Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 15: IG's new system against LGD

Chapter 15 - IG's new system against LGD

In the first training match, Yuan Shen was observing very carefully from beginning to end.

Not only the performance of the ten players on the field, but also the performance of Fu Manduo and Su Xiaoluo.

To be honest, the players of this period were not very interested in coaches.

Especially domestic coaches.

Relatively speaking, the coaches in South Korea with historical achievements are much better.

The consecutive defeats in the world championships in S3 and S4 are also forcing LPL to make continuous progress.

If the domestic youth training system and coaching system are not formed, then buy them!

The major capitals wielded the big stick of "money" to almost catch all the top coaches and players in the LCK region. Some people even said that LCK was dug up by LPL.

IG is the same.

They attach great importance to the construction of the coaching team.

In the first two years, the coaches of the LPL teams were actually tools responsible for ordering takeout and buying tickets for the players. It is no exaggeration to say that they are nannies.

It is normal for such a situation to occur. After all, the players in the top leagues are young and energetic, and their game ranks start from the master level. Why should they listen to someone who can't even get to the diamond level telling them what to do?

If you can do it, go ahead. If you can't, don't talk nonsense.

A true portrayal.

Even so, LPL still doesn't really realize the importance of coaches, especially LGD, which usually shares a coach with VG, Hongmi. After Chris was driven away, there was a Bible that "With Feng Ge's data analysis, no matter how BP is bad", and then the first element restraint theory of League of Legends was created in the world game, which was to ban the Tsar to grab Lulu and Brand to make iron.

Speaking of which, perhaps the elemental dragon soul that appeared in S6 has a little bit to do with LGD's advanced ideas.

"In fact, we have already lost this game."

Fu Manduo adjusted his glasses and looked more serious.

"We recruited you mainly to try a different tactical system. You also know that EDG and LGD are far ahead in learning the LCK operation concept. If we want to defeat them, we must overtake them and win by surprise."

"That's right, there will be no chance if we just chase them blindly. We must seek change and form a unique style of play."

Su Xiaoluo seemed extremely excited.

This is the only way out he found for IG after thinking hard!

IG's strength is like this. During the S5 spring transfer period, major clubs competed for it. Now the powerful players are basically settled. It is too difficult to find a strong one.

In addition to the strength of the players, the team's tactical system is also very important.

The Snake team relied on this style of play to force its way into the top four of LPL, which also gave Su Xiaoluo inspiration.

"When Zzitai came on the court, we still followed the original style of play. The five of them have been playing for half a year and have a bit of tacit understanding. And if you come on the court..."

Fu Manduo took out his notebook and looked at Yuan Shen.

"We will implement a new system with the mid and jungle as the core. Rookie and Kakao will do their best to help you open up the situation. The jungler will appear more frequently in the upper half in the early and mid-term, and the bottom lane will also make corresponding changes, focusing on stable development under pressure."

Looking at Yuan Shen's thoughtful expression, Su Xiaoluo smiled and said, "Of course, this is also a test for you. You must take on this responsibility and become IG's sharpest spear to penetrate the opponent's defense."

Su Xiaoluo paused, and Fu Manduo continued, "Therefore, you have a lot to do. Your state and your ability will affect the tactical system of the entire team. If you can't take on this responsibility, you have to sacrifice your own development and give up resources for the mid and jungle. Is there a problem?"


Yuan Shen said very affirmatively.

"That's fine."

Fu Manduo was very satisfied.

For Yuan Shen, he could only say so much.

Giving up resources for teammates is actually a matter that can easily cause conflicts.

I guess Yuan Shen, who came from OMG, can better understand the meaning behind this.

In the game, the most carry and the most fans are always the core C position of the team.

For example, the number of fans of the other four players of the Royal Club who are four-for-one is not even a fraction of Uzi.

The runner-up of S3, except for Shenchao, Lu Benwei and Tabe, the jungler Spider-Man has long gone to who knows where.

Shenchao is still well-known because he went to North America to play in the World Championship in S4, while Lu Benwei is famous for playing memes and live streaming, and Tabe is a coach, which has nothing to do with the strength of the game.

The runner-up of S4, Coke Corn, can be said to be the worst runner-up in the middle and upper, and the auxiliary Zero is the first generation of Korean aid, who came to LPL with Insec.

Uzi's fan base is definitely among the top three in the entire LPL.

The number of fans is equivalent to the player's worth, which is money, fame, and benefits.

Why did OMG play badly?

It is because of the uneven distribution of resources. Everyone wants to carry and is unwilling to give up benefits.

Wushuang and Uzi, the traditional double C, both want to eat as many resources as possible to make themselves the core of the team.

“Damn, this is so hard…”

After the first practice match, Kid breathed a sigh of relief.

He really tried his best in this match.

Imp put too much pressure on him, and it was even more suffocating than Uzi's fierce and unparalleled offensive rhythm.

If Uzi's playing style is a life-and-death struggle, then Imp's is like a spider that keeps weaving a web, accumulating advantages bit by bit, and finally forming a situation of overwhelming pressure.

This feeling of powerlessness that is just a little bit short of doing anything is the most despairing.

"Brother A's centaur is too strong. It is difficult for them to deal with heroes in this version."

Zizi had no choice. He played a big tree in this game. He couldn't rush up to restrict Imp or Wei Shen in the team fight, nor could he protect his own back row. He was just a toy.

"Okay, let's take a break and relax. Yuan Shen, the training match will be held in the game server. You have five minutes to adjust your status. Um... You can play with Zizi's account first, all heroes and skins, you just need to adjust the rune talent configuration."

Su Xiaoluo patted Yuan Shen's shoulder and turned away.

He needs to prepare a contract...


Five minutes later, the game server custom room.

"Songjiang Longma Road mid laner, Songjiang University Town Adisi, Songjiang Vegetable Market support..."

Seeing this series of names, Yuan Shen couldn't help but smile, his mind was full of the phrase "It's okay, I'm Imp", if I remember correctly, Imp was using Tristana at that time.

Compared with the unruly LGD side, IG's side seemed much more normal.

IG-Zz1tai, IG-KaKao...

If you have to say who is abnormal, it is Rookie's unique combination of tall, short, fat and thin.


The BP selections of both sides were very fast.

In the current version, there are only a few T0-level heroes, Treant, Tsar, and Skateboard Shoes.

The first two are invincible in team battles, and the latter is invincible in laning.

And against LGD, there is another hero that needs to be paid attention to, that is Rat.

This hero marked with a champion skin by Imp is basically banned by default by every team facing LGD this season.

In addition to these two heroes, the remaining ADCs with strong late-stage carry ability are basically not too weak.

IG took down Excavator and Viktor in the first four rounds, and the bottom lane was Annie + Titan.

The last counter position was left to Yuan Shen.

This kind of treatment was something Yuan Shen had never experienced in OMG, and he couldn't help but feel a little touched.

However, Yuan Shen was also very clear.

If he wanted to keep such treatment, he had to do his best!

The performance of the trial training was crucial.

LGD's selection of players was very casual.

Top lane Ryze, jungle barrel, mid lane Yasuo, bottom lane Lucian and Annie.

Annie support was developed by Tabe, and the mid lane Yasuo, in addition to grabbing instead of ban, is also to supplement AD output.

LGD's lineup, if the mid lane also has AP, it will be too abstract.

The mid-jungle combination of Yasuo and Gragas is not inferior to the classic mid-jungle combination of Yasuo and Lee Sin in terms of power and mobility.

Obviously, LGD has studied IG.

Hold back Kakao and Rookie, and leave the rest to Imp.

You can... always trust Imp.

Please read~

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