You understand too well. Yuan knows this hero too well."

"What do you mean, Lee Sin wants to gank? Noxus is only half-blood now, there is a good chance!!"

The level 4 Lee Sin and the level 4 Fiora launched a siege on the level 3 Noxus.

Ssumday, who was only half-blood, waved his teammates frantically, but all he got was his teammates asking him to hold on a little longer and stay where he was for help.

There was no way. After the jungle was exchanged, Score couldn't come even if he wanted to.

And Card defended the jungle?

He did have a teleport, but the minion line was lost!

Besides, doesn't Karma also have a teleport?

He couldn't defend it. He couldn't defend it at all.

IG could actively choose to attack in the half zone due to the disadvantage of the jungler position, and they could only be forced to defend.

Ssumday was desperate.

He didn't want to die, so he could only retreat to the tower and watch the minion line slowly push over.

Experience, economy, all gone.

Lee Sin is still annoying him in the top lane, it's too much!

They are all Koreans, why do you treat your compatriots like this?

He thought there was nothing wrong with his play.

If he couldn't trade blood, he would just not trade.

Even if Yuan Shen is strong, Fiora can't kill Noxus that easily.

But IG is really too much.

This jungler is just haunting!

After 20 seconds, Ssumday dared to move forward slowly.

With the advantage of the number of minions, he can force the line of soldiers to the tower and create a wave of push back.

However, the blind monk who appeared in the river directly cut off his retreat!

After eating the river crab, the blind monk came back again!

The blind monk touched the eye and slowed down the opponent with E, and then attached Q to start attacking. With flash and shield, Kakao has a unique experience in damage calculation, and there is no risk of being replaced by Noxus.

And Yuan Shen did not hesitate at all, walked to the side of the blind monk and directly attached QE to slow down the opponent.

When Noxus gave up the flash, the blind monk also flew over.

And Yuan Shen directly gave up W to slow down the opponent.

This slowdown not only affects the movement speed, but also the attack speed.

Ssumday had to use E to blind monk to recover blood, but Fiora had already caught up.

The damage of the blind monk and Fiora was enough to kill a half-blood Noxus in one second.

The soldiers in the top lane were pushed into the tower by the blind monk and Fiora.

Seeing the soldiers under the defensive tower being supplemented by the tower father, Ssumday was disheartened.

He did not teleport, and after going online, Fiora's push back line was waiting for him.

It was torture!

Looking at the Fiora returning to the city in the field of vision, Ssumday was filled with sorrow.

It's not that he is not as good as Fiora, it's just that his teammates are not strong enough.

Look at other people's teammates, then look at your own teammates.

Isn't it said that LPL teams only like to play in the middle and bottom?

It's all fake!


Acorn and Flame, and Looper, they have eaten the rice of China and have forgotten the Korean kimchi and army hot pot!

They have forgotten their roots!

Selling out their country for glory!

They said to themselves that LPL does not value top laners, which is all lies!

Two waves of soldiers in the top lane plus one kill, the economic gap has widened by one thousand.

Fiora is even one teleport ahead.

In the case of IG's mindless protection of the top lane, his teammates have no way at all, and can only rely on him to resist.

This is what he thought of at the beginning of the game.

It is also the task assigned by the coach.

No team can protect the top lane as unreservedly as IG, and even ignore the early development of the jungler, and even let the bottom lane go.

His task is to hold on to the mid-term.

At least you have to hold on until Card reaches level 6.

If IG in the spring season was still a traditional double C team, then after the start of the summer season, IG's focus has shifted.

And all this is because of Yuan Shen's arrival.

This shift is not a deformity, nor does it mean that only the top laner can carry, but the focus of the game has changed.

Adjusting your tactics according to the version is what every team must do.

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