Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 126: Using big moves against each other, Master of Weapons!

Chapter 126 - Mutual exchange of ultimate moves, weapon master!

(Thanks for the additional update in the new book issue. Although it is less than 200, it is still an extra update to balance the account)

"It was IG who gave me this opportunity today. My teammates also believe in me very much, and there are many viewers and fans... In fact, I don't know how many there are, but I will carry their hopes until the end. I won't Think I'm weaker than anyone else."

"We are not under a lot of pressure against KOO because we are first in the group and they are second in the group, and FW was crushed by OG, which fully shows that the strength level of Group A is actually at a relatively weak level. of……"

Before Yuan Shen finished speaking, the interview came to an abrupt end.

The scene, after a brief silence, instantly went crazy.

"This...this is a map cannon!!"

Although I am a well-informed child, I will not be fooled now.

What are these things! !

In just a few words, KOO was criticized, European and American Dharma King, other ADs in the LPL, and all the top laners in the LCK were criticized...

Even the overall level of the entire Group A was looked down upon.

This is a mocking monster!

And the most important thing is that KOO still can’t refute!

After all, FW, who defeated them, was indeed crushed by OG, the second place in Group D.

It is known that FW is 0 to 3 OG and 2 to 0 is KOO. So what will happen if IG, which is 2 to 0 OG, faces KOO?

"Is it really okay to say that?"

Fumanduo had a worried look on his face. Before he came to LPL, he had heard that trash talk here was very aggressive, but Yuan Shen's performance was beyond his expectations.

All four major competition areas were sprayed!

After saying this, it’s the end!

"It's okay, I don't think it's enough..."

Yuan Shen shook his head, he was telling the truth.

He specifically asked Ming Kai for advice on this trash talk.

As the talkative king of the LPL, I don’t know how much items Savin still has in stock.

But even Mingkai's casual performance is already at his peak level.

Can't compare, really can't compare.

Ancestor Saiwen’s yin and yang method has reached the state of perfection!

The BP between both sides will begin soon!

In the first game, IG chose the red side.

Not great luck, but that's okay.

The pressure on their squad is not too great.

KOO, banned Riven, Ryze, and Crocodile.

As for IG, they banned Captain, Tetsuo, and Lulu.

KOO grabbed the sword girl.

Smeb's Sword Lady is not weak in terms of strength.

The version is strong and perfectly fits his style. Sword Princess is the hero that Smeb is best at and most confident with.

none of them!

As for IG, they won Shen and Spider.

Hujin's Spider is pretty good, and he played it often in the LCK.

You can't just let him go.

The biggest advantage of the red side is that they can get two versions of heroes among the first three players.

As the game progresses, there are so many versions of heroes that it is impossible to play them all.

When KOO grabbed the top lane first, IG was not in a hurry to get the top lane hero.

"Captain Riven Crocodile has been banned, and Sword Lady has also been snatched away. It seems that the only T0 top laner now is Noshou!"

Wawa analyzed.

"That's right, this sword girl's hand is a bit like grabbing instead of killing."

Miller was thinking, too.

KOO's second and third moves directly captured the little mage and Han Bing.

These two hands were something no one expected.

The hero Han Bing did not appear very frequently in this World Championship.

Especially when you have skate shoes, it’s hard to show up.

There is also the little mage. This hero has not appeared on the field for a long time!

"Han Bing, is this the time to kite Nuoshou in a group fight? Or do you have other ideas?"

PDD is a bit unclear.

"Little Mage...can this hero really play? If he comes out early, he will be countered!"

The BP on the field continues.

IG's third and fourth moves took down the skateboard shoes and the Enchantress.

One is Rookie's signature hero, and the other...

"Skateboard shoes! Out again!"

"Haha, Ou Cheng used skateboard shoes to tie the top laner before. Although his laning ability was weakened, it was actually very effective in protecting the top laner."

The doll laughed.

It has to be said that sometimes European and American teams do have strange tricks, which often lead to overturning, but occasionally they work wonders.

The skateboard shoes are passively tied to the top laner, and the six-level tower jump and swing, and team play give the top laner the ability to save life and enter the field.

For a team with a strong top laner, it is of great significance.

Especially when facing heroes like Xiaofa and Han Bing, the ultimate move of skateboard shoes is of great tactical significance!

In the last two hands, KOO grabbed the excavator and Braum.

The lineup is taking shape, and KOO's coach is very satisfied.

"If the opponent picks a Nobel player, he will be dead."

With Ice Braum and Little Mage, he didn't think Nuoshou would be able to perform as well as before in a team fight.

There are just too many restrictions!

As for the single belt, Sword Princess actually has an advantage.

"They may not choose Nuoshou."

Smeb was a little unsure.

He couldn't see through Yuan Shen. Currently, Yuan Shen only had four top lane heroes.

"Then what else would you choose? Galen? Don't be funny..."

Before Coach KOO finished speaking, he saw a hero appear on the fifth floor of IG.

Weapon Master.


"What a great move!! IG's Jax? When will Yuan play this hero?"

"This hero rarely appears on the court now. The one that impressed me the most was Damu's Weapon Master in the S3 World Championship. It's really disappointing."

"Is it easy to beat Sword Queen with a top laner?"

The doll looked at PDD.

Sword Princess has just been reworked and has become a favorite in the game, but the weapon is still on the bench.

This is the first time in this World Championship that there is a match between weapons and Sword Girl.

"It's not easy to fight. I feel like Sword Princess W is very capable of restraining the weapon's counterattack storm, but it still depends on the psychological game between both parties."

PDD is quite rigorous.

Like Sion's Q, the weapon's E can also end early. Sword Queen's W only lasts 0.75 seconds, so it's not easy to get the time right.


PDD added: "When the weapon is on E, Sword Princess cannot break through. These two heroes are a battle of operations. There is no advantage or disadvantage in the hero matchup."

"I understand, don't worry about it when you hit the road."

The doll smiled.

In terms of operation, they have never seen a stronger top laner than Yuan Shen!

After the BP of both sides was completed, when exchanging heroes, the lineup was also displayed in front of the audience.

"IG red party:

Top laner Yuan: Weapon Master-Jax

Jungle Kakao: Spider Queen-Elise

Mid laner Rookie: Trickster - LeBlanc

Bottom lane JackeyLove: Spear of Revenge-Calista

Auxiliary Kitties: Eyes of Twilight-Shen

KOO blue square:

Top laner Smeb: Peerless Swordswoman Fiona

Jungler Hujin: Void Burrower-Rek'Sai

Mid laner Kuro: Evil Little Mage-Vega

Bottom lane Pray: Ice Shooter-Ashe

Auxiliary Gorilla: Heart of Freljord - Braum. "

Wembley Stadium, the audience applauded and cheered.

After loading, the game officially begins!

Buy the going out clothes as quickly as possible, and ten people from both sides will go out and occupy various intersections on your side.

A long snake formation was lined up to prevent the other side from invading.

In terms of the capabilities of the first-level regiments, the two sides were almost the same, so no one took the initiative to invade.

Skateboard shoes have always retained their own passivity and have not been given to others.

When unsure of the course of action, it is best to take a first-hand look.

The two sides faced each other normally, and in terms of going out outfit, Sword Girl chose Duolan Jian Yihong.

Yuan Shen chose a crystal bottle to go out.

The old version of Sword Girl was only strong in the ability to explode in waves, and this ability was perfectly restrained by the weapon's counterattack storm.

So the old version of Sword Girl really can't defeat weapons.

But the new version of Sword Girl is different. Her strength lies in her flexible consumption and battery life.

In terms of hero mechanics, it is 50/50 with weapons.

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