Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 148 At this moment, just like

Chapter 148 - At this moment, it is just like...

(12,000 words, 500 monthly tickets plus more)

"The new FMVP said that he is not on the same team with Uzi in the All-Star Game"

"The story between the upstart top laner and the veteran ADC"

"King Kong vs. Godzilla, two major groups in LPL go to war, and the starch 59E eats melons"

LPL is in chaos.

There were already a lot of news about the transfer period, and the war between Yuan Shen's fan group and Uzi's fan group suppressed the heat of other news.

Half a year ago, OMG's affairs were completely exposed, and Wushuang and Nuoxia came forward to tell their stories. For a time, the wind direction reversed, and many people questioned OMG's management, asking why they favored Uzi.

QG's new boss originally wanted to buy Uzi to replace Aishe Jiayi, but the power of public opinion was too great, and the contract that was originally agreed was blown.

Many other clubs now also stay away from Uzi.

IG, which won the first LPL championship, is the hero.

Now, Yuan Shen is in great momentum and at the peak of his career. As the first FMVP of LPL, he has attracted countless fans and his influence has even broken the circle.

At this juncture, they don't want to cause trouble.

In the end, it was RNG that lent a helping hand and pulled Uzi back.

The result of the All-Star Game was also beyond Yuan Shen's expectations.

He still underestimated the influence of the first world champion and the first FMVP of LPL.

Uzi publicly announced his withdrawal.

Although he said on the surface that he wanted to spend time with his family, in the eyes of fans, Uzi gave in.

The new All-Star ADC candidate is Jack.

As the new domestic champion ADC, Jack beat Imp and Deft to get the second popularity ranking.

"The official website has announced the update. The talent tree will be remade, and nine ultimate talents will appear. There is also the idea of ​​remaking all ADCs in the future. This change is really the biggest one in history."

Looking at the update announcement of the version, Rookie sighed.

The times have changed again, and there are fewer people around him.

Kakao went back to the base with them, but he only stayed for a few days before returning to Korea.

He said that he wanted to spend time with his family and then go to North America.

TSM invited him and signed him at a very high price.

Both Yuan Shen and Rookie expressed their blessings.

They both knew Kakao's family situation very well.

"A new hero has been launched, it seems to be called the Eternal Hunter Twins..."

Shekeke also leaned over and looked at Yuan Shen.

After winning this championship, he did not plan to retire.

He felt that he could still hang around for another two years, even as a substitute.

As for KID, after passing on all his experience to Jack, he chose to retire and joined the Deyunse combination formed by Xiaoxiao Xika.

People come and go, and happiness is up to fate.

Yuan Shen did not have much emotional fluctuations.

It must be said that KID is not very good at playing professionally, but he is not bad as a teacher.

Jack's noodles are much more delicious recently...

Zzitai said that he still prefers to play mid-lane, and IG already has Yuan Shen, and he is still contacting the team for trial training during this period.

As for the contract, Principal Wang was also very generous, saying that as long as Zzitai could find a team, there would be no problem on his side.

Less than a week after returning to the base, only four people were left of the original seven-member championship team.

The transfer period was in full swing, and every day a club announced its new lineup.

In order to deal with the threat of IG, many teams have spent a lot of money to recruit players and build their own galaxy battleships.

"The action is really big."

Looking at the announcements released by major clubs, even Yuan Shen was a little surprised.

Uzi failed to go to QG because of the All-Star event, but returned to RNG by mistake.

I heard from the principal that Bai Xing seemed to be stimulated by something, and pulled Looper, Mata and Uzi all to RNG, and did not sell Xiang Guo and Xiaohu, forming a new generation of royal family.

And Aide Zhu used Tong Yang to replace Flandre from the Snake team, and AJ was demoted to the EDG second team.

However, in Yuan Shen's opinion, if this exchange is made, EDG should have given the Snake team another benefit. After all, it is impossible to hide the fact that Tong Yang played sluggishly and did not train last year.

They are all insiders, what do they not know?

Even if Tong Yang came to the rescue in the World Championship, he could not completely whitewash himself.

As for LGD, they also bought back MaRin from SKT, sent away Taobao Quan, and replaced him with Eimy...

WE promoted 957 to the starting top laner, Aluka retired, and also pulled a Korean aid top laner from their own youth training team WE.F.

ID: Khan.

QG kept the lineup unchanged, but bought a top laner from LSPL.

ID: Gimgoon.

Big and small news, flying all over the sky.

And what Yuan Shen got was the first-hand information summarized by Su Xiaoluo, with a reliability of more than 95%.

However, the more Yuan Shen read, the more frightened he became.

He just won a world championship.

But history seems to have changed a lot.

Yuan Shen was a little confused.

What he didn't know was that he had surpassed Zzida and Uzi and became the new face and flag of LPL, with great influence.

IG won the championship, and the popularity of e-sports was too high.

The number of players in the national server has skyrocketed again, and the influence has increased at a visible speed.

Many big capitals are ready to enter the game.

For these capital parties, they are not familiar with e-sports, and acquiring or investing in a team is undoubtedly the best choice.

Wanda has no choice, IG is the only choice.

The rich second generation who were just playing around have also increased their investment.

Everyone wants to get a share of the upcoming e-sports era.

The major clubs that have received financial sponsorship have also begun to grab players in preparation for next year's S6.

The importance of the top position has also been taken seriously by major teams.

You know, the top player used to be the least valued, with the lowest rank requirements and a salary similar to that of the auxiliary, but now he has become a hot commodity.

Because there are so few excellent top players, the price of top players once approached the ADC position that LPL is proud of.

This also attracted more talented players to choose the top position as their main position.

There is no mature e-sports system in China like South Korea, and no one is in the dark about how to develop clubs.

Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and no one dares to say that they know e-sports better.

Each club has a different management method and attaches different importance to each position.

In this case, naturally, everyone will learn from the club that is strong and has the best results.

In S4, Royal Club became a strong team in the world after introducing Insec and Zero, which led to the advent of the Korean aid era in S5.

After all, LPL has money and LCK has high-quality players, and the two sides hit it off.

Buying Korean aid is much cheaper and more reliable than training new players at home.

In the previous year, both WE's IPL5 championship and Royal Club's two runner-ups were the best results of LPL.

Both teams attach great importance to the ADC position, which has also caused the major clubs to prefer ADC players.

LPL is rich in ADC, which is why it comes from this.

But now IG's victory has undoubtedly broken the view of the domestic e-sports circle that the top laner has always been free.

It turns out that the top laner is so important.

It turns out that this is how you should play if you want to win the championship.

There is no way. If they don't pay attention to the top laner, they will definitely be blown up when they meet IG in the top lane. They can't accept such a result.

IG's playing style, like a correct answer, instantly became the vane of major teams.

They may be too lazy to study by themselves, but they are professional in copying homework.

Whether it is paying attention to the top laner, major teams are also learning IG's training and management methods.

Looking at the transfer list compiled by Su Xiaoluo, Yuan Shen's mind was full of thoughts.

S6, that is a version of a hundred flowers blooming and a group of demons dancing.

To gain a foothold in this great era, IG needs to become stronger.

Originally, he wanted to pull Xiangguo into the team, and form a jungler and support with Xiaoming to become the most important cornerstone of S6.

Xiangguo was still very powerful in S6.

His fasting style in S7 was also very suitable for the version.

He could be used for two years, which was already considered the king of standby.

But RNG was determined to do something big in S6, and Bai Xing also invested a lot.

If Xiangguo didn't come, there was really no jungler in LPL that he could look up to except for Zz1tai.

The only one who was a little interesting was probably still playing in Vietnam with a 100 ping delay on the national server.

Yuan Shen thought about the transformation to jungler for a long time.

This was also a new challenge for him.

In S6 season, it was absolutely impossible to have no qualified jungler.

The most important feature of S6 was the marginalization of the top lane and the rise of the jungler and the support.

Once the rhythm collapsed in the early stage, even if the top laner was fat, it would be impossible to win the game.


"Manager Su, tell Zzitai when he comes back that those who haven't found a team can stay and play the top lane, TheShy can also be promoted, and Shi Senming can play the support position."

Hearing Yuan Shen's words, Su Xiaoluo and Rookie looked over in surprise.

"TheShy? The one who played duo with Dopa?"

"I know him. Imp killed Riven in 0.5 seconds. It's outrageous!"

"Am I the only one who remembers that he killed MaRin under the tower and Meng Duo?"

"This guy plays Riven and Nidalee well, but I don't know who is better than you."

The IG people became interested and said one after another.

"Old Song, your brother Bingquan is gone. I'll find you a brother Chengluo. I'll leave it to you to teach him Chinese in the future."

Yuan Shen patted Rookie's shoulder and smiled, "Keep an eye on you, Old Song!"

"Then what are you doing? Zzitai and TheShy are both top laners..."

Jack had a bad feeling.

Why did Yuan Shen's words sound like entrusting an orphan? ?

"Me? I want to leave the team."

Yuan Shen took a deep breath and continued before the IG people could speak, "Then rejoin IG with a brand new identity."

"I want to bring my talent to the jungle position"

"Have you decided?"

Su Xiaoluo's eyes were complicated.

It's not that he doesn't believe Yuan Shen.


Such a strong top laner is going to transform into a jungler?

How is the strength?

Can it be done?

The principal's 12 million and 5% of the shares were exchanged for the world's number one top laner, not a jungler!

In the professional league, there are very few players who can play two positions well.

The mid laner and top laner are both double lanes, and some players have also switched.

It is not uncommon for an ADC to switch to jungle.

But switching from top laner to jungler was something he never remembered before.

"It's decided, it doesn't matter. If the effect is not good, let TheShy jungle and I will continue to top lane. Anyway, his first choice is jungle, but I think he is more suitable for top lane than jungle."

Yuan Shen didn't care much.

The top lane position is no longer a challenge for him.

The top three teams in the LCK played in singles once. Future Niu has not yet grown up, and Koi's laning level is just like that.

The only thing that interests him is TheShy.

Moreover, the fists used against the single player were too harsh.

Many of his signature heroes have been severely weakened. I have confirmed with my eyes that this wave is coming for him.

However, if you cut your top laner, what does it have to do with my jungler?

In the current situation, maybe jungle is more interesting.

Rather than continue to beat all the talented top laners in the lane, he would rather cultivate a new top laner in the world.


I am Master Jiang!

"If TheShy comes on stage, will it be okay?"

Yuan Shen turned to look at Su Xiaoluo.

Jack had lied about his age when he joined IG. Although he was reported later, under the influence of the principal, he paid a symbolic fine and was fine.

After all, the principal's Banana Project is the organizer of the S6 event, so Tengda shouldn't care too much.

But if TheShy wants to play in S5, that's impossible.

"No problem. I have already registered in advance. I have played a few LSPL games with the second team and I will be able to play in the spring split."

Su Xiaoluo answered seriously.

The principal is the big boss and Yuan Shen is the little boss.

He is just a workman.

The position is still very correct.

He also knew that if he was still the same as before, Yuan Shen had the right to kick him out and replace him.

He had heard Yuan Shen praise other managers more than once...

"That's no problem, Lao Song. Next month Jack and I will go to the All-Star Game, and TheShy and Xiao Ming will be left to you. Their potential is no less than that of you and me. You will know as time goes by."

"Really or not, is he stronger than you?"

Jack didn't believe it.

Shi Senming is their little brother and they know each other well.

But TheShy, whom he has only seen in Rank, follows Dopa in the middle and jungle, and his playing style is quite fierce.

The fact that Wuhu God planned to line up with Dopa to snipe Dopa has become a joke in the circle.

"You'll understand once you become familiar with it."

Yuan Shen is very confident.

He walked over and patted Jack on the shoulder, and his voice became softer.

"Have you told your family about going to the United States?"

"As I said, I originally planned to go home and stay for a few days, but I ended up being selected by the All-Stars."

Jack spread his hands, feeling helpless.

This spot should never go to him.

But there is no way. The Chinese are obviously consciously organizing a team without Korean aid to participate in the All-Star Game to silence the Koreans.

Whether it's Uzi or Jack, they are all within their options.

"My dad is very supportive, but my mom is a little unhappy. She just came back from Europe and is going to the United States. She has never traveled far since she was so old. It doesn't matter if she goes to the devil's capital, she still travels so far..."

Jack imitated his mother's voice and babbled, and everyone in IG laughed.

"By the way, Yuan'er, what about you? I've never heard you talk about family affairs."


Yuan Shen's thoughts instantly drifted into the distance.

The red brick house and the Blue Sky Orphanage were where he grew up.


He doesn't have this concept.

Su Xiaoluo acted quickly and promoted TheShy from the second team to the first team with just one phone call.

As for Shi Senming, Yuan Shen and Jack went to pick him up together.

Back to the base, first have a dinner.

TheShy has a language barrier and a shy personality.

But Xiao Ming is much more enthusiastic.

The social butterfly attributes continued to work, and soon Rookie, shooting cocoa, and posture made her laugh non-stop.

"Yi Hao, I have watched Nui's games. Yu is very strong."

Yuan Shen observed TheShy while eating.

They had seen it before in Rank, and his crocodile also killed TheShy's Leopard Girl.

Yuan Shen has always been very curious about the number one Riwen in the Korean server, the best Leopard girl in the Korean server, the future super top laner, and the five-time most popular player in the LPL.

TheShy's style of play is very similar to his own, but more extreme.

His appearance completely cut off the thoughts and ideas of LPL top laners and even all top laners wanting to mess around.

TheShy's philosophy is similar to that of Faker and King Ning. No matter how bad the situation is, he will not give up the opportunity to operate.

Want to show off, want to get attention, like to develop...

This is Yuan Shen’s impression of TheShy.

"You can do it, I've seen your Riven, it's very strong."

Yuan Shen nodded and praised.

TheShy's Riven proficiency is definitely at SS level or even higher.

Yuan Shen remembers clearly what Sky said to Xiaozhi, "His Riven is flying in the sky."

"If you are willing to become stronger, I can practice single combat with you, but you have to be obedient on the field, OK?"

Yuan Shen turned his head, and before TheShy could reply, Zzitai on the side had already laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, I thought of something happy."

Zzitai came over and hugged TheShy's neck, his eyes revealing a trace of gloating heartache.

Or in other words, they sympathize with each other.

"I advise you not to Solo with him, it will affect your confidence."

Zzitai picked up a piece of mutton for TheShy, and Yuan Shen placed the broccoli and watermelon in front of TheShy.

"Well, Hao Ren."

TheShy's eyes lit up instantly.

Broccoli is his favorite.

"Zizi, Jack and I will go to the United States to play in the All-Star Game. You and TheShy will play solo in the spring season. Compete for the position and continue to rotate."

"Old Song, teach him to learn Chinese as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, let Manager Su find him a Chinese teacher. It won't affect communication."

The IG people were convinced by Yuan Shen's words.

But it was different.

In the past, they recognized Yuan Shen's strength and overall judgment.

And now, there is an additional layer of boss and employee bond.

Although Yuan Shen has never mentioned this, they still think of it unconsciously in their hearts.

Captain + supervisor, this is their positioning for Yuan Shen.

In fact, Yuan Shen is still half coach and half analyst.

"Dad, don't worry, e-sports has exploded. IG won the championship, which has a great impact worldwide. No matter which force it is, it will not give up this new field."

In a villa in Shanghai, Principal Wang was stroking the dog while making a phone call.

"I heard that you distributed part of the club's shares?"

"Yes, that's right."

Principal Wang did not hide anything.

After all, the opponent was his father.

IG, he was just playing for fun.

The reason was just because he liked playing games, whether it was Dota2 or League of Legends, he wanted to set up a team for fun.

But he didn't expect IG to explode in League of Legends.

World Championship.

The first LPL champion.

Gree's vigorous publicity before the game was rewarded thousands of times.

Of course, the results are only one aspect.

The most important thing is that he took a fancy to Yuan Shen.

Mingkai was born in 1993.

Yuan Shen was born in 1997.

Four years younger means that the peak and golden period will be longer.

And Yuan Shen's performance is really good.

Strength, youth, talent...

The bidding of countless competitors just shows the importance of Yuan Shen.

Businessmen pursue profits, and investment is what they value most.

And Yuan Shen is like a stock that is sure to make money...

Mingkai can get EDG shares, why can't Yuan Shen get IG shares?

After finalizing the contract between Yuan Shen and Rookie, he was relieved.

With these two people, plus Jack, and three Cs in hand, IG's team will not be bad.

On November 9, OMG broke a big news.

At 14:22 in the afternoon, OMG jungler LoveLing announced his retirement, and at 15:56, Nuoxia also announced the end of his career...

OMG's palace fight is over.

Uzi joined RNG and formed a new generation of Galaxy Battleship with Mata, Looper, Xiaohu, and Xiangguo.

The news of the transfer period continued like a big earthquake.

The news of various teams came one after another, making the entire LPL audience a little dazzled.

But at this time, a Weibo post from IG directly shook the entire LPL.

"I came here when you were at your lowest, and I left when you were at your peak."

Content: "With full respect for the players' wishes, S5 champion top laner Yuan Shen (ID: Yuan), S5 champion jungler Li Bingquan (ID: Kakao), S5 champion mid laner Song Yijin (ID: Rookie), and S5 champion ADC Ge Yan (ID: Kidkid) will leave the team from today.

Here, I would like to thank them for their contributions to the team and wish them a bright future. No matter where they are, the door of IG will always be open to them. Remember this."

The accompanying picture is a group photo after IG won the championship.

The coach, manager, and players are all there.

Everyone surrounded the championship trophy, each making funny poses, and they were as harmonious as a family.

A big earthquake.

This is a real big earthquake.

Everyone in and out of the circle was dumbfounded.

They just won the championship, and they broke up? ?

Where are you guys replicating Samsung White? ?

We are still waiting for IG to win the second consecutive championship! !

And other domestic teams were really relieved.

IG is the one who puts the pressure on us. It's so frustrating.

15 wins and 2 losses in the world championship, a win rate comparable to Samsung White!

Dominating the world, invincible.

Such a team, appearing in LPL, is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to some teams in the middle and lower reaches of the league!

Now it's good, all disbanded.

It's good to disband!!

However, there was no sign beforehand.

Where is Yuan Shenren?

Sign him!!

Didn't you say that IG has your shares? ?

You will retire and make money after winning the championship, right? ?

IG Weibo, almost paralyzed by the explosion.

Others are recruiting players, but you are disbanding?

You are having a good time eating melons, and you look back and find that your home is gone.

It's outrageous!

Everyone has a S5 championship, afraid that others don't know you are the champion, right?

I haven't heard anyone say that IG won the world championship for two days. Is there any kind-hearted person who can tell me? ?

However, less than an hour later, IG sent another Weibo.

"IG 2016 roster is as follows:

Coach: Lee Jung-hyun PoohManDu

Manager: Su Xiaoluo

Top: Kang Seung-rok TheShy

Top: Liu Zhihao Zz1tai

Jungler: Yuan Shen YuanShen

Mid: Song Yijin Rookie

ADC: Yu Wenbo JacKeyLove

Support: Shi Sen Mingming."

Pictures, IG's new makeup photos.

And photos of Yuan Shen, Rookie and Jack with their arms around each other.

IG fans are stunned.

It's like a meteorite suddenly falling on a calm lake.

The energy contained is so great that it is enough to subvert everyone's expectations.

I didn't see it at first glance and was almost fooled by IG.

First, the whole team was disbanded, and then the roster was announced directly. Is it so fast to take over?

Seamless connection?


Now I look closely, wow, everyone is smiling.

Just change the ID and become a newcomer?

I will never forget those two big faces and a big head.

New players, what the hell! !

No, why are there two top laners, and Yuan Shen is going to play jungle? ?

Damn, IG management, you deserve to die! ! !

Riot's recognized world No. 1 top laner, who dominated the world in S5, you let him play jungle? ?

I play jungle for fucking reasons! ! !

IG's official blog was blasted again!

Even though the PR team has tried hard to explain, many fans still don't accept it.

Damn, I finally fell in love with the top lane position, and you told me that my idol is going to play jungle?

Isn't this letting junglers ride on the heads of our top laners? ?

Many top lane anchors cursed.

What's more, some even openly shouted at the jungler to get out of the live broadcast room, saying that the jungler was not worthy of watching his live broadcast.


Five training matches.

The opponent was the reorganized LGD.

During the World Championship, IG and LGD often arranged training matches, and there was a lot of cooperation between the two sides, and their relationship became much closer.

After a simple run-in, everyone in IG was quite satisfied.

TheShy is okay in the laning phase, but his awareness is a bit poor. He often takes advantage of soldiers and lines, likes to take risks, and likes to play one-on-two.

Yuan Shen's overall jungle style is relatively stable, and his carry ability is not very strong, but his roaming, awareness, and cooperation with Rookie are all top-notch.

The best heroes he plays are Ekko and Prince.

As for Xiao Ming and Jack, I don't know what they are mumbling, but they cooperate well.

However, as time goes by, Yuan Shen's performance surprised everyone in IG.

This person's speed of practicing heroes is really too fast!

He ranks like he's desperate every day, but most of the time he plays in the top lane, and occasionally he chooses to play Ekko and Prince in the jungle position.

The heroes he plays in the top lane are also very diverse. The newly revised Vampire, as well as Sword Princess and Riven are all heroes that Yuan Shen often plays.

On the contrary, Yuan Shen rarely uses the popular versions of the big tree, Poppy, and Titan.

But when it comes to training games, he can always use some popular jungles in the version, and his performance is not bad.

A few days of training also gave IG a deeper understanding of the new version.

Each major club has a different interpretation of the new version.

But there is one thing they all agree on.

Thunder Lord's Decree.

It's too damn strong!

As long as it is a hero that matches the Thunder Lord's talent, this version is strong.

For example, although the Tsar was cut before, the strength in the early stage was weakened.

But as soon as the version was updated, the strength of the Tsar in the early stage went up again.

In the early stage, poking the opponent three times can trigger Thunder, a set of half blood, very exaggerated.

The same is true for Spider. As long as the magic penetration is out, it can kill people in seconds with Thunder.

With the resonance jungle knife that replaced the rune broadsword in the new season, Spider has become the version's overlord.

Resonance: Moving and using skills will gain energy. When it reaches 100 layers, the next skill hit will release all the energy, causing 80 (+10% AP) additional magic damage to up to 4 targets.

Its own attributes are also very suitable for Spider, 60 points of magic power, 10% additional movement speed.

Riot's updates are always uncompromising.

The top laner was weakened to the point of breaking his legs, but the jungler and support became the best positions to gain points.

Just like the Black Cleaver League in S3, the preseason version has also become the Thunder League.

Nowadays, many ADCs lead Thunder. In the pub game, there are ten Thunder in a game, and it is not uncommon for all players to transform into Yang Yongxin.

"Come on, come on, Solo!"

While discussing the battle line along the way, Yuan Shen couldn't bear it anymore.

Faced with TheShy's invitation, Yuan Shen readily agreed.

Everyone on IG is also interested.

The new top laner and Yuan Shen Solo?

They have never seen such a scene!

However, after meeting twice, they felt that it was not interesting anymore.

Sword Girl vs. Riwen, Yuan Shen won in seven minutes.

Riven vs. Sword Princess took some effort and took nine minutes to win.

Rambo versus Jace, Captain versus Rambo, Kenan versus Nox...

Yuan Shen has used almost all commonly used top laners in games.

And TheShy's wins are zero.

After each victory, Yuan Shen had to type a string of pinyin on the public screen.


"Stop hitting me. You're too stupid to hit a child. Come on, let me have a good time."

The posture and smile are very obscene.

"you sure?"

Yuan Shen raised his eyebrows, and TheShy on the side was obviously unhappy.

In more than a dozen solo games in a row, he was just a little bit worse every time.

But just that little bit decided the outcome.

Sometimes he even wondered whether Yuan Shen was deliberately setting a trap for him and tricking him into taking the bait.

But it’s like this every time, isn’t it too outrageous?

"I'm sure, what's the matter? Could it be that he can still abuse me?"

The posture seems very confident.

He only watched two of TheShy and Yuan Shen's Solo, not all of them.

"Chenglu, Solo, you and him."

Yuan Shen walked over and patted TheShy on the shoulder, and continued: "If you win, and we win one official game in the future, I will accompany you in three solo games."

"Joan of Arc?"

TheShy's eyes lit up instantly.

He wants to become stronger!

The game League of Legends is not complicated in his opinion, and for a long time he felt that he had achieved the ultimate.

But today's solo with Yuan Shen made him understand something.

Compared to Yuan Shen, he is still far behind.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. I don't bully young people like Yuan Shen, hehe."

The gesture is a pleasure.

Throughout the summer season, every time he and Yuan Shen Solo were beaten to a pulp, they were beaten so hard that he lost his confidence.

Now, here comes someone who is better than him.

He can also feel some of the thrill of winning a duel.

In the first game, Sword Lady fights Riven.

Yuan Shen did not watch the game, but observed the gestures and expressions.

At the beginning, the posture was still smiling.

For a minute, the posture stopped talking.

After two minutes, the posture started to support the eyes.

Three minutes later, the gesture was gone.

"No, no, I made a mistake in Gouba! Come again!"

He patted the table and stood up.

He clearly had a chance just now!

"Is he in a hurry?"

TheShy tilted his head and looked at Yuan Shen, then imitated Yuan Shen and sent a string of letters to the gesture.


Zhi Ge's face turned redder.

"No, who taught him?"

"You just won, what are you pretending to do!"

"Come again, the coward will get serious!"

Gezi decided to take out his secret weapon.


Although it has been weakened, it is still playable.

However, TheShy got the Sword Lady, which was even more weakened.

For three minutes, not a single powder keg detonated.

Four minutes later, the tower was full of oranges.

At six and a half minutes, Sword Girl jumped over the tower and broke through four times in one second to complete a single kill.

"It's so fierce. You are simply not human."

The look he looked at Yuan Shen and TheShy was very complicated.

He didn't expect TheShy to be so strong.

So how did Yuan Shen defeat TheShy so many times?

How big is the gap between him and Yuan Shen?

At this time, a line of text popped up in the chat box at the bottom left of the screen.

IG-TheShy: "shoutu"


The posture was really urgent this time.

Looking at the message "Practice more" posted on the wall behind my computer, I felt like I had a mental problem.

TheShy's laning strength seems to be much stronger than his own.

Although he is still a little behind Yuan Shenlai, he has already surpassed him by a lot.

So scary...

"Practice hard by yourself. I'll check it when you get back."

Yuan Shen touched TheShy's head, causing TheShy to keep shaking his head.


"Hey, stop bullying Shyshy, it's not good."

Rookie took off his headphones and looked at Yuan Shen and TheShy and couldn't help but laugh.

TheShy on the side seemed to have found an ally and quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it's not good. Jiang Zi is not good."

"Yes, righteousness enters the pot, shoutu, what does it mean?"

TheShy looked at Rookie. He had to send this string of letters every time Yuan Shen defeated him, and he didn't know what to reply. .

"Oh, he was praising you for playing well."

Rookie turned his head and glared at Yuan Shen.

Why should he accept a disciple? TheShy calls him brother!

If you accept a disciple, doesn't that mean you're a junior?

"Oh...that's not a shoutout, he's not playing well."

TheShy said seriously, and everyone on IG burst into laughter, but the gesture on the side became even more popular.

"Next month's All-Star Game, wait and see what I do."

Yuan Shen withdrew his hand without hesitation, picked up OB's puppet next to him, sucked it in hard and put it on the ground.

Feeling comfortable...

"This may be the last time I play top lane in a game..."

Yuan Shen raised his eyebrows and turned to look at TheShy.

"Study hard. I don't want you to become like me, but I will try my best to show you everything a top laner should do."

"It's time to give the people on the LCK side a memory that will last a lifetime."

"Let them know that even if the top laner changes his position, he is still someone they look up to!"

Xiao Ming's guilty look made everyone on IG laugh again.

She Keke sat in the corner, looking at everyone's commotion with an aunty smile on her face.

He likes this kind of environment very much.

He is ready to sign with Panda Live. He will follow the team when playing games in the future, but there may be few opportunities to play.

But it doesn’t matter, Xiao Ming still doesn’t understand many things, and IG needs him to stand on the last duty.

However, even though he had overestimated TheShy's obsession with Solo, Yuan Shen still became numb after spending time together.

If he is a Rank maniac, then TheShy is a duel maniac.

As the top laner, TheShy and he have played the most solo games.

At the beginning, there were ten losses and no wins, but in the end, there were occasional wins, and finally it was maintained at 82 points.

Such a result has already made many people in IG envious.

Rookie and Yuan Shen also played Solo, but their positions were different and there was no comparison.

The top order position has very high requirements for lane alignment.

IG, getting stronger every day.

"During the training matches during this period, I believe everyone has a deep understanding of the changes in the version. Today is our first meeting of the new season. You can say anything you want."

Fumando knocked on the table, setting the tone.

It has been almost a week since TheShy and Xiao Ming joined IG.

They have training matches every day, slowly getting used to each other, and slowly correcting problems.

IG still has a lot of problems now, but it is slowly changing in a good direction.

In the S6 preseason, there were too many changes.

The first is the change of talents, from the 21-9-0 point method to the 18-12-0 point method, adding such things as the War Lord's Bloodlust, War Zeal, Immortal Grasp, Thunder Lord's Decree, etc. New talents.

The emergence of the nine ultimate talents has caused many changes in League of Legends.

Later, the artificial eyes were cancelled, and the setting of automatic upgrade of jewelry eyes was added.

In terms of equipment, blue potions and crystal bottles have been removed, the price of red potions has increased, and a new starting item, extraction, has been added.

It provides fewer defensive attributes than Doran's Shield, but will provide additional economy after killing a hundred minions.

However, although the red medicine has been changed to cost 50 gold coins a bottle, several new medicines have been released, such as hunter potion, reusable potion and corruption potion.

According to the introduction (ming) (zi), the jungle hero should carry the hunter potion when he goes out, and the corruption potion takes the place of the crystal bottle. The reusable potion costs 150 per bottle, which is very cost-effective and has no blue bars. Best choice for heroes.

In terms of jungle equipment, there is a new jungle item option, the hunter's amulet, which greatly improves the efficiency of the mage hero's jungle.

For the mage jungler, mana recovery is undoubtedly as important a resource as blood volume.

The tracking dagger (green jungle knife) is an upgrade of the jungle props. Like the accessories, it can be placed on 1-2 eyes, which also greatly improves the strategic significance of the jungle.

In addition, what the jungle equipment provides after clearing the jungle is not extra gold coins, but extra experience, and the early recovery effect is weakened. At the same time, it also weakens the experience provided by wild monsters. In other words, the experience of wild monsters in S6 is much less than that of wild monsters in S5, but with the jungle props, the experience gained is equivalent to the experience of wild monsters in S5.

But the previous situation where the top laner followed the jungler to earn experience points in the jungle should never happen again.

The biggest impact on the top laner or the first half is the addition of Rift Herald, which can be regarded as increasing the importance of the top half. Especially in the first twenty minutes, the jungler will not be completely focused on the bottom.

However, a Rift Herald alone is still unable to balance with the dragon in the bottom lane.

Not as important as Xiaolong at all.

The specific gain of Canyon Pioneer at this time is a single Buff, which has several effects:

1. 50G for each person in the killing team.

2. Obtain Cursed Eye BUFF after killing:

3. Obtain 10% non-real damage increase and 40MS.

4. Enhanced dragon pool return effect;

5. Strengthen the attack effect of surrounding minions, which is the same as the dragon BUFF. It has an additional attack speed bonus, but does not increase the defense effect.

This change undoubtedly weakens the support effect and snowballing ability of teleportation. When the opponents collectively appear in the bottom lane to play mahjong, on your side, you can let the top laner and jungler take away the Rift Herald together, and use the buff of the Rift Herald. Pushing down the tower on the upper road, it is no exaggeration to say that if the opponent is eager to fight, they can even push it all the way to the high ground.

(Elemental Dragon was released in version 6.9, which is April)

In addition, there have been quite a few changes to the shooter heroes and equipment in the bottom lane, and the purpose of the changes is very simple. It is to distinguish the differences between each shooter hero and allow players to make targeted choices in the ADC position.

Avoid the situation in the S5 World Championship where Iron Man plays the bottom lane, Kennen plays the bottom lane, and Jess plays the bottom lane.

Cannon, Great Whisper, Death Dance, Caulfield's Warhammer, and a series of new equipment have been added.

Of course, these changes were planned before the World Championship. What made the LPL audience cry out was the changes in hero strength that were added after the World Championship.

The cooldown of Riven's ultimate move and the attack speed of Wind Slash have been cut, the damage of Captain's Powder Keg has been cut, the Q bonus has been cut, the Sword King's Hand has been weakened to varying degrees, the Crocodile Red Fury mechanism has been modified, Tetsuo has been slashed, and the heavy Return to the sewers.

The price of heavy warrior equipment has been increased, and Brutal Power has been removed.

The aircraft was successfully reworked, and the passive was changed from extra real damage to physical and magic mixed damage.

Vampire has been reworked successfully, and the Q skill is divided into two stages...

This version of the top laner dominating LOL only survived for less than two months.

From a game balance perspective, this is a beneficial change.

But for top lane players, it’s a nightmare!

Strengthen shooters and weaken top laners, especially carry-type top laners...

The fist struck so hard that Yuan Shen even felt that the fist was aimed at him.

Before the S6 preseason, which is version 5.20, the new hero Qian Jue was also launched.

The new heroes with explosive strength seem to indicate that this will be an era where the jungle is king.

"Thunder, I believe everyone has discovered that many people have been using this talent recently. The addition of the ultimate skill has enhanced the hero's early burst, and also made it much more difficult to fight with low remaining health.

Secondly, if a situation of more enemies and fewer enemies can be quickly formed, it can quickly reduce the enemy's numbers and thus form a teamfight advantage. There are two people who can create this situation, one is a jungler and the other is an auxiliary. "

Yuan Shen looked at Xiao Ming and said very seriously.

"So, currently, the two most important positions in this version are jungle and support. Support roaming, and jungle support linkage need to be more frequent."

"That's right, most of the people who have been promoted recently in the Chinese server and Korean server are junglers and support players. Support players can kill ADC alone, which is outrageous. Riot designers don't play games at all."

Jack had long wanted to complain.

This change is too perverted.

When he was ranked, he met a Thunder Thresh, and one-third of his health was wiped out with a whip, which was beyond his reach.

"Jungle and support..."

Xiao Ming was a little hesitant. He was not suitable to take on the heavy responsibility of carrying and taking the initiative to set the pace.

In the LSPL, his abilities were quite top-notch, but in the LPL, he still has a lot to learn.

Even She Keke, who was criticized by people, taught him a lot during this period.

"This is just the first layer."

Yuan Shen shook his head. The reborn person's prediction combined with the recent frequent Rank gave him a clear understanding of the S6 version.

The so-called jungle support is important, but it is just a symptom of the Rank round.

And the deep logic is not just that.

"Suppose, if the jungler always lives in the bottom lane and protects the development of the ADC, then there will be a situation where the auxiliary roaming frequency is not high, but the jungle auxiliary affinity rate is very high. This style of play is suitable for those who are strong in the bottom lane. For the team, the top laner can choose Titan Poppy Tree to resist pressure.”

"In the second case, when the opponent chooses a tank top laner, I can choose some powerful top laners in the later stage."

"But Sword Lady has weakened."

"It's not Sword Princess. Although Sword Princess is very useful for tanking and can also push four and one points in the later stage, this version needs fault tolerance. I think the top laner Ekko is very good. In addition to Ekko, there are several heroes. ”

Yuan Shen paused and then said.

"Cave Sucker, Ryze, and the revamped aircraft, the strengthened Viktor... These heroes are all big cores in the late stage, and tanks can hardly pose any threat to them in the laning phase. Moreover, Caves Sucker and Victor are The one who can produce half-tank equipment has the ultimate talent, and the damage will not be much different. I played the Immortal Yasuo in the same way. "

Yuan Shen talked eloquently that IG needs to keep changing to keep up with the rhythm of the version, especially there are too many changes to the top laner in this preseason.

S5 is the top lane version. Even if other lanes are at a disadvantage, the top lane can still carry the game.

Any hidden shortcomings within the team are covered up by the sheer strength and version increase.

But not now. The importance of the mid lane, bottom lane, jungle, and support lines has been greatly improved.

Even in a version where the top laner is king, Yuan Shen cannot do without the help of his teammates.

Spider, Shen, Card, Wheel Mom, Lulu, Tam...

Each position has a hero who can increase the ability of the top laner.

"In short, we must accept the changes in this version again. Don't be proud of winning the championship before. We should practice the heroes of the version that should be practiced, and master the tactical system that should be mastered.

We are already very proficient in the core tactics of the top lane, but in the current version, the opponent can choose heroes such as Poppy, Titan, and Treant. It feels like we have returned to the era when blue-collar top laners dominated. For me, the hero pool is not enough. Prince Ekko is okay, but Spider Kindred and Troll need to be practiced."

Yuan Shen's analysis of the version is absolutely world-class.

Fu Manduo also agrees with this.

Yuan Shen developed a lot of tactics in S5, but outsiders didn't know about it.

The quick attack system, the top core, and the charge system were all developed by Yuan Shen.

The effect is also very good.

Fu Manduo touched his chin. There were many changes to the jungle position in this preseason.

The control of the Rift Herald, the hunter potion, the mage jungle hero, and the launch of the new hero Kindred.

The appearance of the green jungle knife avoids the embarrassing situation that junglers need to make eyestones in the past, which is also a strengthening, especially for heroes like Lee Sin.

"I have studied the hero Kindred. Her different levels of marks will refresh on different wild monsters. If you can master this rule, you can control the marks. The specific method is that when the mark is about to refresh, there is only one group of wild monsters that meet the rules."

Yuan Shen added.

Kindred is not unfamiliar to him.

Although the rules of controlling marks are not clear, these basic things can be seen after more practice.

For the skin of the world champion, Yuan Shen chose Fiora.

Although Ekko is a better choice, he has already changed his position.

He doesn't want the champion top skin of the S5 heavy warrior to be a mid-jungle hero.

Sometimes, it's better to be pure.

As for the proficiency of Ekko, S-level is barely enough.

Besides, it's difficult to use Ekko in the current version.

Lee Sin, Olaf, Spider, Excavator, Kindred, these are the heroes he should practice again.

He only saw the new hero once and didn't study it in depth, but he could still see some basic things.

"There are a lot of changes to the heroes, you should study more."

Fu Manduo pinched his eyebrows. The male gun was changed to a shotgun, and the bullet replacement setting was added. Quinn also made some changes. He could not change into a bird form, but was pulled by the bird, which greatly increased the running line and roaming ability.

These version changes require IG to slowly accept them.

TheShy and Xiao Ming have been in China and have received the news of the preseason changes. They have also been immersed in the test server for a long time and have practiced well.

And they had no time to study the new version during the world game, so they mastered the new version much slower than other teams.

Fortunately, there is Yuan Shen, so they can directly point to the core of the version and quickly come up with a set of effective tactical plans.

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